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That's not really what I would have any interest in. In baseball a few years ago an ump absolutely booted a call at 1st that took away a no-hitter. The call last night was as bad as that baseball call. That ump made public comments about the fact that he booted the call. I am interested to know what the the guy that was wearing the black and white striped shirt numbered 26 has to say about his call.
Who cares about that dude. The NFL upheld his call. They support the decision not to over-rule it. That makes it worse.

"Replay Official Howard Slavin stopped the game for an instant replay review. The aspects of the play that were reviewable included if the ball hit the ground and who had possession of the ball. In the end zone, a ruling of a simultaneous catch is reviewable. That is not the case in the field of play, only in the end zone.

Referee Wayne Elliott determined that no indisputable visual evidence existed to overturn the call on the field, and as a result, the on-field ruling of touchdown stood. The NFL Officiating Department reviewed the video today and supports the decision not to overturn the on-field ruling following the instant replay review.

Read more:"

Indisputable. The two guys on the field didn't even agree. That was a very quick review of possession as well.

Originally posted by ZUF:
Who cares about that dude. The NFL upheld his call. They support the decision not to over-rule it. That makes it worse.

"Replay Official Howard Slavin stopped the game for an instant replay review. The aspects of the play that were reviewable included if the ball hit the ground and who had possession of the ball. In the end zone, a ruling of a simultaneous catch is reviewable. That is not the case in the field of play, only in the end zone.

Referee Wayne Elliott determined that no indisputable visual evidence existed to overturn the call on the field, and as a result, the on-field ruling of touchdown stood. The NFL Officiating Department reviewed the video today and supports the decision not to overturn the on-field ruling following the instant replay review.

Read more:"

Indisputable. The two guys on the field didn't even agree. That was a very quick review of possession as well.


Exactly!! Arrogance!! I have not heard one person except the receiver, Golden Shower or whatever his name is think that was a reception except for Wayne Elliott. If Wayne Elliott still believes there was not indisputable visual evidence then he should be fired on the spot. Whoever in the league who decided this was the right call should be fired. It's not the crime, its the cover up.
Here ya go... Deadspin


Fire This *******

"This man doesn't deserve even common human courtesy. He's ****ing with these games just to swing his tiny ginger dick around, and to what end? There's no profile in courage waiting for Roger Goodell at the end of this. There are no more pats on the back from Jerry Jones after his quarterback nearly got killed on Sunday. There are no more fans looking up to this prick like he's a head of state. His legacy as a pathetic cretin is now well secured. And if NFL owners had any balls, they would run his ass out on a rail and move forward with someone who doesn't wear a paper crown on his head. **** YOU, ROGER GOODELL. YOU ARE A PATHETIC LEADER OF MEN AND EVERYONE WHO WALKS BY YOU ON THE STREET SHOULD MAKE AN INVISBLE WANK IN YOUR DIRECTION."
I actually feel bad for these guys as they are just the laughing stock of the nation and they have no business being out there. I guess if the NFL offered me a couple of grand to be on the field of an NFL game I would take it even though I have no idea what I am doing.

The real bad guys are Wayne Elliot who I understand is not a replacement guy and the NFL owners and their enforcer RG.

I would love for the fans to make a statement some how, but I fail to see how this would come about. In the end, the integrity of the game is lower today than yesterday.
From Deadspin

Easley, the side judge who overruled Rhone-Dunn, is a banker from California, who has officiated high school and junior college games, both football and basketball. Elliott, the head referee who should have gotten his crew together and asked them what they saw before signaling for a touchdown, is a realtor in Texas, and has worked high school, college, and indoor football.

Cell: 512.825.9587

Do you want to sell your home? Do you want to buy a home? I grew up in Texas and have been in the Austin area since 1979. I am passionate about what I do and work tirelessy for my clients. I am competitive by nature and coach one of Texas' premier summer baseball programs. I also officiate collegiate, high school, and indoor professional football. I have a strong desire to win. Please contact me so we can put together a game plan that helps us both win. I look forward to going to work for you.
Here you go. It sounds just like the spin many are now trying to use in an effort to justify the debacle. Like its rehearsed.

TMZ: Replacement official says he got Green Bay-Seattle catch call right

Replacement official Lance Easley said he got call right.

The NFL replacement official β€” side judge Lance Easley β€” who made the controversial touchdown call on Golden Tate’s simultaneous catch in Monday night’s Packers-Seahawks game told TMZ he got the call right.

β€œI didn’t do anything wrong,” Easley said.

He says strongly … the Packers player who allegedly intercepted the ball never had singular possession because, β€œYou have to not only have the ball but have either 2 feet or a body part on the ground, and that never happened.”

Easley says this was clearly a case of simultaneous possession β€” meaning the catch goes to the offensive player – adding, β€œPut any other official who knows the rules and they would make the same call.”

According to the Santa Maria Times, Easley normally officiated β€œhigh school and (junior college) games” (both football and basketball) in California’s Central Coast area prior to what will likely be the last game of his short and infamous NFL career.
Have you ever met a guy who thinks he's more than he is. You know the small time guy who acts like and believes he's all that. He thinks he's smarter than he really is or better looking than he really is. Gets to go through life believing it, not noticing the snide comments behind his back or the errors he makes. It's usually pretty sad, but at the same time harmless, because his arrogance and ignorance is never really put on display. I think we may have a case here of what happens when such a person is miraculously elevated to the position they wrongly feel they deserve. Mr. Easley has probably pretended and daydreamed about making the amazing decisive call at an NFL game ever since he reffed his first junior varsity contest. Now, through incredible luck (apparently not talent according to the reports) he finds himself in position to make just that call. Of course he's gonna make the controversial call, right or wrong. And of course he's going to think its right no matter how wrong it is.

Mr. Easley is a great example of someone being put in a position where they don't belong but not realizing it. Just be glad it doesn't happen more often, in life, than it does.
It still would not surprise me if the guy had money riding on the game. Would that be awesome to find out he had a couple of grand riding on the Seahawks covering. As egregious as the call was that could be the only explanastion. He surely did not see a catch. Like Sitton said on Rome the other day, the guy probably got the teams mixed up on who had the ball. He saw Jennings with the ball and ruled TD Packers. Then all hell broke loose.
Like Sitton said on Rome the other day, the guy probably got the teams mixed up on who had the ball. He saw Jennings with the ball and ruled TD Packers. Then all hell broke loose.

I prefer to believe this rather than the filthy version "he was betting on the game & the Seahawks." Finding out he was betting the Seahawks would make me really lose it.

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