... and certainly not the "my team's successes and failures, as only I perceive them, single-handedly comprises my entire personal emotional well-being 24/7/365" type.... Anyone know some of these?
What? Is that a BAD THING? You know Green Bay Packers football is not just a sport! It's way of life! Yep, I guess I am one of those emotional types.
A bad thing? Absolutely not. Not in my book. It's fun to stretch out the high from victories, and it sucks to try and turn off the disappointment when the Pack loses. The world is a more interesting, and often better, place with lots of flavors in it. I certainly enjoy watching someone crush another's rose-colored glasses every now and then ;o) Just as much as I like seeing eternal pessimists getting pissed on by the uberoptimists (and their distant relatives, the realists).
I'm just north of the big 5-Oh, and watched the ice bowl and the 1st two Super Bowls on a 19" black and white TV. I remember using my Radio Shack portable cassette tape recorder (with external microphone!) to record, off the TV's built-in speaker, the '72 GB v Wash playoff game. I made sure I made the pilgrimage to Lambeau to see BF in his (and what I believed at the time would be his) last home game vs da Bearz. I made the trek to Milwaukee County Stadium to see the same BF, his first season in GB, throw a couple TDs to Sterling in the snow in December (a great, great experience!).