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Originally posted by AquaBreaker:
Interesting list. "Don't live above your means" is a lesson that hasn't been taught to enough people.

That and "Don't have 6 kids from 5 different "Baby Mamas"
Originally posted by LarseeBear:
Originally posted by AquaBreaker:
Interesting list. "Don't live above your means" is a lesson that hasn't been taught to enough people.

Or enough governments.

How dare you sir?

You hate fairness, it's obvious.
Originally posted by CALBuccaneer:
That's because they did not have me to help them... Wink

Remember... I recommended Apple at $137 4-5 years ago to the Viking Fan who did not like the Iphone cause he worked for a now defunct company?

There's just something, a little something, that when the Occupy Wall Street hordes smash through our gates, makes me want to throw you at them. Big Grin
Originally posted by AquaBreaker:
Interesting list. "Don't live above your means" is a lesson that hasn't been taught to enough people.

Except they're technically living within their means when the trouble happens. Future planning is the issue.
next bankruptcy victim - and talk about self-inflicted.

The writing was on the wall about a year ago when Eagles receiver DeSean Jackson dropped some $25,000 at a Los Angeles nightclub to fund his Jaccpot Records launch party. Yes, DeSean Jackson is the Chief Executive Officer of a rap label. And a rapper he employs, named Kid Cali, tweeted a receipt of a least part of Jackson’s expenditures on that night last June.

Jackson made the aforementioned investment when he was still collecting minimum base salaries. Last November, there were whispers Jackson was broke. He since signed a five-year, $47 million contract with $15 million guaranteed. Which makes you wonder how much he’s ponying up now.
I personally know an ex-nfl player who is now broke and divorced. Granted he only played 6 years and was never a star, but made the same dumb mistakes the author noted, even though he is academically smart.

My analogy is take away a CEO's money, and possessions, and all business connections...then give him and a bum off the street with no money 100,000K. Within a year the CEO will be a mult-millionaire and the bum will be back in the street.
I still have no sympathy for these guys, but I'm convinced it's the 'investment people' that have the most affect on their long-term security.
My favorite example is either Eugene Parker or people he hired bought real estate (in my backyard!) with his rookie contract monies. When those areas were ready to be developed, he sold it for untold millions, and this was years after he had retired!
I didn't want to start another thread but this seems to fit in this category somewhat since it's about shmarts.

these NFL guys, they do make ya wonder...


Thigh pads are going to be mandatory in the NFL next year, but Cowboys safety Barry Church is getting a head start.

It’s not by choice, and he’s not crazy about it. But after taking a knee to the thigh last week and not being able to finish a game, he’s wearing a padded girdle with extra padding this week.

“I usually don’t wear any pads on my legs,’’ Church said, via David Moore of the Dallas Morning News. “But since this happened, I’ve got to.’’

Asked about the rules changes which will make such measures widespread next year, Church admitted he wasn’t wild about it.

“That’s going to stink,’’ he said. That’s real restricting when you have all of pads. But you do what you’ve got to.’’

At the same time, Church admitted if he’d have been wearing more protection last week, he would have been able to finish the game.

It’s a choice many players aren’t going to be happy about, whether it’s good for them or not.
If Vince Young got $26 million guaranteed...spread out over 2 years...that's still over $1 million/month in income...or about $35K/ day

I think I'd like to try that sometime
there's just nothing, nothing I tell ya, like going to the club and getting half naked with my posse bros while grooving my thang to those sonic beats. who needs chicks with friends like these?
Last edited by Tdog

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