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If this is remotely true, then it needs to be addressed by Gute and MLF together. While most of these guys are just out of college and ready to party during a big win, there's no excuse to harrass anyone. Just have some respect for them and for the GB uniform.

@ammo posted:

I agree.   We don't know what their cheers were saying,  but they could have been just as disrespectful of the Packers.   And those skimpy uniforms are meant to draw attention to  the girls and away from football.  Disrespect goes both ways.


@H5 posted:

I'm thrilled JA is starting to buy into JB's defense. The Swordsman! Now JA needs to learn he can't do that stuff out of bounds.

NFL Network is re-broadcasting the 2024 GB-Dallas playoff game in its entirety today, from 4:00-7:00 PM EST.

Easily one of my favorite Packers’ games in over 55 years of fandom. Hopefully a harbinger for a great decade to come

What a great day that was. I'm calling it now. It's the equivalent of the day we went into Arizona and Arod went toe to toe with Kurt Warner (I WAS THERE) and absent some pathetic calls at the end and missed bomb to a wide open Greg Jennings, we would have pulled it off.

Next year, they didn't let it slip away.

I smell Greatness coming in 2024.

That was the best playoff win since the Packers throttled Atlanta in 2010.
Vs the Falcons remains the better game because of all the circumstances surrounding it; #6 seed on the road playing the #1 seed, Atlanta was ranked significantly higher in most offensive categories, had the best regular season record, blah, blah, blah. I think the media largely thought the Packers weren't going to be much more than a speed bump on the Falcon's road to the Owl.

Vs DallAss had some of the same circumstances (road game, team records, seeding, etc), but the difference was the media didn't consider the Cowboys a juggernaut that was going to make a run, and the probability of winning wasn't as great.

@Timmy! posted:

Vs DallAss had some of the same circumstances (road game, team records, seeding, etc), but the difference was the media didn't consider the Cowboys a juggernaut that was going to make a run, and the probability of winning wasn't as great.

They may not have been considered a juggernaut in the NFL but they certainly were considered one at home through the 2023 season.  They were the clear favorites and it was only their playoff history vs GB and getting punked by SF not long before that gave any of those same talking heads any pause.

I was not expecting what unfolded that afternoon.

We do for the Bears & the Vikings - and is that news? 

If Jerry Jones was really trying to win, he should hire "football people" and fire himself as GM.  Since Jerry anointed himself GM (and there by start the hex of Jimmy Johnson) the Cowboys suck - or at least I think so.  But I might be by myself in that assessment. 

We do for the Bears & the Vikings - and is that news?

If Jerry Jones was really trying to win, he should hire "football people" and fire himself as GM.  Since Jerry anointed himself GM (and there by start the hex of Jimmy Johnson) the Cowboys suck - or at least I think so.  But I might be by myself in that assessment.

Jerry thinks he IS "football people." I say keep him where he is.

We do for the Bears & the Vikings - and is that news?

If Jerry Jones was really trying to win, he should hire "football people" and fire himself as GM.  Since Jerry anointed himself GM (and there by start the hex of Jimmy Johnson) the Cowboys suck - or at least I think so.  But I might be by myself in that assessment.

They've actually built a good team, they've been in the playoffs the last three seasons even with at least one other good team in their division, but kind of stuck in the land of not quite good enough QB play. It's kind of where the Vikings were a couple of years ago with Cousins and many other teams.

Teams with talent don't want to "bottom out". Instead they'd rather  hope their QB can get on a hot streak at the right time (ala Joe Flacco with the Ravens Super Bowl win) 

If you want to enjoy a little more Cowboy sadness make sure to watch the final episode of America's Sweethearts on Netflix.

They were so convinced (SO, SO CONVINCED) that the Cowboys were going to the Super Bowl. The devastation following that loss was... devastating.

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