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Originally posted by missingU92:
Surprised nobody has mentioned Briggs hand to AR's helmet on the same play. Probably unintentional, but as the rule states it also would have drawn a flag.

Totally agree- if they saw the Peppers hit they should also have seen Briggs. And as stated, if hands to the QB's head is a flag it probably should have been 2 personal fouls on that play.
So I live in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL and I'm in the copy store with my 3-year-old daughter and Mark Brunell of the Jags walks in and we're the only people in the joint and I think it would be funny for my daughter to say something cute so I have her say, "Go Packers!" and I get a "Fukk-you" smile from Brunell and that's my story.
Rodgers thinks his new helmet may have prevented a concussion
Remember the big helmet-to-helmet hit he took early in the fourth quarter from Chicago defensive end Julius Peppers, the one that drew a 15-yard penalty on Peppers? Well, Rodgers feels that hit could well have led to concussion number three had he not been wearing the new helmet..."That was lucky,'' Rodgers told me. "As much as the new helmet feels uncomfortable and I'm still getting used to it, I'm really happy I was wearing it on that hit.''
This is one of the eleventy billion reasons I hope GB wins the SB. Perhaps then AR will start getting the star QB level of protection that Manning/Brady/Brees/Brent have enjoyed. If Peppers had laid that hit on Brady, he wouldn't have been fined - he would've been found in the trunk of a car a week later. AR needs to be protected before his career is cut short. As of now it seems that teams are just fine with hitting him in the head and taking the 15 yards.
I actually think the "hand to the QB helmet" rule is one of their dumber safety issues. The D-Linemen are flying in trying to get a piece of the ball. On a bang-bang play, it's entirely possibly they're going to slap a QB's helmet.

In every instance I've seen it called, including against the Packers, it has seemed like the contact was incidental and in no way altered the play. Just my pair of pennies.
Originally posted by chickenboy:
Was that really that bad of a hit?

The amount of League fines are usually matched to how flagrant the action on the play. If you look at the second replay here: you can see the initial contact point was Pepp's facemask on Rodgers shoulder. As he reached around his body to wrap up, his head slid left and caused the head to head contact. So by rule any head to head contact in this situation draws a flag. Definitely a penalty, but a deliberate cheap shot? This replay shows the initial contact was not head-to-head and by reaching to wrap up for a tackle it shows Peppers was not just head hunting with a big hit or else why bother wrapping up? So the fine here is appropriate. If this had not been nationwide broadcast playoff game you can make a reasonable argument that it would have not even have been a fine.

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