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Not that Rodgers would have had the time to find him tonight with our offensive line collapsing on every pass play. But how good would Kittle look catching passes in the green and gold. Or Kelce. Or.....

We'll spend all our early draft picks on defense again next year, and do next to nothing for the offense. And the defense will still be problematic. 

excalibur posted:
MichiganPacker2 posted:
excalibur posted:
Packdog posted:
antooo posted:

MVS wtf!

He was wide open...Rodgers was late with the delivery. 

AR is past his prime. He can still have a great game or two but the days of him being great for a season are over. 

He was sacked 5 times tonight and it could have easily been 8 or 9 times. It's hard to get into a rhythm when you are running for your life constantly. 

He regularly misses open guys, makes throws when he has loads of room to run, etc. 

Because I know I'm always happy when my 36 year old quarterback takes off running. 

Grave Digger posted:
NedFlanders posted:

Remember, Adams got this sh** ball rolling with the idiotic personal foul on the first series. 

You mean his vicious chest bump? Throw around criticism where it’s earned, but that was a chickenshit call by the ref. Adams did nothing wrong.

Good call, bad call.  It was the first minute of the freakin game.  


Pikes Peak posted:
Grave Digger posted:
NedFlanders posted:

Remember, Adams got this sh** ball rolling with the idiotic personal foul on the first series. 

You mean his vicious chest bump? Throw around criticism where it’s earned, but that was a chickenshit call by the ref. Adams did nothing wrong.

Good call, bad call.  It was the first minute of the freakin game.  


Moving the ball back to the 25 causes a complete momentum shift.

BrainDed posted:
fightphoe93 posted:
MichiganPacker2 posted:

I had to laugh at this. 


Dom Capers is probably sitting on his couch right now thinking, "Hey that reminds me of a lot of the defenses I coached after 2010".  

That’s 100% on Kevin King.   Thanks Ted 

I threw out a couple of "Thanks Teds" today watching TJ Watt getting a strip sack and Jared Cook go for 2 TDs and 99 yards today.

We are still paying for his incompetence the last several years he was in charge of the team.

lambeausouth posted:

Not that Rodgers would have had the time to find him tonight with our offensive line collapsing on every pass play. But how good would Kittle look catching passes in the green and gold. Or Kelce. Or.....

We'll spend all our early draft picks on defense again next year, and do next to nothing for the offense. And the defense will still be problematic. 

Kittle was a 5th rounder. 

Hungry5 posted:
NumberThree posted:
Hungry5 posted:

You can't go 13-3 unless you lose 3 games. 

You also can’t go 13-3 losing 5 games. The more you know. 

They are 8-3 with 5 to go. Other than @MIN, who else beats them?


If Stafford is back the game in Det won't be a cake walk.    I know they suck, but division game on the road is not easy.    

Hungry5 posted:
NumberThree posted:
Hungry5 posted:

You can't go 13-3 unless you lose 3 games. 

You also can’t go 13-3 losing 5 games. The more you know. 

They are 8-3 with 5 to go. Other than @MIN, who else beats them?


The NYG game has concerned me most for a few weeks now.  I don't know why. GB will beat Washington and Chicago.  Detroit could go either way on the road. 

GBFanForLife posted:
Hungry5 posted:
NumberThree posted:
Hungry5 posted:

You can't go 13-3 unless you lose 3 games. 

You also can’t go 13-3 losing 5 games. The more you know. 

They are 8-3 with 5 to go. Other than @MIN, who else beats them?



If you go by their performance vs Chargers and Niners, any of those teams can beat GB at this point. While no one can pinpoint the mindset on this team, by their showing last night there are entire units on this team simply playing bad football. When a team falls behind like they did last night, the first directive from a coaching staff should be toward basics and fundamentals. Be sure of your assignment, make the block that's designed for you to make, catch and secure the ball. The fact that breakdowns happened all over the field for 60 minutes last night is a glaring red flag. Martinez is coverage is a liability, but it's not new. This secondary for all the accolades they have gotten(and soaked up) has been absent for major portions of games a good part of the year. When is the last time 23 made a play that turned momentum? He's dropped balls that would have been big, but more times than not he and 20 and their mates are chasing behind plays. The fact that they came out of a bye week and looked so flat in every single phase is ridiculous. Chalk it up to first year coach, or poor execution, or whatever, but they were taken to the woodshed last night and will be again if they don't change things up. No one looked worth any spot on an 8-2 team last night, and these opponents coming up will exploit those same weaknesses like SF and SD/LA did. A couple bounces here or there and I could see a NYG or WASH stealing a win from this team if they sleep on an opponent like they did last night. No way around it, GB got shellacked in the worst possible fashion and everyone on that sideline needs a wakeup call.

watching the game it looked like San Fran was in the Packers huddle when they called the plays. They did not react to the jet sweeps or mis direction they just stayed in their lane and made the play. There were a couple of instances where the MLB was laughing at Rodgers pretty much telling him he knew what was coming. Packers have a cheap imitation to what San Fran has been doing for a  few years.  

When MLF was interviewed at Halftime he said he was going to keep doing what he tried to do in the 1st half. That was scary. 

MLF was also interviewed this week about the offensive line and why he cant fully commit to an outside zone blocking system at this time.  He says he does not have all the pieces. Who are the pieces he needs to replace?  Cant be Turner or Jenkins. Those guys were just brought in. Bulaga? Linsley? Bak?  

Grave Digger posted:
NedFlanders posted:

Remember, Adams got this sh** ball rolling with the idiotic personal foul on the first series. 

You mean his vicious chest bump? Throw around criticism where it’s earned, but that was a chickenshit call by the ref. Adams did nothing wrong.

Call it chickenshit if you want, but I'd throw that flag every time.  The play was over, whistle had blown, Adams was out of bounds and for some dumb reason decided to chest bump a defender.  Great WR but dumb play.  And as mentioned, instead of 1st and 10 near midfield, the Packers were first and 10 at their own 25.  Next thing you know, fumble, TD and they were never in the game after that.  Adams fault, probably not.  But even if the Packers go 3 and out after the first 1st down, the Niners have it deep in their own territory.

Dumb play by a vet. And it warranted a flag.

I disagree. Can’t expect these guys to be quiet little angels that just hand the ball to the ref and go along their way. I hear former refs talk about preventative reffing being a huge part of the game, talking to players and explaining how the game is being called. It’s a primetime game with huge implications, that ref needed to chill out and let them play. If that ref felt a chest bump is over the line, which I’ve never seen something like that minimal called, the he should have given Adams a verbal warning. You can see Adams had his mouthpiece in, so he wasn’t talking and the guy wasn’t knocked over and didn’t take any offense to it. In fact none of the 49ers on their sideline reacted like it was a big deal. Only the ref was offended. Bad call by an overzealous ref looking for something to call.

YooperPackfan posted:

Officials did NOT cause this loss!! Piss poor coaching, execution and lack of talent did. I can’t believe it’s even being discussed 

No one said the refs caused it. Shitty reffing has been a problem in the league all year and should be called out. That penalty took the wind out of that drive, but it didn’t cause it to fail 

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