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None. Just had that conversation with my wife. 

The only NFL stadium we've ever gone to & not seen or heard an issue like this is Lambeau Field.

I wonder how much the NFL would like it if everybody thought like we do & just stayed away from live games?

So much better in the comfort of your own home. No line for the restroom, beer isn't $1 an ounce & no line to get a cold beer.

So nice....

Gone to Lambeau three times, and one time a guy was swearing at the refs. I had my 4-year-old son on my lap, turned around and yelled at him to watch his mouth. Dude said I would not hear from him the rest of the game -- and I didn't. 

Saw a Vikings/GB game several years back and will never go again. Brutal drunks, swearing, etc. 

But Pittsburgh... good place to be from and never going to.

Been to several different NFL venues and honestly you are taking your life into your hands at some locations.  

Iโ€™m surprised there arenโ€™t more serious injuries and even deaths at some of these games.  It seems like itโ€™s only getting worse.  

Very rarely do you see fans acting out like that at MLB or NBA or NHL games.  Keep protecting that Shield Roj.   Where felons can be stars and fans can get as physical as the players in the stands. 

I took a bus of college students to the Saints/Vikings game (also the Packers/Vikings game).  A couple rows in front of us was a group that all were wearing yellow Bailey jerseys.  Had to be about 20 in the group.  We watched them, as they were pretty amusing for a while.  They got drunk enough to the point that two of the girls in the group started fighting, and then one of them swung and slapped a full tub of popcorn out of one of their friend's hands--all over the fans in front of them.  Another one of their group came up the stairs with a brand new $10.25 Coors Light (a specialty beer like Blue Moon runs $11.50, doncha know).  He got there just in time to see Cousins throw another INT to the Saints.  He slammed that brand new beer right into the US Bank Stadium steps.

Pikes Peak posted:

I went to the Rams game this year....not one bad moment before or during the game.  Tailgated next to a mixed family, lots of fun.  Sat next to a Rams guy....lots of fun.  One quick shouting incident on the way to the parking lot, I was not involved, overall a fun day.  Took my grandson, he is from SoCal and had no idea there were so many Packer fans.

I too was at the Rams game with my adult daughter, my brother and his wife - all of us in full Packer gear. We were invited by the next tailgate group to join their tailgate - and they were all Rams fans. In the parking lot tailgates, it was a mixture of both teams and no issues. A packer fan across from us setup a turntable and started DJโ€™ing and everyone was dancing.  Inside the stadium, sat next to Rams fans and we complimented each other on good plays.  They even offered condolences on the fumbled kickoff at the end. Great place to watch a game. 

Iโ€™ve been to numerous Packer games in Philly dressed in Packer gear with no issues. I observe that if you are going to be an ass, youโ€™ll get treated back that way.  If you are a courteous fan in the opposition stadium, you will get treated that way also. 

Fandame posted:

Gone to Lambeau three times, and one time a guy was swearing at the refs. I had my 4-year-old son on my lap, turned around and yelled at him to watch his mouth. Dude said I would not hear from him the rest of the game -- and I didn't. 

Saw a Vikings/GB game several years back and will never go again. Brutal drunks, swearing, etc. 

But Pittsburgh... good place to be from and never going to.

Just curious: Where was said Packers/Vikings game? 

PA green & gold posted:
Pikes Peak posted:

I went to the Rams game this year....not one bad moment before or during the game.  Tailgated next to a mixed family, lots of fun.  Sat next to a Rams guy....lots of fun.  One quick shouting incident on the way to the parking lot, I was not involved, overall a fun day.  Took my grandson, he is from SoCal and had no idea there were so many Packer fans.

I too was at the Rams game with my adult daughter, my brother and his wife - all of us in full Packer gear. We were invited by the next tailgate group to join their tailgate - and they were all Rams fans. In the parking lot tailgates, it was a mixture of both teams and no issues. A packer fan across from us setup a turntable and started DJโ€™ing and everyone was dancing.  Inside the stadium, sat next to Rams fans and we complimented each other on good plays.  They even offered condolences on the fumbled kickoff at the end. Great place to watch a game. 

Iโ€™ve been to numerous Packer games in Philly dressed in Packer gear with no issues. I observe that if you are going to be an ass, youโ€™ll get treated back that way.  If you are a courteous fan in the opposition stadium, you will get treated that way also. 

At the most recent Ram game, my wife and I seemed to find more Packer fans than Ram fans, and that balance made things pretty cordial.

Maynard posted:

I took a bus of college students to the Saints/Vikings game (also the Packers/Vikings game).  A couple rows in front of us was a group that all were wearing yellow Bailey jerseys.  Had to be about 20 in the group.  We watched them, as they were pretty amusing for a while.  They got drunk enough to the point that two of the girls in the group started fighting, and then one of them swung and slapped a full tub of popcorn out of one of their friend's hands--all over the fans in front of them.  Another one of their group came up the stairs with a brand new $10.25 Coors Light (a specialty beer like Blue Moon runs $11.50, doncha know).  He got there just in time to see Cousins throw another INT to the Saints.  He slammed that brand new beer right into the US Bank Stadium steps.

But did he kill any birds?

One Sunday AM in church, my Pastor told us, in his sermon, that friends of his came up to watch a Lions-Vikings game at the old Metrodome. His friends wore their Lions jerseys to the game. At the game they were heckled by the drunken vikings fans in their section. After the game, while they were driving home, some vikings fans followed them in a vehicle and forced them off the road and into the ditch. Minnesota Nice, indeed.

Last edited by mrtundra

Yeah, it is definitely passive-aggressive here in MN.  Thank goodness where I am there is a pretty good mix of Packer fans and 2 Packer bars.

My wife plays on a volleyball team and a couple of her friends take shots at the Packers all the time--for no reason.  They could be talking about food recipes and one of them will just up and start ripping on the Packers or Rodgers--man do they hate that guy here.  One of them even made the comment to me that last year when Barr took out Rodgers that was the highlight of the year for the Vikings--never mind the fact they actually made it to the NFC Championship.  But that was the best part of the year--taking out Rodgers.

Just a strange fan base.


Maynard posted:

Yeah, it is definitely passive-aggressive here in MN.  Thank goodness where I am there is a pretty good mix of Packer fans and 2 Packer bars.

My wife plays on a volleyball team and a couple of her friends take shots at the Packers all the time--for no reason.  They could be talking about food recipes and one of them will just up and start ripping on the Packers or Rodgers--man do they hate that guy here.  One of them even made the comment to me that last year when Barr took out Rodgers that was the highlight of the year for the Vikings--never mind the fact they actually made it to the NFC Championship.  But that was the best part of the year--taking out Rodgers.

Just a strange fan base.


And you consider them friends? 

MNPackman posted:
Fandame posted:

Gone to Lambeau three times, and one time a guy was swearing at the refs. I had my 4-year-old son on my lap, turned around and yelled at him to watch his mouth. Dude said I would not hear from him the rest of the game -- and I didn't. 

Saw a Vikings/GB game several years back and will never go again. Brutal drunks, swearing, etc. 

But Pittsburgh... good place to be from and never going to.

Just curious: Where was said Packers/Vikings game? 

In Minny at the ol' Metrohump. I still shudder to recall it... and speaking of strange fan bases, my kid was wearing his Rodgers jersey on his way to the MN State Fair and as we are just walking across the street we hear, "Rodgers sucks!" Of course, the guy shouting was buried in a crowd so we couldn't see him to flip him off... 

Maynard posted:

Yeah, it is definitely passive-aggressive here in MN.  Thank goodness where I am there is a pretty good mix of Packer fans and 2 Packer bars.

My wife plays on a volleyball team and a couple of her friends take shots at the Packers all the time--for no reason.  They could be talking about food recipes and one of them will just up and start ripping on the Packers or Rodgers--man do they hate that guy here.  One of them even made the comment to me that last year when Barr took out Rodgers that was the highlight of the year for the Vikings--never mind the fact they actually made it to the NFC Championship.  But that was the best part of the year--taking out Rodgers.

Just a strange fan base.


They are jealous of Rodgers and his celebrity status. Minnesotans are always looking for recognition for what they have done. They also do not like Rodgers because their front office passed on him, twice, in the draft he where fell to the Packers. Rodgers would have solved their QB problems for a long time. Think back on all those vikings' QBs who have come and gone in the Rodgers era. Then, for laughs, look back at all the vikings' QBs who have come and gone in the Favre era, too. Their fans are as fair weather as they come and don't deserve anyone as talented as Aaron Rodgers. When your wife plays volleyball with those Minnesota fans again, get her a jersey with 38-7 on it. They will ask what that means. I can almost guarantee it.

PackerHawk posted:
Ghost of Lambeau posted:

The Panthers gave away free tickets - still couldn't fill the stadium. 

See the first comment under "observations". 

It was the Bucs giving away tickets. I don't understand giving free tickets to season ticket holders? They already have tickets that they might not use. Why give them more? 

I remember, not too long ago, when Packers fans were forced to buy tickets for another vikings' game if they wanted to go to Minnesota to see the Packers play the vikings. This happened due to the vikings not being able to sell out the Metrodome for vikings' games, after Pillsbury stopped buying all the outstanding tickets, so those other games would not be blacked out on television. Those blacked out vikings games allowed Packers games to be aired, which ate at those vikings fans even more! A more pathetic organization and fanbase does not exist.


Last edited by mrtundra
Maynard posted:

What can I say, I'm a bleeding heart and try to see the good in all people...even Vikings fans.

What?  we need an intervention as soon as possible to change THAT way of thinking  .   

I was born and raised about 20 minutes from GB but have never been to a game at Lambeau (yes that is sadly true) but everything you all have told me I have heard the same about the GB crowd.  

Now, I have see the Packers a bunch of times on the road.  Cleveland, Cincinnati, Baltimore, Detroit (probably 5 times) DC, and Philly.  The two worst by far were the Deadskins and Philly fans.  It was particularily fun in Philly when a group of drunk and dumb Eagles fans (Insert joke here) were pouring beer and hawking loogies on Packers fans from the upper level stairs.   It was fun seeing the Philly cops not so gently drag them off. 

As for Boris and others have said these days I would just rather watch at home.  No restroom lines, I can have my own beer that doesn't cost $12 a cup and spend 2 hours in traffic to get home.  I have my DVR to rewind, my recliner, my own fridge etc.  


Stadium Experiences:

Lambeau 4-5 times: Always wonderful. 

Foxboro: (Monday Night to boot) Awful, awful awful.

Carolina: Pleasant, friendly.

Jax: 4-5 times including pres-season. Mixed.

We've devolved into the stadium experience being dominated by the drunken louts...really no better than hooliganism.

When I'm King, we profile two types of people:

-20-something Muslim men in airports and....

-Paunchy, pasty, beer-bellied unshaven white guys in team jerseys in football stadiums......

Peace in our time will be realized.

beer-bellied unshaven white guys in team jerseys in football stadiums......

Cutting down on the beer belly since I retired, a lot more free time to exercise.

Lambeau Field, a lot of games, never any problems.

Soldier Field (4 or 5 times), all they want to do is fight, they don't care that there is a football game going on. Also went to a Game in Champaign IL when they were renovating Soldier Field, by far the worst experience except for the score, it was mighty quiet after the game.

Ralph Wilson Stadium, tailgating was a great time, fans were great in the stadium.



Last edited by GBFanForLife

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