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Armored Saint seems like a good dude. I don't mind Brees. I like Jimmy Graham, Darren Sproles, and Colston.  I'd go with the Saints first.


Luke Kuechly is fun to watch. Superman celebration by Cam is one of the best in sports, imo.  Steve Smith usually brings excitement to a game.  


Seattle and SF are tied for last.  I like Lynch and Sidney Rice.  I don't mind Wilson.  I like Willis.  I like Reid.  I like Gore.  I can't stand either coach,  They both seem slimy and I enjoy watching both lose too much to ever root for either. 



It's the Packers...and then everybody else


With that said, I always don't mind seeing some new blood in the SB/winning it. Seattle, Carolina, NO, San Diego, Indy Colts(fun young team) would be the candidates. Can't stand Carroll or Sherman, but Wilson is definitely a good guy to root for and other than the FAil Mary game I have no reason to really hate the Seahawks. Their fans were dumb regarding that game but you'll find dumb fans anywhere on the internet

I took Seattle.


One of my issues is there are some teams that are so bland to me.  Carolina, Jacksonville to name a couple. Part of this is my childhood where I loved teams with a strong identity such as the Raiders mystique.


SF has enough rings.  Saints?  I don't know why I do not prefer them.  Don't really dislike them.  Perhaps because they are a recent winner.


Seattle has never won a championship and they got jobbed bigtime against Steelers.  I like the way they play.  True, I am not so high on their coach, but he does not gag me nearly as much as Harbaugh.  Wilson is cool.  Love how Lynch plays.  He is their Lacy.


I almost always root NFC, but if Chiefs were still in it, I am pretty sure I'd have gone with them.

Last edited by phaedrus

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