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Eagles Playoff Week: The return of Cullen Jenkins
By Tom Silverstein of the Journal Sentinel
Jan. 5, 2011 12:31 p.m. |(82) Comments

Green Bay - Defensive end Cullen Jenkins made his long-awaited return to the practice field Wednesday.

It was the first time since Dec. 3 that Jenkins had done anything but stand around with his teammates inside the Don Hutson Center. After missing the final four games of the season with a calf injury, it appears Jenkins will be back in the starting lineup against Philadelphia in wild-card game Sunday.

The Packers were not in pads, but Jenkins did everything his defensive linemen did in practice, including hitting the blocking sled, running through agility drills and taking part in team work. Jenkins said after the Packers' victory over Chicago Sunday, that he was likely to practice this week, but that he still needed to make some strides in his rehab.

He might have been pulling our leg because it didn't appear he was being held back in any way. We don't know how many snaps he took in the team drills because the media isn't allowed to watch those.

Jenkins' return could make a world of difference even for a pass rush that sacked the Bears' Jay Cutler six times last week. The Packers have been salivating over the thought that they could get a third pass rusher to join LB Clay Matthews and NT B.J. Raji, the latter of whom has emerged as a threat the last month of the season.

Jenkins was the only one of the four players with significant injuries -- LB Frank Zombo (knee), S Atari Bigby (groin) and FB Korey Hall (knee) are the others -- who practiced. However, Zombo went through a slew of running and agility drills of to the side and probably will receive a verdict today or tomorrow on whether he is cleared to return.

The team practiced indoors with the gates and doors open and the heat turned off. It was pretty chilly inside and not that much warmer than it was outside.

LT Chad Clifton (knees) was the only other player not practicing. He usually only does the walk-through on Wednesday and then comes back to practice in full on Thursday.

S Nick Collins (ribs) was mostly a spectator. He lined up a couple times in the walk-through, but that's it.

CB Charles Woodson (toe) took part in everything.
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Mike McCarthy Press Conf. Transcript - Jan. 5
Posted 5 minutes ago

(How did Jenkins and that group of injured guys come out of practice?)

Cullen Jenkins practiced today. We’ll take the week to see how he feels. He went through the team periods. Really how he responds from the practice will be the biggest key, but he’s making progress. Who else would you like to know about?

(That trial group of guys like Hall?)
Korey Hall did not practice, or he just went through limited reps in the jog-through. Frank Zombo worked out with the rehab group today.

(Bigby was on that list too?)
Correct. Yeah, Atari didn’t participate today.Roll Eyes

(With the new playoff overtime rules, how much do you think that might factor into your decision as a play-caller?)
It’s another situation of the game that you prepare for, and now that they have changed the rules there are other variables that you look at. Mike Eayrs is our director of research and development. We have had conversations after the rule change came out. Mike and I met on it again, I want to say it was Monday night or Tuesday, and it’s something that really you watch how the game goes. There will be factors during the game, how the game is being played at that particular time will obviously affect the way you decide to approach overtime now with the rule change. We have all of the variables in place and it will be part of our game-management discussion on Friday, how we anticipate going into the game. We’ll see how the game goes and make the call.

(Do you like the rule?)
Yeah, I’m fine with the rule. Rules are rules. As long as they are the same for everybody I’m fine with it.

(But it does make it more challenging as a coach, doesn’t it, since you have different rules for regular season and the playoffs?)
I don’t think so. It’s just another component. It’s another component of a football game. I clearly understand why the rule was changed, the fairness to give both teams the opportunity to have the ball. I don’t think it’s a huge deal. There are variables involved in decision-making, and that’s the way we’ll approach it.

(Did you remind the players about it?)
Yes, I did.

(You mentioned Sunday that you thought Bulaga would learn from his experience against the Bears. Have you sensed that?)
We had an opportunity to correct the film with the offensive players and Bryan obviously saw the film, the corrections. He is a young player. It’s playoff time. He fully understands the level of play increases this time of year. He has made progress throughout the season and I’m fully confident that he’ll make progress this week.

(I know you haven’t announced the Bishop extension, but can you talk about him seizing his opportunity?)
Desmond has had an outstanding year with his opportunity at linebacker. He was always one of our best performers on special teams. He has earned this contract. I’m very, very proud of him personally, and you just can’t have enough good players. It’s always a positive when the organization and a player can come to an agreement on a contract. I’m very, very happy for Desmond personally

(The defense has played at a high level for a number of games in a row. How has Dom been able to keep things together with all of the injuries?)
Really you’ve got to give a ton of credit to Dom Capers and the staff. Just to go through all of the personnel changes, the extra meetings at night, to see the players commit to the extra time on Tuesdays, their day off. It’s not uncommon to go through the individual meeting area and see coaches in there throughout your staff meeting with younger players or newly acquired players. It’s just a testament to their work ethic, both the coaches and the players and Dom has just really stuck to his principles. We have still been aggressive schematically. We stayed true to our belief in fundamentals in our practice structure, and it has carried over to the field.

(As an offensive coach and a play-caller, what is difficult about going up against Dom?)
Dom, the versatility of the 3-4 is the starting point. He does a very good job using our featured players and staying away from tendencies and so forth. He is just very organized, very detailed, has a complete understanding of his system and he has done a very good job of keeping offenses off balance and really playing an up-tempo game. He creates a big challenge for you schematically.

(Does it make it easier for young players to step in because of the scheme? The Eagles have had younger players exposed more and it doesn’t seem like it has happened here?)
The development of younger players, if there was one formula that makes it happen over a short period of time, I’m sure everybody would have it figured out by now. We have been fortunate. I think a big part of our success, I know a big part of our success is our offseason program. To have the players here starting in March and to spend the individual time, we always talk about March, April, May as the opportunity for individual improvement. To see young players from Year 1 to Year 2 make a big jump, to me that is a very important factor in developing a young football team, and we have been doing it now going on five years. That component that is in place, that has helped us overcome the challenges that we have had in the injury department.

(But what does it say about a guy like Erik Walden who didn’t have that advantage of being here in the offseason?)
It’s a credit to Erik. He is the Defensive Player of the Week. That is outstanding. It’s a credit to Dom, understanding and utilizing his talents, and it’s a credit to Kevin Greene. Kevin has spent a lot of extra time with those young guys.

(How dangerous is Vick?)
Michael Vick is having an MVP-type year. He is an impact player. Anytime an impact player has the ball in his hand every play, I think that in itself says how you have to approach the football game and that’s how we view Michael Vick and their offense. Their statistic for explosive plays speaks for itself, No. 3 in the league in scoring. We’ve got to stay fundamentally sound and we’ve got to do a very good job of tackling when we get him on the ground.

(How much more complete of a quarterback has he become with throwing accuracy and reading defenses?)
He is playing in a different offense, but he is definitely a different quarterback today than I recall in my time in New Orleans when he was in Atlanta. But the one thing that is constant, he was an impact player back then and he is an impact player now. Very dangerous with the football, very competitive, and he has a very strong will. He is the type of player that will try to put the team on his back and carry them. The man is a warrior. I have a lot of respect for him. He is definitely our focus for our defense

(What are some things you anticipate your players will hear this week and what is your message to them?)
The thing we talked about today as a football team is don’t believe the hype. Don’t believe the hype about yourself and don’t believe the hype about your opponent. Just stay true to our own values, stay true to our brand of football. We have just gone through a 16-game season. We are the 2010 Packers. We have a brand of football that we are very confident in, very comfortable with, and that’s what we’re taking to Philadelphia. I don’t want anybody to act differently, don’t want anybody to look differently. I want everybody to be the best that they can be being themselves, and that’s for every player, every unit, every phase of our football team. We are very confident in our ability, very confident in our schemes. We have been a good road team and we feel this is an excellent opportunity. We have a ton of respect for Andy Reid and the program that he has there in Philadelphia and it’s a tough place to play. But we have established a brand of football and we are going to stay true to it.

(Where does Philadelphia rank in terms of difficult environments?)
Where does it rank? It’s definitely one of the top venues to play in on the road. It’s just a very aggressive crowd, and they do a great job supporting their football team. It’s one of the newer stadiums, so their gameday is an exciting environment. But it’s still football, and that’s what we’ve got to stay focused on. It’s definitely a tough place to go play, no question about that. More importantly, it’s a playoff game, so that atmosphere is going to increase even more.

(Is there one aspect of your defense that gives you more confidence going into the postseason this year compared to last?)
I think there’s a couple things that are clearly better from this year. Number one, the communication, the trust, the belief, the total buy-in to the system is there. That wasn’t always the case as we went through last year’s season, and I think that’s a normal progression you go through when you install a system, both offensively, defensively, even some points on special teams. That’s clearly different. And you can go into the defense’s performance even further. Our scoring defense is much improved, our red-zone defense is much improved. These are things we really focused on. And our adversity defense is much improved. So as a whole, not only the tackling on the defense but really as a football team, on the special teams and defense, we’ve committed a lot of individual time to tackling drills. We do them every Wednesday, Thursday. Our tackling is much improved as a football team. We’re clearly a much better defense this year than we were last year.

(What do you need to get out of the running game to be successful on Sunday?)
You’d like to have points, number one. One rushing touchdown, if you look at it statistically how it affects a game, it’s very positive. My focus on running the football, yes, you’d always like to be 4 yards a carry. I understand what the standard answers to these questions are. But running the football, the two statistics I always look at are attempts and third-down conversions. When your attempts are where they need to be and your third-down conversions are where they need to be, that’s a positive day for the Green Bay Packers the way we play offense. If we’re able to convert the third downs, keep our run attempts up, and we’re playing balanced for the most part on first and second down, as a whole – I’m not saying that’s the way we’re going to play this week – but as a whole, that’s the way we like to approach the game of football offensively.

(You guys have been slow starters in several games this year. The first quarter is your lowest-scoring quarter. Do you have a handle on that, and how dangerous is it to try and play catch-up in the postseason?)
I’m not usually concerned about the way we start. There’s other factors. We’ve deferred a few times. You could look at that too. I’m curious, I don’t know how many times we’ve had the ball the first time compared to past years. It’s not really how you start. We focus more on the productivity within each possession, and that’s the first thing we go through every week as an offense when we get back together. We go through the possessions in detail, and the common themes are there. If you’re scoring in the first quarter as opposed to the third quarter, it has nothing to do with what the time of the game is. It’s really the things you’re not doing properly that are holding you back. I don’t think we have an issue coming out of the locker room, by no means, so I’m not concerned about it.

(Does winning the turnover battle take on added significance in the postseason, especially when you go on the road?)
It takes on significance every time you take the field, and this is the most important time of year, so it’s obviously more significant. Big plays and turnovers would fall into that category. Playoff football really comes down to cashing in on big-play opportunities, and that will definitely be something that we’ll focus on this week. They’re a big-play offense and we’re an up-tempo defense. That will be a very fast-paced part of the game when those two units are on the field.

(People see winning a playoff game is the next step in Aaron’s career. What makes a quarterback great in the postseason?)
Aaron Rodgers is just like everybody else in the team meeting today. Aaron Rodgers needs to be himself. He’s established a brand of football at the quarterback position that’s pretty damn good, and I’m glad he’s our quarterback. His numbers have been phenomenal for his first three years, and he needs to go out and play to the standard he has set. Playoff wins are more team goals, and I understand the way everybody wants to put those types of things on the quarterback. Aaron staying true to his standard of play, his brand of football, everything else will take care of itself.

(Holmgren would talk about Favre saying I don’t want him to throw rockets balls early in the game and then calm down. Aaron threw a pick on his first pass in the playoffs last year. Do you talk to him about calming down at the start, or was that just a fluky thing?)
Just to compare Aaron’s personality to your comment, that’s not Aaron Rodgers’ personality.
Aaron Rodgers is not an individual that I concern myself with being too high or too low to start the game. He’s very consistent in his approach. The first interception of the game, there were mechanics involved there that should have never happened. I don’t think, … emotion did not play into the result of that interception. So I’m not concerned about that. The man prepares the way you’re supposed to prepare as an NFL quarterback and then some, and he’ll be prepared for this game. He needs to go out and just play his game.

(What kind of player is DeSean Jackson as far as special teams and as a receiver?)
He’s an impact player. I just watched the Giants game, he wins the game there at the end. Just watching him all offseason, preparing for him in the first game. He has tremendous vertical speed and he’s very dangerous. Really, they’ve got a number of guys on offense that are so explosive, and he’s just very dangerous with the football. We need to do a very good job of containing him. He’s an impact player.

(When you look at the quarterback, running back and receivers, is this as explosive a team as there is in the NFL?)
No doubt about it. I think the numbers speak for themselves. Their explosive plays are off the charts. They’re No. 1 in the league with quarterback runs for first down and big-play runs. I know they’re in the top three in explosive gains, No. 3 in scoring. Very impressive.

(How satisfied have you been with the kind of pass rush you’ve gotten when you haven’t blitzed a lot and sat back and played coverage? Have you gotten what you hoped?)
Absolutely. Anytime you go from a pressure to a coverage game, there’s reason behind it, starting probably with the down and distance. Just where our scoring is at overall, we’re pleased with the components of our defense. We’re always looking to improve. There’s no doubt about it. Having Cullen Jenkins back would definitely enhance that. That’s clearly a strength of Cullen’s. Hopefully as we go through this week of practice he’ll be ready to go Sunday.

(Do the Eagles blitz like they traditionally have blitzed?)
Yeah, they’re a pressure team. Their statistics speak for themselves too. I think they’re No. 2 in the league, quarterback rating vs. pressure. I would definitely classify them as a pressure defense.

(You mentioned to the players in your post-game speech that you want to keep everything consistent all week. How important is that in the postseason, because of all the hype and everything else?)
It’s important for us not to change because there’s more going on. There’s more people here today, they’re going to have to answer more questions, and I’ve really stayed with the theme of more. Make sure you get more sleep. Make sure you get more nutrition. Make sure you watch more film. They’ve got to be very in tune with their bodies and their clocks to make sure they’re not doing too much. We’ve established a 16-game routine. We’ve established a product of how we play football, and we’re going to stay true to that.

(But it does make it more challenging as a coach, doesn’t it, since you have different rules for regular season and the playoffs?)
I don’t think so. It’s just another component. It’s another component of a football game. I clearly understand why the rule was changed, they did it for Douchey Douche and all the namby pamby jackwagon whiners.

FTFY Mike.
(Holmgren would talk about Favre saying I don’t want him to throw rockets balls early in the game and then calm down. Aaron threw a pick on his first pass in the playoffs last year. Do you talk to him about calming down at the start, or was that just a fluky thing?)

Just to compare Aaron’s personality to your comment, that’s not Aaron Rodgers’ personality. Aaron Rodgers is not an individual that I concern myself with being too high or too low to start the game.

Aaron Rodgers:

(Last week Mike says don't buy the pollution that the Bears are just going to show up and this week Mike tells you don't buy into the hype. How does the locker room react to those statements from the coach)

I don't know that anybody actually heard either of those, but Mike does a good job of keeping us focused each week. The one thing we're thinking about is we just have to play our brand of football. We're 10-6 and into the second part of the season which is the playoffs and we need to stick to what we do best; moving the ball efficiently, playing great defense, and special teams hopefully playing like they did last week.

(Is there less pressure as a sixth seed)
From you guys? I don't know. Maybe people don't expect us to win this week but in here there's a lot of confidence. We have to go on the road and that makes it tough. We're just happy to have played well the last few weeks and hopefully keep that momentum going as we go into a tough environment this week.

(Couple drops the last few weeks, have you talked to the receivers at all about that)
Have I talked to them about that?

(When that happens what's your reaction)
Physical mistakes are going to happen. I make as many as the majority of people in here so those are things that can be tolerated but it's the mental mistakes that I really have a hard time with because I think that's all about preparation and focus. Physical mistakes are going to happen. Drops are going to happen so there's no point in jumping on a guy, he's as disappointed as I am.

(How similar are the Eagles now vs where they were when they started the season)
We're both two different teams. We've had a lot of turnover on offense, on defense, NFC Player of the Week Erik Walden was not a member of our team at the start of the season. Obviously Jermichael and Ryan are not here. Mark Tauscher is not here on offense. They've lost some guys on defense. It's two different teams. Similar styles. We're doing things differently on offense and they're doing things differently on defense. They're playing well. It's going to be a tough challenge.

(How important is it for this program to get to the playoffs and advance, to get that type of thing on a resume for a program after what happened last year in Arizona.)
I'm gonna be honest, I think you're putting too much in this resume stuff. I don't think we think about those kind of things. We're taking this one game at a time and that's for you guys to write up.

(What do you think of Michael Vick and his story. Where he's come from and how he's come back)
I'm really happy for Michael. We talked on the field in week one as Kevin was the starter. Kevin and I are good buddies as well. I'm happy for Michael, he's got his opportunity. He's a guy who paid his debt to society and then some. He's come back and played excellent and I'm sure he'll be the comeback player of the year. I think the majority of the guys around the league, if not all of them, are really happy for Michael and probably more happy when they don't have to play him.

(Do you see the overtime rule change factoring into play calling if a team gets the ball first in overtime do you go for a TD)
Yeah, I think it does. I think it makes a big decision. In the past if you make it into FG range you probably kick it on 1st, 2nd, or 3rd down. Now I think you gotta go for the touchdown if you get in that situation.

(Because Kevin Kolb had used you as a consultant did you have any mixed feelings when Michael took over the job)
I think I was most just proud of the way Kevin handled it. He's been through a lot already. He's been behind Michael. He's a very good player. He's going to have a chance in this league either with Philadelphia or with a team that realizes what kind of talent he's got. I'm happy for Michael and his story and his kind of redemption back to being the kind of player he was before he left and still good friends with Kevin and knowing he's got a bright future in this league as well.

(Was the toughest stretch this year those two games against the Redskins and Dolphins when there was so much turnover in the roster. Was that the toughest period of adjustment)
That was a tough I time. I think the Detroit New England was a tough time as well, to lose those games back to back. The overtime losses were tough but we showed a lot of resolve and resiliency. The guys we have here are the kind of guys you can win with. It's guys who take their job very seriously and believe in each other. A lot of the guys in this locker room were not counted upon to play the kind of roles they ended up playing this season and that says a lot about them and also our personnel department who's brought in a number of guys who other teams didn't want but have been big contributors for us. Just look at NFC player of the week on defense Erik Walden, Charlie Peprah, Desmond Bishop, Sam Shields was undrafted.

(How about a guy like your rookie right tackle. How's he developed)
I think Bryan's done a good job. I think he's improved. He's a guy who is a natural left tackle who's going to be our left tackle for a number of years to come but because of injuries to Mark we had to move him over there and he's done a really nice job adjusting to the footwork and the different scheme. I don't worry about a guy like Bryan I think our coaching staff doesn't either which says a lot about the progress he's made.
Notebook: Jenkins Hopeful For Return

by Tom Fanning on Wednesday, January 5th, 2010
Despite missing five contests this season with the injury, Jenkins ranked No. 2 on the team this season with a career-high seven sacks despite playing with a bulky cast...

β€œThat would mean the world,” defensive end Ryan Pickett said of Jenkins’ potential return. β€œThe guy is probably one of the better pass rushers in the NFL. We would love to have him back out there.”

While he was limited in Wednesday’s shells practice, Jenkins did participate during the team periods, work he said he needed instead of just doing individual drills.

β€œI told the coaches and the medical staff that I wanted to go out in the team situations so you have to react,” Jenkins said. β€œIn reacting, you can’t favor it. You have to just adjust out there on the fly. It was pretty good for my confidence to be able to make it through all of that with no problems with it.”

β€œIt turned out to be a really good thing,” Jenkins said. β€œThey played well and they have been buying me extra time. That time turned out to prove pretty big. From last week to this week we are starting to get the strength back a lot better. It is still a lot more that we can get in there, strength and improving, but right now we are really feeling good about it.”

β€œI went through a lot today and it’s feeling pretty good,” Jenkins said. β€œWe’ll just come in tomorrow and see how it feels, see if there is any soreness or anything out of the ordinary. Then just see how the coaches and trainers call it, whether or not they think I should practice again or hold out. We just kind of have to wait and see.

β€œYou never know what could happen between now and then, but the way I feel right now, it would be a go.”


β€œI’ve always been confident in myself,” Walden said. β€œIt was just getting out there and getting the opportunity. There are a lot of guys that are great talents, but it’s just being blessed with a little luck and getting that opportunity. When it presents itself, you’ve got to make the best of it.”

Walden was originally credited with two sacks in the game, but upon reviewing the film, the league gave Walden credit for a third-quarter sack of Cutler that was originally given to defensive end Howard Green. According to the Elias Sports Bureau, Walden became the first NFL player to have his first career sack come as part of a three-sack day since Cleveland linebacker Andra Davis recorded four sacks at Kansas City on Nov. 9, 2003.

β€œIt’s a new week,” Walden said. β€œNow they want to see if you can do it again. I’m just looking forward to this week. I was proud of the accomplishment, but I am looking for bigger and better things also.”

In Playoffs, Packers Must Play Their Game

by Mike Spofford on wednesday, January 5th, 2010
Relentless pressure has played a big part. Led by Matthews with 13Β½, the Packers finished tied for second in the league with 47 sacks and ranked first in the NFC in sacks per pass play. It won’t be as easy to bring down Vick as it was Chicago’s Jay Cutler six times this past week, of course, but staying after the quarterback will play a major factor in any potential playoff success.

β€œWe’ll keep applying pressure, and that’s the way our team likes to play,” said cornerback Charles Woodson, who continues to be used extensively as a blitzer.

β€œI like playing an attacking style defense, and I think everybody else on the team, I think it just gets everybody’s juices flowing. It keeps everybody warmed up and revved up and ready to go. That’s what we like to do, and for myself, I love doing it.”

There's lots more past the click. A really nice article by Mike Spofford. He takes a thorough look at the factors and focuses on both offense and defense that lead to the improvement of the 2010 Packers over where they left off in 2009. Can't recommend it enough.
If we’re able to convert the third downs, keep our run attempts up, and we’re playing balanced for the most part on first and second down, as a whole – I’m not saying that’s the way we’re going to play this week – but as a whole, that’s the way we like to approach the game of football offensively.

The book on Vick on passing downs is force him out and to his right. Jenkins could play a huge role in helping to accomplish this.

I know one of the reasons for moving Matthews to the left side was to separate their 2 best rushers so teams couldn't role protection to just one side, but I wonder if it wouldn't be a bad idea to move Matthews back to the right side for a few snaps to help force Vick to his decidedly weaker side?
Originally posted by KonKrete:
I know one of the reasons for moving Matthews to the left side was to separate their 2 best rushers so teams couldn't role protection to just one side, but I wonder if it wouldn't be a bad idea to move Matthews back to the right side for a few snaps to help force Vick to his decidedly weaker side?

Don't forget about Walden, who I expect to be an integral part of the game plan against Vick. After the performance last week the Eagles are going to have to account for Matthews, Woodson and Walden whenever they're on the field.
Originally posted by CUPackFan:
I still have nightmares watching Nate Wayne, Nail Diggs and Hardy Nickerson trying to tackle Vick back in the 2002 playoffs. Thank God we have real LB's to tackle Vick this time.

I was at that game, and Vick is still the most amazing athlete I've ever seen in person in any sport. The scramble at 3:11 is still burned into my brain when I close my eyes.
Originally posted by KonKrete:
The book on Vick on passing downs is force him out and to his right. Jenkins could play a huge role in helping to accomplish this.

I know one of the reasons for moving Matthews to the left side was to separate their 2 best rushers so teams couldn't role protection to just one side, but I wonder if it wouldn't be a bad idea to move Matthews back to the right side for a few snaps to help force Vick to his decidedly weaker side?

Having Raji playing at the level he's playing at will be huge as well. He's playing at twice the level he was at the beginning of the season and the amazing thing is that he's been dominant without Jenkins in the line-up. It's one thing to dominate when Jenkins and Matthews are getting all the attention, but when you're the top DLineman on the field and you're still dominating, that says something. So now the Eagles will have to contend with Jenkins on one side, Matthews on the other, and Raji in the of them, maybe two, is going to get a one-on-one which means we're going to get pressure. That opens the door for guys like Jarius Wynn and Howard Green as well who have been improving as pass rushers, plus Woodson, Bishop and Hawk who all blitz frequently.
Originally posted by IL_Pack_Fan:
How quickly we've forgotten a certain NFC Defensive Player of the Week...

Nobody has forgotten about Walden, the one time nfc DPOW. The player who recorded his first nfl sack last week. I remember when Parker had "flaming shoes" too. Walden has had one good game in his career, i'm definitely hoping for many more, but if I was going to pick one place on the DL that concerns me it would be that spot. Losing contain against Forte is a completely different matter than doing that with Vick. I trust in Greene and Capers and believe Walden will play well, but I wouldn't rule out 2 or 3 presnap flips with him and Matthews just to keep Philly guessing.
Originally posted by KonKrete:
The book on Vick on passing downs is force him out and to his right. Jenkins could play a huge role in helping to accomplish this.

I know one of the reasons for moving Matthews to the left side was to separate their 2 best rushers so teams couldn't role protection to just one side, but I wonder if it wouldn't be a bad idea to move Matthews back to the right side for a few snaps to help force Vick to his decidedly weaker side?

I like this, a lot! Then Bring Woodson from the other side to clean up the mess.
Well said, KonKrete.

Walden had a good game rushing the passer. It was one game, and hopefully he can keep it up.

He did struggle against the run vs the Bears and I hope the Eagles are not able to exploit that as well. You know the Pack is going to play mostly nickel, as they have all year, with Woodson down in the box. Thats 2 DL, 4 LB's and Woodson in the box. This gives us more athletes / speed on the field to help corral Vick but, as the season stats have shown, leaves us suspect to a team committed to running.

If Walden can come up big and contain, we should be able to limit the Eagles to less than 20 points, IMO. They are gonna have some big plays with Vick and that receiving core, just dont let them have sustained drives.

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