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I got a few good laughs from this:

They released Nick Collins, the best player on the defense besides Clay Matthews, because, "they wouldn't play their son after an injury like his" even though a doctor didn't say he couldn't play anymore. WELL HE'S NOT YOUR SON AND THE SAFETY NOW IS SOMEONE NAMED M.D. JENNINGS. WHO IS THAT? Just throw Collins out there and hope to God.

McCarthy's a ****ing troglodyte who just happened to get lucky a couple of times with a hot team. When our pathetic o-line finally lets someone knock out concussion machine Aaron Rodgers and his fancy pillow helmet, Packers fans will be pining for the halcyon days of Mike Sherman.


Thanks to Ted Thompson, who doesn't believe in signing free agents, I'm supposed to believe these **** leopards who let Kyle Orton throw for 300 yards against them have all their problems fixed just because they drafted Nick Perry and Jerel Worthy? **** you!

I kept picturing the guy in Fond of Dude's avatar reading these.
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Kworst and his sidekick whose name escapes me have gone into hiding since Favres meltdown in Minnesota. Talk about a bunch of front runners. I am sure they are waiting for teh Packers to get kicked down a few notches before they reappear. Thankfully, that won't be happening for at least another 8 to 10 years. Young team with best QB in the game. As they say in Minnesota,

That's just funny.

The Packers will struggle again on defense, i dont think anyone here is expecting a top 10 unit, but if we can be in the top 20 and respectable, with our offese.. we have a good shot at the whole thing.

Obviously, I don't think its realistic to expect 15-1 again. We'll talk records later.. but anything from 10-13 wins is probably a safe bet. I believe Vegas has us at +/- 12? I'd lean toward the under because I believe our schedule is going to be hard in stretches this season which will tax this team a bit. However, the Packers wont "suck" and are solid favorite to with the North again.
He writes one for every team. Quit crying.


This team can't play in cold weather. You read that right, a team from Green ****ing Bay Wisconsin is designed to perform best in a dome. They'll inevitably win something like 12-13 games this year and then get stomped at home again by some piece of **** team that can simply hold onto the ball when the temperature drops below 70 degrees. I'm already geared up to turn off the TV and throw **** again in January as Ced Benson coughs up his 6th fumble and some 49er ****stick runs it back to take a 30 point lead in Lambeau, even though we will probably trash them in week one because it will be warm. God I hate sports.
After how hard I laughed reading the Bears write up, I couldn't very well get my undies too twisted over this.

The Favre-tards probably still represent the most embarrassing chapter of this team's history, so that's fair game all day long. I just wonder how long the rest of the country gets to pretend obesity is a Wisconsin thing while the average American school is having to add seven inches of width to its classroom chairs.
Originally posted by Coach:
Oh man, I can't believe how much thinner Minnesota is when compared to Wisconsin (25.5 vs 26.9), no wonder Vikings fans can't stop talking about how fat Wisconsinites are Roll Eyes. It's not like they're comparing economically depressed rural farm communities with affluent/middle class suburbs in the Twin Cities for that joke to make sense.
Our dirty secret is that while we Minnesotans live in perpetual hatred of the Packers, we are in constant jealousy of them. They do everything better than us: the narrative, the stadium (don't kid yourselves, MN tax payers just got SCREWED by Zygi the Pinhead), the hats, the color scheme. And our best quarterback of the last decade was sloppy, sloppy seconds from Wisconsin! Their history is somehow all Super Bowl, Lombardi heroism while ours will most likely always be Gary Anderson's miss and the Love Boat.

Good lord. Sometimes I wish I was a Packer fan. It would make life so much easier.

If you ask any Packers fan who their biggest rival is, 100% of them will say the Bears. So while I'm staying up at night before Vikings ā€“ Packers games praying to at least compete (not gonna happen for another 5 years at least), Packers fans don't even acknowledge the rivalry.

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