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@FreeSafety posted:

MLF needs to be throwing some chairs out onto the field Bobby Knight style with some of this officiating.

Face mask was legit. The horse collar wasn't, but it looked like it in real time. Hard to fault the official there.

Parsons should have gotten a roughing call. That's the only one that was a bad look.

@FreeSafety posted:

MLF needs to be throwing some chairs out onto the field Bobby Knight style with some of this officiating.

Has it ever been any different for us down there?  The refs and the NFL still believe the Cowgirls are America's team.

@FreeSafety posted:

MLF needs to be throwing some chairs out onto the field Bobby Knight style with some of this officiating.

Wait until Jerry creeps down to the sidelines and has security throw MM onto the field. 

Last edited by D J

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