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It really is amazing and sad that one of the great athletic freaks of the past 30 years or so lived such a short time on this earth.

I'll never forget how excited I was to get that guy back in 1993. If you knew anything about the NFL at all, you knew this guy was a franchise type player that could turn things around. It was nice to see him on our side instead of as an opposing player.

That game he had for the Eagles vs. the Packers in 1990 was probably the greatest display of dominance by a defensive lineman I have ever seen in my lifetime. He made Tony Mandarich look like a kindergartner. I'll never forget seeing him throw Mandarich around like a toy even though Mandarich himself was a huge strong guy (not as strong after dumping the steroids though).
That game he had for the Eagles vs. the Packers in 1990 was probably the greatest display of dominance by a defensive lineman I have ever seen in my lifetime. He made Tony Mandarich look like a kindergartner. I'll never forget seeing him throw Mandarich around like a toy even though Mandarich himself was a huge strong guy (not as strong after dumping the steroids though).

Was that the game in Milwaukee where Favre separated his left shoulder? If so, I was at that game and yes, he he spent as much time in the Packers backfield as Favre did.
Back in 1993 I thought someone was pulling my leg that the Packers signed him. An Eagles fan told me about it and I laughed at him at first then my jaw hit the floor when it was true.

The best Reggie memory for me was when he took that victory lap around the Super Dome after we won the super bowl. I will admit to being pretty teary eyed at that moment. I just couldn't believe it was actually happening.
I always remember the time in Minnesota, when Cris Carter attempted to block Reggie, and was literally thrown 5 yards through the air. I couldn't believe what I saw, white threw a grown man, a pro athlete no less, 15 feet. My jaw just hung in the air. It reminded me of the block Keith Byars put on Pepper Johnson. Only Reggie did it with one arm, Byars did it blindsided with a full head of steam.
Sterling, that has always been one of my favorite Packer moments when Carter was tossed liked a ragdoll by Reggie. That still makes me smile.

The one Reggie moment that doesn't make me smile was the game in Philly where Reggie just abused Manderich. He just bowled him over and tossed him around.
Originally posted by Sterling84:
I always remember the time in Minnesota, when Cris Carter attempted to block Reggie, and was literally thrown 5 yards through the air. I couldn't believe what I saw, white threw a grown man, a pro athlete no less, 15 feet. My jaw just hung in the air. It reminded me of the block Keith Byars put on Pepper Johnson. Only Reggie did it with one arm, Byars did it blindsided with a full head of steam.

LOL, I remember that one too. There pretty much was nothing physically that White couldn't do for such a big guy. Heck, the Packers were getting a guy that was just ever so slightly past his prime and yet he still was able to win defensive MVP in 1998 after having changed his mind on retiring the summer before that season.

I hope someday we'll see another guy like that enter the NFL, but so far I haven't seen it. A guy like JJ Watt is a fantastic athlete, but I don't think he has the pure country strength that White did.
Originally posted by Sterling84:
I always remember the time in Minnesota, when Cris Carter attempted to block Reggie, and was literally thrown 5 yards through the air. I couldn't believe what I saw, white threw a grown man, a pro athlete no less, 15 feet. My jaw just hung in the air. It reminded me of the block Keith Byars put on Pepper Johnson. Only Reggie did it with one arm, Byars did it blindsided with a full head of steam.

The best was Cris Carters terrified look after he got up & Warren Moon looking down at Carter like "I can't believe I just saw that"
Originally posted by YATittle:
Why did he wear 91 for the Eagles and 92 for the Pack?

Reggie wore #91 his rookie year with the Eagles.... someone else was wearing #92(his number in college).

He switched to 92 in his second year with the Eagles.

Edit : Looked it up. Smiley Creswell wore #92 for the Eagles in 1985 - Reggies 1st season with the Eagles). Good trivia question !!
Originally posted by Sterling84:
I always remember the time in Minnesota, when Cris Carter attempted to block Reggie, and was literally thrown 5 yards through the air. I couldn't believe what I saw, white threw a grown man, a pro athlete no less, 15 feet. My jaw just hung in the air. It reminded me of the block Keith Byars put on Pepper Johnson. Only Reggie did it with one arm, Byars did it blindsided with a full head of steam.

He didn't just throw Carter in the air. He threw him at Warren Moon to record a sack.
That's a 6' 200lb guy he threw at a QB with one hand.

That video should be the immediate go to counter for every "(insert name) reminds me of Reggie White"

My goodness that's a different kind of strong.
Originally posted by fightphoe93:

That game he had for the Eagles vs. the Packers in 1990 was probably the greatest display of dominance by a defensive lineman I have ever seen in my lifetime. He made Tony Mandarich look like a kindergartner. I'll never forget seeing him throw Mandarich around like a toy even though Mandarich himself was a huge strong guy (not as strong after dumping the steroids though).

I'll never forget a quote from one of the Eagles' linebackers after that game - "We had to be careful not to trip over Mandarich, because we never knew where Reggie was going to throw him."

And to think we left Barry Sanders on the board to take Steroid Guy.
Originally posted by MNPackman:
Man, did he abuse Max Lane in the Super Bowl. He just took the game over in the 4th quarter.

My greatest moments of recollection of NFL football of all-time, I was literally out of the chair when that man took over ... he was not gonna be denied.

and then the jog around the stadium with Vince raised in his hands like he was at the mountaintop ...

(sigh) I miss Reggie White.
Originally posted by trump:
Originally posted by MNPackman:
Man, did he abuse Max Lane in the Super Bowl. He just took the game over in the 4th quarter.

My greatest moments of recollection of NFL football of all-time, I was literally out of the chair when that man took over ... he was not gonna be denied.

That was just amazing. I still watch that tape sometimes just to see that. One of the greatest performances I've ever seen from anyone wearing a Packer uniform. He refused to lose that game, period.
Sanders was obvious. I wanted Derrick Thomas. What's worse?

You could've had 4 out of 5 HOF's. We picked the one that wasn't. Still not as bad as picking Ryan Leaf or Jamarcus Russell. Mandarich was at least serviceable on the Colts.

However, maybe we never get Favre or Reggie?

Reggie came here because of Favre's toughness.
Originally posted by Salmon Dave:
Originally posted by trump:
Originally posted by MNPackman:
Man, did he abuse Max Lane in the Super Bowl. He just took the game over in the 4th quarter.

My greatest moments of recollection of NFL football of all-time, I was literally out of the chair when that man took over ... he was not gonna be denied.

That was just amazing. I still watch that tape sometimes just to see that. One of the greatest performances I've ever seen from anyone wearing a Packer uniform. He refused to lose that game, period.
If not for him and Desmond Howard, does anyone here doubt that Favre would have found a way to lose the game at some critical, high pressure juncture in the 4th quarter?
It's tough when you prognosticate what would NOT have happened had the Pack had more success under Infante should they have picked Barry Sanders so I don't dwell on that save one thing...

Imagining the Majik year had the team also had him. Man, that was such a wonderful year though they missed the playoffs when the Vikings beat the Bengals on Monday night in the final regular season game of the year.
Originally posted by Pack-Man:
If not for him and Desmond Howard, does anyone here doubt that Favre would have found a way to lose the game at some critical, high pressure juncture in the 4th quarter?

Yes, I do doubt that statement. Like him or not, during the mid-90's, he was the best QB in the game. And that includes the 4th quarters. He was a 3-time MVP for a reason.
I always loved Holmgren's story of 'courting' Reggie; (paraphrased) Reggie said he was going to pray to God for guidance, Holmey called Reggie and left a voicemail, "Reggie, this is God. Go to Green Bay!"

My favorite Reggie moment was the playoff game vs Dallas when he had hurt a hammy a week or so before, and declared that God 'healed' him so he could play. If memory serves, he had an bicep/tricep or arm injury as well; I seem to remember him having an arm and his leg wrapped with tape.
In any case, here's a guy basically playing on one arm and one leg, lifting Larry Allen (300+ lbs) OFF THE GROUND with his "club" technique! Easily the best display of strength and will I've ever seen!
Originally posted by PackLandVA:
Yes, I do doubt that statement. Like him or not, during the mid-90's, he was the best QB in the game. And that includes the 4th quarters. He was a 3-time MVP for a reason.

That is just plain crazy talk. There is no place for truth in this discussion.
Originally posted by phaedrus:
It's tough when you prognosticate what would NOT have happened had the Pack had more success under Infante should they have picked Barry Sanders so I don't dwell on that save one thing...Imagining the Majik year had the team also had him.

Yeah, that is interesting to think of the combination of Majkowski and Sanders. Majkowski was 2nd in the MVP voting in '89, he was that good. Obviously, he wouldn't have had the same numbers had he been handing off to Barry, but they probably win another game or 2 if Sanders is on that team. Maybe Majkowski never injures his rotator cuff in '90 if he's handing off to Sanders more... ah the possibilites...
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Christ, can you imagine a young Sanders' flamboyant personality in GB? He made T-Buck look like a church mouse. Holmy would have killed him.

wrong Sanders ... this 1 was the anti-neon.

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