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Originally posted by Blair Kiel:
....and I got a kajillion dollars says he doesn't play 16 games this year.

Not taking that bet. Vick is just reckless. Fearless, but reckless.

On the play he got smeared he could have protected himself but he's watching the play instead.

Starting to realize how Farveruh set the record. He was fearless like one year then just rode his reputation for a decade and a half.
Nope. Brent's a dink who's earned his ignominy, but he was one tough MFer. He never ran like a guy breaking out of jail like Vick did, but he was brave early in his career and in his prime. He ran into guys all the time. After the SB's, he changed, but still - for the most part he earned that record. I thought Manning would break it, and he still may break many others. He's an all-time dink, but he earned that record.

I still think his streak record is more likely to be broken than his INT record. That'll never, ever be touched.
I guess it'd be more based on the supposition that my ultimate Ookie comeuppance would be to be mauled to death by a pack of rabid dogs that fit inside of Paris (or Perez) Hilton's purse. I'd love to dump a gallon of BBQ sauce on his head if I saw that. It's a hateful regret, but valid.

OK - you're right. I'm over it. Screw him. Scum.
Originally posted by Pistol GB:

On the play he got smeared he could have protected himself but he's watching the play instead.

I don't know that he could have protected himself on that play. He got hit just as he was letting go of the ball. Then he got whip-lashed into his OL's shoulder pad. He's certainly reckless when he takes off with the ball, but methinks the concussion was more the result of a freak occurrence than Vick being reckless.

Not that I'm losing any sleep over it....frickin dog killer.
Originally posted by bdplant:
I don't know that he could have protected himself on that play. He got hit just as he was letting go of the ball. Then he got whip-lashed into his OL's shoulder pad.

The way I saw it, he got grabbed as he let go of the ball and the defender is trying to bring him down, but Vick is holding himself up just so he could watch the play unfold. So the defender finishes the tackle and whips him into the other player. Looked to me like he could have protected himself by just going down, but he was being bravado about it.

His whole style of play is like that, and he won't make it much longer if he keeps it up.

But like you, I ain't losing sleep over it either.

Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by DH13:
Dude. Blacks have been independent since like the civil war.

Well, if you mofos would pay us our reparations things could be so different. Feeling guilty? Please mail all checks to:

1900 University Ave,
Dubuque, IA

Too lazy to look up the zip code. See why I need the reparations?

Funniest **** I've read all day. Thank-you!

I do find it interesting that for a business (NFL) that seemed so concerned about the health of players with the "new" concussion rules that Vick seems to have made a miraculous recovery.

I like the NFL as much as anyone, but they are all about the ratings and the money. Nothing more, nothing less.

Vick won't last through the season anyway but much like Ray Lewis he's now become one of the faces of the league. How ironic.
I think you're reading too much into Vick coming back this week. Some guys recover faster than others.

I'm not minimizing concussions but maybe the NFL is putting too much emphasis on them. We're not too far removed from a guy "getting his bell rung" and sniffing smelling salts on the sidelines to "knock the cobbwebs out."

I think the league is going overboard with trying to protect the players. I want nothing but the best for their safety too. However,when you look at some of the calls being made, especially on the quarterback, you have to wonder if the next move is to put flags on everybody and penalize tackling. Christ, they moved up the kickoff line just to minimize the violent contact that occurs. It's football for Christ's sake.
Isn't some of the protocol takes into account how an individual fares against their baseline test performed at the beginning of the year? Didn't I see somewhere where players where "lowering" their baseline tests by performing poorly on them?

Maybe in Ron Mexico's case, he wasn't faking his baseline?

I'm not saying, just sayin' ya know.....

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