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Either Ted "retires" or the Packers fire him. Promote Wolf.

Capers "retires" or the Packers fire him. Go find a DC who knows how to coordinate in 2017.

Keep MM another year. With the Packers drafting in the top 10 and Wolf actually using UFA, the Packers can fill much needed holes.

Major changes need to happen.

Oh, and spare me about all the injuries. Under TT, this team is chronically young and chronically SOFT. I am so sick of year after year the sprained vaginas, pulled breasts, bruised asses.

Draft and sign some FA's who are durable for **** sakes.

packerboi posted:

Either Ted "retires" or the Packers fire him. Promote Wolf.

Capers "retires" or the Packers fire him. Go find a DC who knows how to coordinate in 2017.

Keep MM another year. With the Packers drafting in the top 10 and Wolf actually using UFA, the Packers can fill much needed holes.

Major changes need to happen.

Oh, and spare me about all the injuries. Under TT, this team is chronically young and chronically SOFT. I am so sick of year after year the sprained vaginas, pulled breasts, bruised asses.

Draft and sign some FA's who are durable for **** sakes.

If MM is unwilling to put in the time to prepare unpredictable game plans, then jettison his fat arse as well..

Fandame posted:

I agree that things just got a whole lot tougher with the injuries, especially on D. But why the heck do you throw the safeties into the line and leave your inexperienced second-string DBs out to dry, especially when you also have no LBs? It's suicide. Now our young DBs get their confidence rocked while Dom continues his maniacal ways.

I was wondering the same thing. Why are our Safeties on the line when our CBs are getting eaten alive deep? Makes no sense to me. Our safeties did nothing on the line, anyway. Peppers and Perry got the only sacks. 

Expect more injuries from Packers starters. It seems like the way of the NFL player, once playoffs are out of the picture, just collect the big paycheck and hope next year is better. I doubt #52 plays another game after the wiggles next week.


Giants spent a ton on FA defensive players, working out for them. Spend wisely, it works out.

Oh my, we got three 7th round picks, aren't we lucky.  <sarc>

TT & MM, a product of AR playing out of his mind for years.

Last edited by excalibur
packerboi posted:

Draft and sign some FA's who are durable for **** sakes.

Well Packerboi.....The Packers don't do HGH or any other performance enhancing drug like the rest of the NFL, so it's tough to keep up & stay "healthy". Right Tom Brady, Richard Sherman?

Well, get rid of Dom for starters. We have scored an average of almost 27 points in the past four games, which should be good for at least three wins. But not when we're giving up an average of more than 38 over the same span. Our largest margin of victory has been 16 points over the woeful Bears. Our other three wins have all been within 7 points. Dom is done.

Last edited by Fandame
bigdoggyjude posted:


If MM is unwilling to put in the time to prepare unpredictable game plans, then jettison his fat arse as well..

If the changes that are speculated actually happen (TT is canned and Capers is forced out), I am willing to give MM another year. But by no means do I feel he's got a blank check here either.

If you look at these last 3 drafts and what they've produced, that TT went into this season with Shields as his only vet CB, 2 RB's including one who can't keep the weight off and another past 30 and obviously had lost a step, and a ridiculous amount of rookies/UDFA's who are way too inexperienced filling way too many critical roles on this team....

much of this falls on the front office.

Capers however, still has no answers for the middle of the field, has plenty of bodies at DE/DT and still can't stop the run either. Even when his defenses are healthier, his defenses still has major gaffe after gaffe.

MM can find a better DC and the Packers need a change at GM.

The last couple games mentally prepared me for a night like tonight.  I looked at tonight as comedy instead of the tragedy it truly was.   When the Packers have a year that their defense sucks, I mean they go absolutely balls out full tilt suckitude.

I'm okay with MM getting another year if big changes happen elsewhere: getting rid of Dom for starters, and getting an O coordinator MM and AR can live with. Our D needs a serious overhaul in philosophy and it's time for Dom to ride off into the sunset. 

Boris posted:

Nice effort.

I'm thinking we may be drafting in the top 5 

That's the first positive. And in every round too! But my guess is top 10 but who knows?

Might not have to depend on UDFA's so much. But then we still might have to because so many contracts come up next year. And TT is saving $ for 2020. Oh well.

Too many injuries.  Coaches not changing game plans to take into account the new personnel.  This team has zero identity.  It's just flailing around out there.

Zero chance of making the playoffs.  Watch to see who keeps fighting in the face of that, but from what I've seen, there aren't many.  Lots of guys are begging to be cut next year.

Fine if we lose, but don't give up.  Real losers give up.  And this team is made up of a lot of losers right now.

Fandame posted:

Hard to have anything positive to say about a D that has given up an average of more than 38 points a game for the last four games...

You have no appreciation for nice hair at all, do you?

His hair is golden and flowing and beautiful, and if you can't see that, then well, there is just no hope for you at all.

All we need is better conditioner. And more drive-extending penalties at key moments on Mike Daniels. That and the spirit of Wayne Simmons. That is all.

Wise up.

Last edited by Pistol GB
mrtundra posted:

There are so many positions that need help on this team. How do we fix this? Who do we draft or trade for and are we finally going to use free agents to help fix this mess? 

Do what's gotten us here..  BPA baby.. Bustin Barrel 2.0 yo!

Fandame posted:

I'm okay with MM getting another year if big changes happen elsewhere: getting rid of Dom for starters, and getting an O coordinator MM and AR can live with. Our D needs a serious overhaul in philosophy and it's time for Dom to ride off into the sunset. 

I'll add this as well. Under MM, they got a **** load of chiefs on this team. From Clements and Moss as associate HC's to Bennett and Clements as dual offensive coordinators, MM's has way too many assistants wearing leadership hats.

Simplify schit in 2017. Find a QB coach/OC that will get AR's mechanics right and bring in some outside blood and get rid all these chiefs.

I have been calling for Dom's head for three years now.  Someone should tell MM if Dom gets on the plane, you get off.  It should be that clear.   Either Dom is gone or you are IMMEDIATELY if not sooner.  I can't believe ANY warm body couldn't do  a better job running an NFL defense than Dom has done the last three years.  We have absolutely NOTHING to lose at this point.

Managers and leaders are defined by the people they choose to work under them.  

Capers hasn't produced anything worthwhile since 2010.  Should have been run out of town after the 2012 curbstomping to the Niners.  Continues to sit in the press box and have his side of the ball get gashed repeatedly, and far far too often piss away a game. And, still is hanging around.

MM sat and watched Slocum for years, while everyone was saying "wait til ST costs you a big game."  And didn't hold him accountable for years of subpar work until after the Seattle game where frankly, ST wasn't even the biggest issue in the game.  And then replaced him with a guy that was known as a good recruiter that couldn't coach his way out of a paper bag in college.  Umm.  Wut?  

MM had to take the playcalling back from Clements after 6 games.  And I'm not real clear what MM does vs Clements does vs Bennett does on offensive gameplanning.  Whatever it is, it hasn't worked for some time.  

I understand, to a point, the perspective of wanting him to stay.  I mean, he's won a lot, etc.  Vs another retread, what's the point I guess?  I mean, maybe there is an inspired hire out there like Adam Gase...  

What I don't understand is wanting MM to fire multiple guys he's hired and stuck by - but keep the guy that made those hires and made the decisions to stick by these guys that have not produced whatsoever.  Why would you trust MM if you are making damning statements about his choices on staff - which are as important as any that he makes.  What makes you think he'll make better choices?  Is it that Zook backfill of Slocum that gives you hope?  

fightphoe93 posted:

The last couple games mentally prepared me for a night like tonight.  I looked at tonight as comedy instead of the tragedy it truly was. 

"Tragedy is when I get a paper cut.  Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die." -- Mel Brooks

Forgot who posted 8-8 but they are right - where are the 4 wins coming from?   This is a bad football team and honestly I'm not sure they will win another game this year.  I was getting there last week but this week sealed it for me.  

The good news is it will force the organization to make wholesale changes, right? 

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