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The question is, what does icon do for a living? There are some clues out there. It's up to us to put the pieces together.

First of all, nothing about his posts say, “I’m smart.” He may consider himself smart, but higher cognitive processes is not his thing. I’m guessing some college, probably even a degree. But I am certain he doesn’t have the synapses to keep up with his colleagues. If he tried to keep up, he probably got burned. That or “blame the product” for my failure.

Now he also comes to a message board as a Packer fan, but portrays a fake persona to irritate people on that board. That screams underling. No way this guy is management. In fact, I’m guessing he is terrible to manage. I don’t see this as the guy who reflects on his own work and strives to excel, rather skirt by, hope no one calls him out, and if challenged, blame the product or blame the boss.

We also have that racist thing. Is it just part of the act? Or is it part of the act as part of who he is? I’m guessing there is some genuine hate down in there. That posting style is just a cover for white guilt for being a dick. Probably needs to surround himself with as many whites as possible.

I’ve noticed some homophobia as well. I’m guess that the act on the message board is there to cover up for some genuine curiosity. More than just a fart in the wind, these feelings stick. Might even be younger men that trips his fancy. Careful what is on that computer big guy, don’t want mom finding those pictures.

I’ll go ahead and solve the puzzle Alex. icon is a subordinate in a low challenging job where he can complain about his boss pushing him to hard where there are mostly white people and he can express his orientation.

Icon drives the Zamboni for the Calgary Flames
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Originally posted by the-icon:
working man is a sucker

Here are my suggested choices based on the clues provided:

A: Slacks off at a government job with full benefits and union protection while taxpayers are getting screwed.

B: Has recently or is close to being fired from his job.

C: Is trying to get fired from his job in order to live off of the company's unemployment insurance while he gets his own business up and running where nobody will tell him what to do or actually expect any performance out of him.

D: All of the above.

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