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Most of us would have been overjoyed with a 1-point win over these assholes.  Geesh, this was never close.  Enjoy the fucking win.

This has to be a top 10 memory for me in Packers lore. Best comparison I can think of is when we jumped all over Steve Young on the road and it was 21-0 before you could blink an eye. This is pure elation.

Today (or any other day) is a great day to be a Packers fan!

There's a certain satisfaction to beating a hated rival, especially at their house, and that goes double if it's a playoff game.

However, with that said, this game would be exhibit A for why a team would not renew/re-sign a contract for Barry.
A good defense, playing with a 3 score lead, should have dominated the 2nd half.
Playing half-assed football allowing the other team to pile up points and yardage doesn't serve any purpose. Other than developing bad habits.

@MaximusHess posted:

That would be so Jerry-like to get rid of Quinn and hire Dinglebarry for DC, lol

True, which is why other than catching lightning in a bottle in the late 80's, they haven't done shit in the post season.

@MaximusHess posted:

The whole 2nd half was garbage time, lol

It was and these guys are human too.  How intense are you going to play D after what they did through 3 quarters?  Some if it is self preservation looking ahead to SF.  It happens and it probably has something to do with nearly every NFL game coming down to the last minutes.

They won't have this problem next weekend.

Last edited by DH13
@DH13 posted:

It was and these guys are human too.  How intense are you going to play D after what they did through 3 quarters?  Some if it is self preservation looking ahead to SF.  It happens and it probably has something to do with nearly every NFL game coming down to the last minutes.

They won't have this problem next weekend.

In fairness, I think the whole country fell into a stupor once the 4th qtr came. Clifford and the offense looked complacent in the huddle. Easy to go into cruise control with the lead they had. Definitely won't be the case next week.

No other games thread to put this on, but Stafford just got knocked out cold on what should have been a late hit. He goes to the tent and gets cleared to come back in.

Stafford's eyes literally rolled up on national TV. There is no way he wasn't concussed.

@artis posted:

In fairness, I think the whole country fell into a stupor once the 4th qtr came. Clifford and the offense looked complacent in the huddle. Easy to go into cruise control with the lead they had. Definitely won't be the case next week.

MLF will use it as a teachable moment for "we can't get too high on ourselves", but in reality the game was over.  It was 48-16 with less than 6 mins left in the game.  Even if they kneeled down every possession at that point they would have been able to run the clock out before the Cowboys caught up.

No other games thread to put this on, but Stafford just got knocked out cold on what should have been a late hit. He goes to the tent and gets cleared to come back in.

Stafford's eyes literally rolled up on national TV. There is no way he wasn't concussed.

Here's the Playoff Games thread for the weekend

I agree.....Stafford was acting like his arm or ribs, but I think concussion.

He'll have all off-season to heal up

Last edited by Boris
@Boris posted:

The crew doing the Packer game has a reputation for not calling penalties. 

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