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Really? Those close to Vince Lombardi thought that one negative article had something to do with him giving up the HC job. He was extremely upset that his mother had to read the article. The coaching staff may be able to ignore all the negative stuff, but what about their families? In the coaching profession, the rise is much more enjoyable than having to stay at the top. I could see MM walking away. 

I could see MM walking away as well. If he did, I think he would take a Cleveland-type job. Blue collar, young team, etc. If players get tired of coaches, you have to believe that coaches get tired of players, organizations, and fans. MM has probably heard nothing but criticism about how he owes everything to AR, the heat over a bad D, etc., etc. And yes, criticism is deserved. There was much he could have done, primarily firing his DC, that would have helped a long time ago.

Yet for the past eight years MM's the guy who managed to call games and lead a team into the playoffs. And all he's heard is how he owes his success to AR. Anyone say the same thing to Belichek about Brady? Yet almost everyone anoints Brady as the GOAT. If anything, MM has had to overcome a horrible D to get the team to the playoffs in almost all of the past eight years. I'm not saying he's perfect, but he's probably tired of the players, coaches, etc.

No, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he left. 

This is from Demovsky's piece on Schneider:

The Packers have three internal candidates: Russ Ball, Brian Gutekunst and Eliot Wolf. Although Ball, their chief contract negotiator, is viewed as a leading candidate, a source said Gutekunst and Wolf both were impressive in their interviews, with Gutekunst holding a slight edge over the younger Wolf. A source said McCarthy is not opposed to working with any of the internal candidates, despite reports that he would try to leave if Ball got the job.

In the ESPN article about Philbin coming back this is at the end of the article,

"McCarthy also has been sitting in on interviews for the vacant general manager position. A source said he has been heavily involved in the process."

I find that very interesting.  

There was a tweet/report from one of the Packers beat guys who said between Wolf and Gutenkunst, Gutey had the better interview, according to "a source close to the process".

I'm guessing only Murphy and McCarthy are in these, so which of them told someone that Gutey interviewed better? And why would they say that with the process on-going? Did McCarthy tell his agent and then agent just couldn't help himself with the nugget? If either MM spoke of what went on in the interview to anyone outside of the other MM, I don't want them making this decision.

When 1 person knows a secret, it's a secret... stops being a secret when 2 people know it.

Last edited by H5

I'm not so sure if I think much of MM being involved in the GM interviews. Obviously the Head Coach and GM need to have a good working relationship and be on the same page regarding the team they are trying to build but I think Stubby needs to worry more about putting the players he does have in a position to succeed. That also includes having the right Coordinators and Assistant Coaches who can get the most out of what they have to work with. We've been lacking in talent in some areas but I don't necessarily think our coaches have always done the best job of utilizing the talent we do have to the best of their abilities either.

Last edited by Maxi54

Kind of what I was thinking P.P.. As far as I'm concerned Stubby needs to start being more flexible in his approach to working with the talent he has and also stop being so loyal to underachievers on his staff. If it was up to me, he'd actually be skating on  slightly thin ice and have some things to prove after the way this past season played out. This almost makes it look like he had nothing at all to do with the cluster**** of a season we just finished watching and that he wasn't part of the problem.

Last edited by Maxi54

It's normal in some organizations for an underling to be involved in the interview process for their prospective boss. Obviously they don't have the final say, but they can speak for their colleagues as far as how they think the particular candidate fits in with their organization.

That's true Rusty. I've had people involved in interviewing me and then I ended up being their boss after I was hired. Once again, this is just my opinion and maybe I'm wrong, but it seems as though MM is unjustifiably wearing an extra thick coat of Teflon right now.

Last edited by Maxi54
Hungry5 posted:

There was a tweet/report from one of the Packers beat guys who said between Wolf and Gutenkunst, Gutey had the better interview, according to "a source close to the process".

I find this curious, only because both guys have been interviewing for this job for years now, does one sit down interview really sway you one way or the other that much?  You bring in an outsider, you might have to rely on that interview more, but folks inside GB know these two.  

I think they're really worried Wolf isn't  old enough...aka maturity level

He's what, 35?? He's been training to do this job since he was 12?? Something tells me more than 2 decades of work should suffice before any interview

Last edited by Boris

Just like Gutenkunst has been doing it for 20 years.

EKB, I understand these two are well known, so what you are saying is anyone saying Gute had the better interview are assuming that to be the case based on past knowledge of the two?

GM gone.

Additional Front Office personnel gone.

Defensive Coordinator gone.

Offensive coordinator gone.

Multiple offensive and defensive coaches gone.

Head Coach Mike McCarthy left standing, and possibly empowered?

McCarthy will get the lion's share of the credit if all goes well in 2018.

If it goes south, look out Mike.

Publicly,  Gutey saying what he should about MM

packerboi posted:

Publicly,  Gutey saying what he should about MM

Well, apparently Gutey may have the GM job thanks to McCarthy's (and Rodgers') efforts to block the Russ Ball to GM move. At least that is what one local scribe is claiming.



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