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@Packwarrior posted:

Done and dusted. Should have been a more of a drubbing (than what we got). Understand my pent up frustration over decades with these Ahole Cowpokes and their fan

Now you know how I feel about the vikings.

@packerboi posted:

An incredible beat down. I cannot imagine MM is not gone. Jeebus, what a performance by MLF and Barry.

Barry? His defense gave up 27 points and almost 400 yards of offense in the second half. I’m not exactly thrilled with how he finished out the game.

Jerruh's gonna deep fry MM's ass when they have their sit-down after the game.
McCarthy has had back to back to back solid (regular) seasons tho, so imo, he deserves to keep his job.

Still, deserves got nothing to do with it.

Finally. That was a lot more stressful at the end than it should have been.

Bye bye Dallas! Get your resume ready, McCarthy.

Dallas is a bunch of dumbfucks if they fire MM. 3 straight years 12 wins. It isn't his fault they ran up against a 7 seed who is most likely one of the top 4 seeds in the conference.

I can't wait to watch the morning shows tomorrow LOLOLOL

@Boris posted:

Dallas is a bunch of dumbfucks if they fire MM. 3 straight years 12 wins. It isn't his fault they ran up against a 7 seed who is most likely one of the top 4 seeds in the conference.

I can't wait to watch the morning shows tomorrow LOLOLOL

They will. I'm sure he didn't tell Dak to throw that pick 6 or have Dan Quinn's defense collapse completely.

They went to the backups too early, that was probably MLF's decision to soften the D as much as Barry's.  We blew them out on both sides of the ball until garbage time.  That said we still need a change from Barry.

@D J posted:

Anybody seen Jerry? Or is he speed dialing Belichick? Belichick will demand complete control and Jerry will promise it, then once he signs, Jerry will start interfering; ask Parcells.

Dak and next years 1st to Chicago for Caleb Williams.

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