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I think it's time to address the roster. Starting with Weeks, what value does he add.  He can only play, and I use that term loosely as his D is beyond bad, second base.  We have Bianchi who can play all over and Reynolds who can play the corners.   It appears keeping him on the roster is purely a financial choice at this point.. I was okay with it to start as I didn't have high expectations, things have changed, time to swollow the pill and move on.


That roster spot could be used in two ways.  One, carry another bullpen arm or carry another OF'r. This leads to Wang.  Again, I understand keeping him as expectations were low, but now its hard to keep a project on the 25 when you are a legitimate contender.  To do it, we need to sacrafice depth somewhere and its looking like bullpen isn't the ideal spot to skimp.  If there is an OF'r out there or in the farm worth a squat, I would bite the bullet and give him back to the Pirates.   Gindle or a FA, I know its not Herrera.  


So I would drop Weeks, bring up another arm and keep an eye out for a 5th OF'r.. I don't think this will be the last time Braun misses games and we could use some help.  Wang has some value as at least he can be used to eat innings in garbage time.

"The last time the Cubs won the World Series was 1908. The last time they were in one was 1945.  Hey, any team can have a bad century."- Tom Trebelhorn

Last edited by BrainDed
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A Matter of Weeks


Might a trade market develop for Brewers second baseman Rickie Weeks, who is playing mostly against left-handers in a job-sharing arrangement with Scooter Gennett?


Well, Weeks is making $11 million in the final year of his contract, but he looks better offensively this season, batting .318 with a .739 OPS in 48 plate appearances.

The problem for the Brewers, if they want to move Weeks, will be finding a match.

The Cardinals and Orioles offer perhaps the most logical fits β€” both clubs struggle against left-handers and get little offense out of second base. But it’s doubtful the Brewers would trade Weeks within the division, and the Orioles’ greater need figures to be pitching.


The Indians, Royals, Mariners and Dodgers are the bottom four clubs in OPS against left-handers, but all are set at second base.


I think this is just talk.  I can't imagine a market developing for Weeks, and if it does it is because he is hitting so well the Crew will want to keep him. 


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