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Considering how many will be playing significant minutes this year I thought a dedicated thread would be worthwhile.


I admit I didn't see enough of the game to watch all the rooks and haven't re-watched yet so I'll admit a lack of diligence to start.  I did notice however:


Bak seemed to hold up vs. one of the best challenges he'll see this year.  Wiffed on one vs. Aldonsmith but didn't let Justinsmith own him.


Lacy had critical fumble and nowhere to run to , nowhere to hide in the first 30 but damn was he sweet on their last TD drive, topping it with the score.  I was in the car listening to the game, screaming at the top of my lungs "run it in! run it in! run it in!".  Good for him and the OL.


Hyde - didn't get to see him but heard he was burnt over the top again.


Datone - didn't notice him but didn't get to iso him either so I couldn't tell either way if he was effective.

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Bahktiari is a keeper. He gave a sack on like the 2nd play of the game and NOTHING after that. Aldon's 2nd sack against Bahk was more about the pressure from the other side. He took Aldon deep and Rodgers had nowhere to go because of the pressure from Brooks and McDonald. Yeah it counts against Bahk, but it's not 100% on him, he did what he was supposed to do with a speed rusher. And by the way, not a rookie, but did anyone hear anything from Ahmad Brooks? He had a batted pass, a good run stuff, and maybe 1 or 2 pressures, but Don Barclay acquitted himself VERY WELL against Brooks. Kudos to the pair of Tackles, they're only going to get better.


Lacy missed a couple open holes, but he looks like the real deal. Once the OL got their crap together and/or the 49ers wore down a bit, he hit the holes fast and hard. And he's not afraid to put his body on the line jumping over the pile. He's going to be really good!


Didn't see Datone do anything to stand out positively or negatively from what I saw. The whole DL deserves some credit and he played a lot. 


Hyde was in on the action and definitely got worked over by the 10 year veteran Boldin. He's not ready for primetime, but I did notice he was again very strong in run support. He had at least 1 TFL I saw and really stuck his nose in there a couple other times. I really want to see what he can do at Safety. 



I saw Datone Jones around the ball a few times, but overall it looked like a quiet debut for him.


The 49ers were totally prepared for Micah Hyde's blitzes, and Hyde got exposed too much.


Like any back, Lacy needs better blocking.  He does have some shiftiness to him and he was breaking some tackles.


Bahktiari held up even better than I had hoped.  Other than some early struggles, it looked like he was able to handle one of the best pass rushes in the league.  Run blocking could be improved, but he performed the best of all the rookies.

Jones didn't look good or bad. One time I saw him get free, but he was on the edge and froze so Kaepernick didn't get the edge. It was notable because Kaepernick saw him coming and looked to run, but when Jones didn't all-out rush him Kaepernick had to stay in the pocket. I forgot what the end result was (probably a pass to Boldin), but it looked like he was definitely told to hold the edge no matter what.

Originally Posted by packerboi:

Datone Jones won't be facing OL's like the 49er's the rest of the season. That's probably the best OL in football. Just imagine if Rodgers got to throw behind that OL....


I was just thinking about Rodgers behind that line.... might destroy any record Brady or Brees has set the past few years.  That line San Fran has is maybe the strongest unit any team in the NFL has of any position.  

Bahktari looked better than I thought he would. Won't get much more of a tougher assignment than that. Lacy had a hard time for the obvious reasons, but I saw him pick up some rushers which was nice. I thought Hyde was going to be around the LOS more but the guys behind him probably had a lot to do with that. Jones didn't do much, but I think that ankle will be a problem for awhile. I think all will improve as the season moves along.

Watching it a 2nd time, it looks like the interior guys were just asked to maintain their lanes and not let Kap escape... This might be why Jones was such a non factor.

In the 1rst quarter, MM gave Bahkatari lots of help with Lacy and Finley chipping or doubling.   After that he was on his own most the time and more than held his own.

Lacy looks the part.   If he gets any space at all he is going to be a top tier back.  

I've rewatched that sack by Orakpo vs. Bak and I don't think it's 100% on Bak. Sitton completely whiffed on his guy and it looked like Bak was going to try and move down to help and then Orakpo came on a delayed blitz and Bak couldn't recover in time. Rodgers was also getting pressure from the other side and had to step into Orakpo. It was a busted play by the entire OL. After that though, did anyone know Orakpo was still playing? The only way I knew he was still in was because he was throwing a hissy on the sideline and FOX kept showing him. Bak locked him down. To me it looked like, just like against San Fran, it was his inexperience that caused the sack. Once he got beat once he locked his man down the rest of the game. That is REALLY encouraging! Once he has that experience and knows what to expect from these pass rushers, he'll be a rock. I think the same can probably be said for Barclay although his sack against Kerrigan was more about Kerrigan whipping him physically than it was a mental mistake. Either way I'm optimistic about both guys.


Lacy ran strong that first carry. I don't understand how Merriweather didn't get flagged on EITHER hit. They were so blatant. He's going to get a huge fine and possibly a suspension though.

I noticed that Tramon was put i slot too. I wasn't sure if it was an indictment on Hyde's play, or if they really wanted House to get some reps during what was essentially garbage time.


Whatever the case, House played well, and I think he's earned himself some more time on the field. I know it's the popular thing to say, but I do agree with it: Hyde should be moved to safety. I think he'd be a really good fit there in time.

I think Henry is right in that Hyde was drafted to be Bush's replacement. A DB with both CB and S skills who can cover both roles in an emergency and also has very good special teams talent.


Packers like to draft the replacement and give him a year to prove himself before they cut (Bush) /the veteran loose. Hyde will be the utility guy going forward

Hyde is two games into his rookie year, and he has done pretty well for a fifth rounder.  I think he still has a chance to be a good player for the Packers.


I think Datone Jones's injury is limiting his effectiveness.


David Afrasiab Bakhtiari had another rough start, but his resiliency impresses me.


Lacy was looking good in his very brief appearance.  Had he not gotten knocked out, I think he would have had similar success to what Starks did.


I am a little disappointed Franklin did not get in.  I know he was non-existent in preseason, but a blowout game should have allowed him to come in and get some experience.


Andy Mulumba made it to the field and he had a couple of decent plays.

Originally Posted by BrainDed:
Originally Posted by Henry:

It dawned on me who Hyde reminded me of especially on deep ball plays.  Bush.  Dead serious.  Both are good players but they aren't complete DBs.  

Ouch... I think Bush lacks ball skills while Hyde has ball skills but lacks speed. 


If it's in front of him.  If it's overhead, forget it.  He's a rookie, he deserves the leeway considering he's shown some really solid instincts.  Let him adjust to the pro game and see what happens.

Micah Hyde is not Jarrett Bush.   Not even close.  Hyde has struggled covering the deep ball even in college where he was a very good player.


He's more like a poor man's version of Casey Hayward.  Instinctive.  Good ball skills.  Tackles well.  Very physical.  But neither guy has ideal size or speed for the position.  Hayward is probably a little more fluid than Hyde but that's about it.


Bush can tackle and he's a gamer but he has no corner skills, abilities, or instincts. 



Originally Posted by Grave Digger:

I've rewatched that sack by Orakpo vs. Bak and I don't think it's 100% on Bak. Sitton completely whiffed on his guy and it looked like Bak was going to try and move down to help and then Orakpo came on a delayed blitz and Bak couldn't recover in time.

I just watched the 1rst quarter again and I agree..  Also, the sack on the 2nd drive was on EDS.. He whiffed and #12 tried to escape to the left and ran right into Orakapo who wouldn't have been threatening the pocket. 

Watching the Lacy injury play again, you get to see #69 pancake his man 10 yards down field.. Schweeet. 

Comments from Capers on Hyde and House from JSO


Capers’ decision comes down to whether he values Hyde as a slot corner more than he does House on the outside and whether he wants Williams in the slot or outside. Hyde has had his ups and downs in the slot, struggling at times with the speed of the slot receivers he covers and with Williams showing decent blitz ability, he may choose to go that way.


β€œWe just felt we wanted to get a look at that combination of people with Tramon inside, especially if it turns into pretty much a two-minute throwing game,” he said.”

Originally Posted by Tschmack:

Micah Hyde is not Jarrett Bush.   Not even close.  Hyde has struggled covering the deep ball even in college where he was a very good player.


He's more like a poor man's version of Casey Hayward.  Instinctive.  Good ball skills.  Tackles well.  Very physical.  But neither guy has ideal size or speed for the position.  Hayward is probably a little more fluid than Hyde but that's about it.


Bush can tackle and he's a gamer but he has no corner skills, abilities, or instincts. 




It must have been Hyde watching the ball go over his head like a baby watching keys that made me draw the comparison.

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