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Originally Posted by The GBP Rules:

Perillo was also wide open on the last play. 


Originally Posted by Boris:
Don't remind me....I saw it too

I guess something scared Rogers then.


Seriously, if this is the case, that there were two guys open (Janis and Perillo), then all the ranting about play calling is overdone and something has gone wrong with #12. When top athletes lose their edge, and Rodgers has, getting it back is an iffy proposition. Novenas needed.


Rodgers himself has gone stale, why he "trusts" Adams so much is strange. Saw them next to each other on the bench in the 4th quarter, chatting like pals.

Last edited by excalibur
Originally Posted by Boris:
I honestly believe MM is purposely doing this to get out.

No way. He's loyal to a faultโ€ฆno way he does something like that, plus he's likely not smart enough to pull it off.


MM has a lot of admirable traits. He's a hard worker. I think he's a very decent and good human being who cares enormously about his players and his staff. He's not power-hungry, which is refreshing in this ego driven business (speaking of power hungry, WTF was Holmgren tonight?). And he's certainly skilled at developing QBs.


But he's never been the smartest guy in the world. And he's loyal to a fault. He has surrounded himself with coaches that just aren't very good. It's quite incredible really that with all the success the Packers have had in the last decade, only one of his assistants got hired for a head job, and he flamed out big time. Compare that to the all-star staffs Holmgren would have in GB. It's a very telling difference and a big explanation for what's happening on the field right now.

Originally Posted by excalibur:
Originally Posted by The GBP Rules:
Originally Posted by Orlando Wolf:
Originally Posted by The GBP Rules:

Janis had his guy boxed out on the last play. Rodgers could have thrown it to him for the winning TD. 

Anybody have a screen shot of that?

Janis is at the left. Had his guy pinned. Right in 12's FOV as he rolled left. Plenty of time, he decided to throw to 17 in a crowd.




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Originally Posted by Boris:
That photo is just disgusting

It also isn't representative of what happened. There was no "crowd" around Adams when the ball arrived. He ran the same clusterf***  of a pattern as Janis. Both loped into the end zone and tried to box out a db basketball style. I can only figure that as bad as Adams is/was Rodgers abhors Janis even more. I don't know why. Maybe it had something to do with the fact Ty Montgomery surpassed him once the regular season arrived. Anyway. It was a pass Calvin Johnson or Dez would have caught. Maybe even a Michael Floyd. Maybe Adams last year. Not this year. To imply that all Rodgers had to do was throw to another covered WR who has two catches through 11 games on a team whose receivers have sucked is a stretch IMHO.

Last edited by Va. Packer

While it looks bad in the picture, I wouldn't call that wide open. There's a defender right on his back. I saw what happens on that throw a handful of times in the gameโ€ฆthe defender just reaches around and knocks it down.


Wide open is what the Bears WR was in the first half when they ran triplets and he simply ran across the formation and was left alone.


While Adam Gase is dialing up those formations for the Bears, the Packers basically ran four straight plays where 82, 89, 17, and 18 just jogged into the end zone and turned around. No misdirection, no bunch formations, not even a cut. Just jog, turn around and hopefully a Bears DB falls down on the play. That's what disgusts me.

Last edited by Rockin' Robin
Originally Posted by Rockin' Robin:

While it looks bad in the picture, I wouldn't call that wide open. There's a defender right on his back. I saw what happens on that throw a handful of times in the gameโ€ฆthe defender just reaches around and knocks it down.


Wide open is what the Bears WR was in the first half when they ran triplets and he simply ran across the formation and was left alone.


While Adam Gase is dialing up those formations for the Bears, the Packers basically ran four straight plays where 82, 89, 17, and 18 just jogged into the end zone and turned around. No misdirection, no bunch formations, not even a cut. Just jog, turn around and hopefully a Bears DB falls down on the play. That's what disgusts me.

He was open enough to throw it at his midsection, perhaps a interference call ensues, maybe a TD.  

This loss isn't on Aaron. Or Cobb. Or Adams. Or Janis. Or Dom. Or the OL, or the defense. 


Its 100% on Mike and Clements. They threw it 43 times and only ran it 28 times. In a game where GB was never down by more than 4 points on a cold rainy night. They knew best. Sling the ball all over the yard even though Green Bay could have run for another 80 yards very easily on top of the 180 they finished with. Could have controlled the clock. Kept the defense off the field. Won the game. 


Horrible example of coaches not recognizing what was happening in front of them because they were too involved in their genius play designs. 

It is on Cobb, Adams and Rodgers.  You can't run when the passing game is so utterly pathetic opposing defense stack the box because they know man coverage with even the worst stiff DBs will be more than enough to defeat these lazy WRs running predictable routes.  


There is a entire element of the offense gone.  Why would opposing defenses even be concerned about it?  You load up for the run and grind down the oline and RBs.  


Clements is ****ing worthless being he can't scheme to save his ****ing life but you can't have continual dirt passes and dropped passes and say it isn't their fault.


Last edited by Henry
I was thinking the same thing

They are effectively RTFB and then completely changed - same old schit of MM overthinking the playcalling

You don't run deep posts when your one threat (Jordy) isn't there. Maybe Janis or Abbrederis can fill that role at some point but they aren't there and it ain't Adams or Jones or Cobb

John Fox was probably laughing his ass off when GB went Texas Tech mode in the second half despite only being down by 1 point and then 4 points

GB was calling plays like they were down 30


Did an alien abducf Adams and replace him with Jarrett Boykin?  If he's not that guy all over again I don't know who is.  Adams was touted as the next big thing coming into the season but it looks to me his confidence is shot.  If I hear one more person say he's not healthy I think I might punch myself in the face.  His brain isn't healthy that's it
Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

This loss isn't on Aaron. Or Cobb. Or Adams. Or Janis. Or Dom. Or the OL, or the defense. 


Its 100% on Mike and Clements. They threw it 43 times and only ran it 28 times. In a game where GB was never down by more than 4 points on a cold rainy night. They knew best. Sling the ball all over the yard even though Green Bay could have run for another 80 yards very easily on top of the 180 they finished with. Could have controlled the clock. Kept the defense off the field. Won the game. 


Horrible example of coaches not recognizing what was happening in front of them because they were too involved in their genius play designs. 

I agree with everything but the defense part. Our front 7 delivered ZERO sacks. Horrible play up front by those guys. Horrible. As bad as anything else we might point to. They don't get a free pass from me. Our secondary was left hanging out to dry. Again.


OK, I disagree on Adams too. He looks like he completely sucks. Completely.

Last edited by Trophies

How 'bout this: THE WHOLE FKING TEAM SUCKS!!!!


Special mentions of suckitude: Coaching/play calling, Adams, TEs, and yes Aaron.  One word for coaching: INSANITY!


This season's over playing their current schemes with their personnel groupings, so why not develop some players?  Demote Adams to the fking bench and get Janis out there and Ty if and when he gets back.  And RTFB!!  JC!  As for the TEs, they're just screwed.  And Clements must go!  Not a fan of Dom's, but this team has bigger issues. 


Me?  I am very apathetic.  Don't give a ****.  Well, almost.


Also, I am starting to think that Janis peed in Aaron's cheerios; never seems to give the kid a chance. 

Last edited by Esox
Originally Posted by Orlando Wolf:
Trophies, where were you last week after the Pack kicked mn's ass?

Not to speak for him but I think he was like the rest of us, hoping that the light bulb went on and the 3 losses were an aberration, the team was back on track and all was well.  Guess what, those games were not an aberration, the Packers are lousy. We can green and gold glasses it all we want but the eyes don't lie.

They are not the team I thought they were.  However,  there is still enough talent to win the division.  They can get their act together in December, win a home playoff game, and get on a roll in the playoffs.  Anything can happen. 


Maybe throw in a "Come to Jesus" locker room meeting mixed in, too.


Sure, at this time of the season, maybe they don't look like the team we thought they would look like - but there's no where else to go but up from here on out.


Some posters mentioned it already - Detroit and Chicago are much better teams now and after all they are Division foes.   Heck, I remember Green Bay giving Chicago a few good games in the 80's when they were so much the better team.  Granted, we didn't win, but those games were battles. 


Bring on December!    Go Pack Go!

Originally Posted by Orlando Wolf:
Trophies, where were you last week after the Pack kicked mn's ass?

I was busy.


The MIN game was great. We played pretty damn well all around. The defense was there, and Aaron seemed to get back on track with his WRs, along with a good mix of run/pass. We did what we should have been doing the 4 games prior.


What do you want? Last night we sucked as badly as any of our other 3 losses. Poorly prepared team, with no respect for the given moment, on our own home turf. Mistakes everywhere, and our front 7 disappeared, completely.


I don't like what I am seeing, at all. Rodgers looks flustered on nearly every play. His pocket collapses around him far too often, his WRs aren't gaining separation regularly, and when they do, they aren't finishing plays. We give up on our own good run game, time and time again.


Given the conditions, how could McCarthy not see that we needed a run dominated game plan? Have a contingency plan, like a healthy Alonzo Harris. For some reason he was declared inactive.

Last edited by Trophies

Clements looks incapable of figuring out how to freakin scheme to his personnel. It's the same crap every week and the coaches continue to say the same crap every week when it predictably fails


They've been running their same crap for a decade now.....the league catches up eventually. They either are too stubborn to change or they simply just lack the creativity to change and adapt. This offense continues to run the same predictable sets with the same predictable, lazy intermediate iso routes with a group of WR's that are slow and have bad hands.


They seriously still try having Davante and James Jones go deep on go routes. Just completely oblivious

Scheme is one thing, but these guys have no feel for the flow of the game.  The Packers were having really good success running the ball and once they got down its complete panic mode.  Why?   Clements has to be one of the least intuitive play callers ever.

The problem we have now is teams have almost 10 games under their belt to prepare and adjust for GBs "schemes"

Recipe for disaster

Then there is Davante Adams.  It is time to demote him already?   The guy quit on some of his routes yesterday.  QUIT!!   If he's not willing to put the work in or give 100% effort then his ass needs to ride the pine.  That's supposedly been the knock on Janis but at this point can he be any worse?  I doubt it.

This team is in complete and total disarray.  If they don't get their schit together quick it's going to spiral out of control.  I'll be interested to see what MM does and how he responds.  This is as much controversy he's faced as HC.

My guess is there will be no major coaching changes, maybe some play calling adjustments.  Is there a chance that some of the team has tuned MM and the coordinators out? All coaches have a end, most not good.  Is this the beginning of the end, the middle of the end or the end of the end?  Unless you think MM stays until he retires on his terms he will be relieved of his position sometime.  Murphy, etal need to be careful, MM is a good coach maybe not great but he would be hard to replace.

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