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Every game the Seahawks play, I always pray that they lose on the last play of the game, preferably a hail mary, that is mired in controversy, and includes a horrendous call by the refs that really screws 'em.

Every game the Niners play, I pray for coach bitchbag to go into apoplexy. Short of that, anything that makes him go ballistic is good for me. I also pray for every one of their O-linemen to get creamed in the knees.

I won't root for either team. I hope they inflict the maximum amount of punishment and injury on each other.

Just as I root for any ex-CAL guys, I would have to say I want the Seahawks to win.  Go Marshawn...

Besides, I am surrounded by 49ers fans here in CAL, and it would be a Loooooong offseason listening to them if the 49ers win it all...

I dislike Harbaugh just a tad bit more than I dislike Peter Carrol. Carrol is just a rah-rah-the sky is always sunny coach and Harbaugh is just a dick for the sake of being a dick. He keeps having these manly men diatribes like he is some tough SOB. "They were real men that went into Carolina and beat the Panthers, they were real manly when the beat the Packers in Lambeau, Clay Matthews isn't a manly man because he hit Kaeperpunk with his hand because a real man would have had a closed fist." (WTF is his problem)


As much as I dislike Carrol, I hope his team beats that Kaeperpunk and his dick coach by 30 points.

Like everyone else, I hate both teams and both coaches.  I want the Hags to win, because I don't think they will be able to beat either the Bronco's or the Pats.  I think the 9'ers will win and can beat both of those teams.  I'm not sold on the Seahawks O, and as much as D wins championships, in this new NFL, you have to have an O to score points.  

While not a fan of Harbaugh or Carrol as people, both can coach. As far as play on the field, I have more respect for the 49ers & the way they play, can't stand the Seahawks in-your-face yapping after every play

Living in Niner country it's a no brainer for me


The Fail Mary game was annoying and the Seattle fans looked real bad trying to dissect the play and thinking it was actually the correct call...but you'll find irritating fans on the internet for any team. I only really despise Golden "donut stealer" Tate and Pete Carroll. Otherwise, Seattle hasn't really done anything for me to resent them. Wilson is easy to root for and getting Ahman Green from them was nice. Pack have the edge over them in the playoffs to so nothing really stands out for why I should be bothered by them


Niners have had the Pack number lately and Harbaugh is the most ridiculous whiner of a coach I've ever seen on the sidelines


With all that said, I'll be rooting for whoever wins this game to lose in the SB

Last edited by CAPackfan

Hmm, so my choices are:


A. Jim Harbaugh, the temper tantrum-throwing, braying jackass....



Or B., Pete Carroll the over-enthusiastic, cocky SOB...



If there were a C. option, where both team buses crashed into each other, I might have an easier time picking. 

Well, somebody down there was petitioning for Tim Tebow to come play for them. So they have at least a few fans, and by rule, anybody who puts up billboards for Tim Tebow to be their quarterback are irritating.
Last edited by lambeausouth
Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Would you rather:

A. Watch the 49'ers in the SB?

B. Watch the Seahwaks in the SB?

C. Jack off with a handful of plate glass shards and jalapeño peppers?

I choose the least painful option.  "C" it is!!!

Okay!  I have thought about this very hard while exercising the third option.  At this point in time, there is  but one scenario  I favor.  The Seahags embarrass the whiners in a big win and then Carrol struts his cocky ass up to a freaked out Jimmy, who in turn knocks Peter out on his ass!       

Originally Posted by CALBuccaneer:

Besides, I am surrounded by 49ers fans here in CAL, and it would be a Loooooong offseason listening to them if the 49ers win it all...

Ahhh YEP!!!!  A long season for you and me both!

does not matter who wins this game.   Super bowl is cancelled as far as I am concerned.   Football season ended already.      Don;t know what those idiots are doing on the field now since season is over!!!    LOL

I might actually become physically ill watching Harbaugh and Kaepernick hoist a Lombardi, but it might be for the greater good. Due to the CBA, this is the first year he and the team can extend his contract with one year remaining.


If SF wins it all, he might be in line for a Flacco-style ransom. He'd have less leverage with another year on his deal, but sitting out is an option. Get him the ring, add him to the $18M club, and see how the 9ers do without that extra $17M lying around.

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