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Follow GrainBelt66


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Don't sell yourself short......
GrainBelt66 posted:

This was the only place that I could find accurate and current news about what was going on.

I remember I was still on dial-up and the ISP had a bunch of data nodes a quarter mile from Ground Zero that got taken out so all the customers were without internet for three days.


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I created an account in 2007 but I didn't start posting here until until they turned the lights out at Z-bud's.
Eddie posted:
Points: 1,410
Community Rank: #285
Is that a lot?
Points: 14,372
Community Rank: #67
Joined on the same date! 
No idea how these numbers work but I didnt realize I have been here this long.
Last edited by The Heckler
Fedya posted:
Blair Kiel posted:

It's because you were partying right up to 1999.

I just can't believe we all survived the Y2K bug.

How do you know we did?  This whole thing could just be a bunch of bots rattling around in a server somewhere.  

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My first computer was a Tandy TL1000. It lived in our basement for many years as we upgraded every so many years.
When the rumors started flying of the impending doom and peril from Y2K, I had to fire it up and advance the date to 01-01-2000. Of course, it functioned normally, and I knew if technology that old wasn't going to be affected, neither would the power grid, airline functions, or the other hundreds of things that were (supposedly) going to freak out.

Timmy! posted:

My first computer was a Tandy TL1000. It lived in our basement for many years as we upgraded every so many years.
When the rumors started flying of the impending doom and peril from Y2K, I had to fire it up and advance the date to 01-01-2000. Of course, it functioned normally, and I knew if technology that old wasn't going to be affected, neither would the power grid, airline functions, or the other hundreds of things that were (supposedly) going to freak out.

Ah, if it were only that simple, grasshopper.  Was a Delivery Project Executive in IBM spearheading global Y2K "issue avoidance" efforts.  From a pure I/T support vantage, turning over every grain of sand would have been a fair scope definition.

Barking Pumpkin posted:
Was a Delivery Project Executive in IBM spearheading global Y2K "issue avoidance" efforts. 

Well, my mother is still wondering what happened with that whole KY2 thing.  

I would pass out from laughing every time she said it. 

Last edited by Henry

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