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Being out of state I don't hear Wayne as much as some of you.  I also freely admit that living up to Jim and Max is a tall, tall order.  But Larrivee has never done it for me.  He is a quality play by play guy but I have never got the impression he is a Packer FAN.  I like a little homer in my announcer.  Since I rarely hear him I don't lose any sleep over it though.

Cavetoad posted:

What did Wayne do to make you so upset Goldie?


I like him and think he does a good job.

Not one thing really, just what has been said previously that I'd like my announcer to be a homey too.  He's not, and it just bugs me.  

I have never been a fan of the machine gun delivery- Larrivee rattles off too much crap pre-snap for my taste. It's too busy.

The analogy I always make about Jim and Max was they were like listening to your uncles watching the game. Conversational, not too much info, just relaxed enough to not sound forced, but just pro enough to sound good. And what was better than Max dropping a "he's gone!" behind Jim's ascending excitement? That's what I grew up listening to every Sunday (Ueck, too). 

Wayne just sounds to me like he's trying too hard to be a big time pro play by play guy. I also prefer LePay, and wouldn't mind seeing him on Packer Sundays. I'm guessing Leerfield has him locked up pretty good though. 

Last edited by Music City

He is a big time pro play by play guy. Has multiple gigs throughout the year.

You all are pissed because he does his job too well?

If you want homer, just listen to me in the chat room.

The homer portion is Larry McCarren, yes?

justanotherpackerfan posted:

Living in the Twin Cities market, let me tell you, homer announcers can be really, really, really, really annoying. 

Paul Allen's heartbreak when the Vikings inevitably disappoint is must listen.

"This isn't Detroit, it's the Super Bowl!"

"The Cardinals have knocked the Vikings out of the playoffs! I think it was Nate Poole!"

A symphony of sadness... so beautiful!

He's a quality broadcaster, no question. I Just prefer a little less bang bang rattle off 300 things and then the snap comes. But he's pro- that's why he's doing B1G games, Westwood One MNF, etc. 

I don't mind him. If I want a homer call, I'll go the bar and listen to everybody there. The guy they should actually get is the guy that sat behind me at the game on Sunday. Must be/have been a great football coach because his running commentary about everything the Packers were doing wrong on Sunday was fabulous. He just didn't understand why the Packers even tried to run the ball on Sunday and all they should do was pass, pass, pass. Genius. 

Agree that Larrivee sounds forced at times. The energy he puts into the call on a two yard gain might get them an extra yard. He's got a good, resonant radio voice though. I can't stand the whine of the Bears PxP guy.

If you don't think Wayne is  Have you heard him complain about the refs?  He's not completely over the top like Paul Allen but it's no secret who he is rooting for.  Personally I like him, and Larry is top notch in his analysis.  And anybody from out of state (like me) can listen via the wtmj website.

justanotherpackerfan posted:

Living in the Twin Cities market, let me tell you, homer announcers can be really, really, really, really annoying. 

If I had to listen to the ultimate homer, Paul Allen,  for longer than two weeks,  I would shoot myself. 


I liked Wayne even before he joined the Packers.  I liked him when he was the Bears announcer.


BTW,  he is a life long Packers fan. 

Wayne isn't "Homer enough" for some of you? No wonder you complain about National Announcers. You want your turds polished to a golden shine and daisies jammed up your butts. 

"Homer announcers" are the downfall of listenable games. Announcers like Paul Allen should make any reasonable fan puke, and Wayne's over-wrought "Dagger", etc. B.S., while not as bad, is still plenty "homer".

Last edited by Herschel

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