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First of all, thanks IC for the inspiration for this topic.
Second, it does not have to have anything to do with the Military.
Just a story from your past that is kind of funny.

I'll start...

Back in early '91, shortly after returning from Iraq, a couple buddies and I were out on the town at a local bar/eatery.
we were trying to enjoy a few of the local beverages and we were actually being quite successful in our endeavor. Smiler
Anyway, we are sitting there at the bar and BSing the evening away when in comes a soldier from the German Army. Arms and chest like CMIII, but about half of the body weight. I am 6'4" and about 230 at the time.
I would say he was quite young and very brash.
he comes into the bar and comes straight to where we were sitting.
loud and a little obnoxious is the best was to describe him.
He looks at us and says, " Amercian Soldiers, Hmphff."
"I have 100 DeutscheMark that says I can do more push ups than any of you!!"
Well, i was more than a little drunk and he was much smaller than me, so, I told him I would take his bet. But, we would do our push ups on top of the bar so that everyone could see and count with. he agreed.

so, there we were, climbing up on to the bar-top to get into our positions. I can barely negotiate the transfer from bar-stool to bar-top, almost busted my a** right there.

so, we both are on the bar top and ready to go and I am thinking that this guy is going to make me look absolutely silly. I was not sure if I could even do 10 push-ups in my state. but, it was a challenge and i took it as Deutschland against the USA. I was prepared to do my best....
we each do 5.
we each get to 10
20- I am getting concerned30
40 slight worry
50 Hmmmm
60 uh-oh
70 my arms are rubber
80 thinking about acting like I just hurt myself
90 i notice that he is extremely red and sweating like crazy
100 he starts visibly crying, but will not give up
110 we are both slowing down - a lot!
115 he stops, but does not quit (I am more than happy to take a short break as well) means we stayed on our hands(elbows locked) and toes. no other part of our bodies touching the surface.

we start again and we make it to 135 reps and the tears are running free down his face. he actually has a puddle under his head he has cried so much...
he quits at 139.........
i was done at 140....

I couldn't believe it that
1. i was able to do so many push-ups while drunk,
2. that he was actually crying,
3. that this guys arms were as big around as his legs, the chest of Hercules
4. all of my buddies were absolutely silent. not normal for these guys

come to find out...
the bartender(Italien) had seen how drunk i was and decided to even the odds a little.
he had noticed that the guy was doing his push ups with his eyes closed and he decided to dump half a bottle of Cayenne Pepper on the bar under the dudes head.

we laughed our butts off over this for a long time. and it still makes me smile 21 years later..
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