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Barrington was active and according to BobbyMcG didn't play a down except on special teams. Seemed to read a lot about him playing well in the preseason so I will go with him.


Also, I suspect Hawk is in there due to making the defensive calls, which he was given accolades for in the Super Bowl year. He is the whipping boy for sure but this defense has had major problems for a long time now and I think the majority of problems lie at the top (meaning the toupee).



More than half the big plays we give up are because of confusion on D.  If one of Hawks responsibilities is getting the play call in and D organized, he sucks at that as well.


Enough with the BS.  Available, calls the D, steady.. AKA, he sucks and we have to make up **** besides playing football to assign positive attributes to.

Originally Posted by BrainDed:

More than half the big plays we give up are because of confusion on D.  If one of Hawks responsibilities is getting the play call in and D organized, he sucks at that as well.


Enough with the BS.  Available, calls the D, steady.. AKA, he sucks and we have to make up **** besides playing football to assign positive attributes to.

I've often wondered why so many fans give credit to Hawk for his supposed communication skills when the D has often looked so confused the past several years.


I am not saying AJ is responsible for the confusion but if the D is so confused how does he get credit for it and not blame?


I do think for some reason people are searching high and low for reasons to not criticize Hawk. After 9 seasons of not doing much I just don't know what folks see in him.

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