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Well now that it's over, and Mericans can feel good about themselves, let's take a peek back at the history of women's football.


The USA SHOULD have won the WWC. They SHOULD have won in in 2011, save a really schitty coach who didn't have them mentally prepared, and let Japan hang around until the end...a mistake this team did not repeat.


When you play Japan, you better be ready to strap it on for 90+ minutes...because they go balls out..and if it's within 1 goal late, I like their chances (ask England about that).


USA finally has a coach in Jill Ellis, while not a great technical coach, is smart enough to manage to most talented roster in the world, and get out of their way...a skill that seems simple but is hard to master. And we can thank decades of Title IX for this and all former WWC titles. Love it or hate it, the simple fact remains there are athletic opportunities in this country for women than many take for granted...opportunities that have not traditionally been available in other countries outside of the old Soviet Bloc. Thankfully countries like Japan, Canaduh, Germany, England and France are catching up and there is at least SOME parity in the sport. But there is a long way to go...especially in countries where women are considered second class citizens.

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Upon some reflection, I was probably a little too hard on Jill Ellis...she hasn't been a head coach that long. She's learning how to become one. The way she managed this team to a title can't be emphasized enough.

She did have the most talented team in the tournament, but then again, so did Argentina, by a mile, in the Copa America. It's not always the biggest collection of talent that wins.

Also, speaking of great coaches, England's coach is a star waiting to happen. What he got out of his team, especially coming off a heartbreaker to Japan, to come back and win the 3rd place match...he's a very good coach.



Last edited by Chongo

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