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Timmy! posted:

Good call or bad call, it was still a stupid play for anyone to make.
Especially a 5th-year vet. Grow the hell up.
Let your play do the talking.

If you are referring to the Adam's penalty, you don't think that changed the way he played the rest of the game? He was 1 more flag away from ejection. He is an aggressive, physical WR. I believe he approached the remainder of the game differently. 

It likely didn't matter, but we really dont know. The play impacted that drive, and momentum and rhythm is huge in sports. 

That killed momentum.   

The next drive,San Frans 2nd on O,  the Packers D got a stop and that's when the phantom penalty on King was called.   Another Mo shift that led to 3 points for San Fran.

The next Packers drive, Allison gets called for a questionable block in the back.   Drive over.

The final nail in the coffin was when we were driving the ball and got into scoring position.  MLF opted not to take the 3 and ran behind Linsley and Turner. Again, a big momentum shift. 

I know this doesn't line up with the ultra stats era we are living in, but momentum is a huge part of the game in my opinion. 

An aside. Fred Warner, the SF ILB who was all over the field is exactly who Oren Burks was supposed to be. Picked in the same draft, in the same round, almost the same size, speed, etc.

Warner is playing at an all pro level and Burks can't get on the field other than special teams.

AtTheMurph posted:

An aside. Fred Warner, the SF ILB who was all over the field is exactly who Oren Burks was supposed to be. Picked in the same draft, in the same round, almost the same size, speed, etc.

Warner is playing at an all pro level and Burks can't get on the field other than special teams.

I don't know what you're suggesting. Warner was #70 overall & Burks was #88

The Niners have drafted in the top 10 for the last decade. It's about time they improved. 

GBFanForLife posted:

The draft is a fucking crapshoot 


Last edited by Boris
GBFanForLife posted:

The draft is a fucking crapshoot 

Yes and No.  Back when the Packers organization had Ted Thompson at the helm with John Schneider, John Dorsey, Elliot Wolf, Reggie McKenzie, Gutekunst, etc. underneath him, this organization really did do a very good job of drafting.  There is some luck to it, but I really do think the combination of all those guys working towards draft and rookie FAs did a great job overall of evaluating talent. 

They weren't perfect as guys like Justin Harrell and Brian Brohm were high round busts in that era, but those guys as a whole really did a tremendous job in building some very strong Packers teams in the late '00s to the early '10s.  I absolutely think those guys as a whole together were just very skilled and during that time, you could make a case they were the best organization out there with the exception of Belichick's dynasty. 

I just think saying "The draft's a crapshoot" maybe doesn't pay the respect to some of the better GMs like Ozzie Newsome, John Schneider, TT before his decline in health who really did do a great job finding talent.  To them it's more than just a crapshoot, it's a lot of hard work plus some smarts in figuring out what can work for their teams.  And there is a little bit of luck involved, but if you're really dialed into your football team and the draft, you can be better than some of the GMs out there.

The draft is a crapshoot... it's an educated guessing game.  Every GM hits on some players and misses on others.  It's why Tom Brady was passed over by every team multiple times.  It's why Blair Thomas didn't pan out.  There's so many examples that it's not even worth discussing.  

Or it could be Rodgers is seeing something couch slug Nagler isn't.  Fuck that guy.

You girls are really getting whipped into a frenzy.  Go buy an Ibanez acoustic/electric bass and everything will be okay homers. 


Last edited by Henry

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