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With the national outrage over the call you think we would hear something from them. All Talk Radio and not just Sports Talk were on this call yesterday. You would think the head of the NFL would come out and give some sort of appearance. The call cries for his appearance.

And Murphy needs to say something. He is the Owner defacto of the Packers. Any other owner would have at least made an appearance. He needs to come out front and center and tell us his thoughts. Get off the damn phone to the league, (like that is going to take more than 5 minutes) and say something.

The only person other than delusional Seahawk fans that was happy with the call was Brett Favre. He went from the most hated man in Packer Nation to the second most hated man in Packer Nation behind Goodell.
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Originally posted by Floridarob:
Any other owner would have at least made an appearance. He needs to come out front and center and tell us his thoughts. Get off the damn phone to the league, (like that is going to take more than 5 minutes) and say something.

Not buying this for a second. I don't claim any inside knowledge, but I'd bet they keep any dissention in house.
Originally posted by Floridarob:
And Murphy needs to say something. He is the Owner defacto of the Packers.

I agree with this. Part of his role is to be the public face on behalf of Packer owners. It's hard to imagine a Bob Harlan not making a public statement if this happened under his watch, let alone any of the current NFL owners saying something.

A few years ago this guy felt the need to fly down to Mississippi and offer Favre some sort of sweetheart retirement deal. He can hold a press conference and provide an official Packer response to what happened.

I will say that McCarthy has done an unreal job and handled this debacle with real class. With all of the emotions in that lockerroom, I appreciate his steady leadership. Not surpisingly, Rodgers has been great as well. But it would be nice if someone else in the Packer organization gave these guys some public support, and it's puzzling why Murphy has all but disappeared.
"A one-game suspension of Bill Belichick would not be unwarranted. You can't put your hands on an official like that, I don't care how frustrated you are. If Mike McCarthy didn't choke the life out of an official with his bare hands, no one else has an excuse to lay a hand on one."
Originally posted by Rockin' Robin:
Originally posted by Floridarob:
And Murphy needs to say something. He is the Owner defacto of the Packers.

I agree with this. Part of his role is to be the public face on behalf of Packer owners.

I do too. The executive committee and Murphy represent the Packer shareholders -- the owners -- and while they have been exemplary, this issue goes beyond the head coach and the quarterback. With media outlets reporting an agreement with the regular appears to be imminent, I'm sure the league wants this to just go away, but the fact remains that the Packers have paid a heavy price here, not only in the standings but should they miss the playoffs or lose a home playoff game as a result, financially as well. At a minimum, I would like Murphy to express his profound disappointment for both with how the Seattle game was handled and in the NFL's CYA ruling yesterday.

At the very least, the league owes the Packers and Packer fans an apology -- free from all the self-serving elements of yesterday's ruling -- and I'd like to see the Packers publically press them for it.

Murphy represents us -- not Jerry Jones and the boys in the back room. It's time he talked to and for his shareholders.
I'm perfectly fine with Murphy working behind the scenes and am confident he's done everything he can to address the situation with the league. Having him stand in front of a podium telling me that he obviously disagrees with the ruling wouldn't do anything to pacify my disgust with the NFL...Nor would it change anything.

This Packer team is full of class, from the top to the bottom. Be glad you don't have a guy like Murphy flapping his gums drawing more attention to this debacle.

MM is moving on to New Orleans, which is the only thing the team can do. I'm on board with that.

We're moving the **** on!
Good post Pakrz.


Originally posted by Pakrz:
I'm perfectly fine with Murphy working behind the scenes and am confident he's done everything he can to address the situation with the league.

All rulings can be changed.
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Having him stand in front of a podium telling me that he obviously disagrees with the ruling wouldn't do anything to pacify my disgust with the NFL...Nor would it change anything.
I agree, it's over, time to move on. Let's show a little class and stop whining about something that won't change.
Since the Commish doesn't have the stones to even make a comment on whether it was a legit call (which everyone knows, it wasn't), he should be looking for a new job. I'd suggest he ask "Kool-Aid" if he can become their spokesman. "Just keep drinking the Kool-Aid NFL fans" could be his signature line.

When the Packers (or whoever else) win the Super Bowl, I'd suggest the team should just head to their locker room to celebrate. Forget the trophy presentation by the Goodell to show him the respect (none) he deserves. Don't let him be part of any celebration. Send a reporter to tell him to have one of his flunkies bring it by the locker room later.
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Having him stand in front of a podium telling me that he obviously disagrees with the ruling wouldn't do anything to pacify my disgust with the NFL...Nor would it change anything.

I agree in spirit with this. But I think there are still some details (beyond disgust) that Murphy could share that I'd be interested in hearing. For example:

1) What is the Packers position in getting the commissioner to overturn the results of the game? Are they pressuring the commissioner to do so, and what are the reasons/grounds they are using to justify it (I think there are some good ones)? Or, are the Packers taking the reasonable approach that there's nothing they can do?

2) Are conversations between the review booth and head ref recorded? If so, what was in that conversation on Monday night...was there any reference to fans and/or environment? Have the Packers heard the recording (if it exists)...will the league release it to the public (or destory it like the Spygate videos)

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