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You are too cool, sschumer!
Not only get inducted in the Fan HoF, but get newspaper articles written about you, too! I'm envious.
Any idea if Dean ever went to T.J.'s in Atlanta (Alpharetta)? It was THE place to be for Packers fans in the 1990's.

No story like yours, though, but I've met many people over the years because of the Packers. Somebody will notice a hat or t-shirt and ask if they are a fan,  introductions are made, and great conversations and stories follow.

Blair Kiel, I am crying I'm laughing so hard at your comment.  You are hilarious!

PackerHawk, my son Adam plugged X4 pretty good a few years ago (link following), so thought that was good for awhile.  But you're absolutely right, I screwed up.  Next time, I promise! (Go to 17:19 mark for X4 comment.  Segment begins at 14:25 mark)

The article and video is truly amazing... Thanks for sharing!!

Was a greenhorn Airman Basic in training in Wichita Falls, TX. Heard a dude playing guitar under the C-side overhang at the 362nd Training Squadron (smoking area, of course). Found out he was from Appleton. Talked about the Packers- this is 1993, so Favre’s second season as Packers QB). 28 years later we’re still best friends through Okinawa, Saudi, Korea… he’s still in, just texted through the Signal app as he’s deployed to an undisclosed locale. Still bonded through the Packers.

The only person I know with ties to the Packer organization is Russ Cochran - the son of John (Red) Cochran.  When I was transferred to the C-17 program my manager - who knew about how I liked the Packers - made the introduction.  Russ and I have been friends ever since.  He brought in his Dad's Super bowl ring and let me try it on.  Lets just say I need bigger fingers if I want it to stay put.  Once and a while we would work on the same program - so staying in touch was easy.  Of course there was always email when we weren't.  We have a group of 13 co-workers that are about all things Packers and stay in touch with each other.

There have been other Packer fans I have met by chance around the US.  One last summer out in Montana.  We turned onto a "less traveled" road in hopes of getting a better picture of an island in a lake.  I was wearing a Packer shirt.  We stopped when we saw some swimmers and asked for directions.  This one guy who came and talked with us gave us a lot of information.  When we thanked him he said "it was the least I could do for a fellow Packer fan".  Cool experience. 

My grandfather was a tailor for the only big and tall store at the time in DePere.  He naturally tailored for many of the Packers greats from back in the day.  He was able to get Vince Lombardi to sign "Run to Daylight" which my dad has stored in his library.  I don't want much to pass on to me from my dad, but I will fight tooth and nail for that autographed copy.  I want to give it to my son someday, it will not be for sale in my lifetime.

I had a great uncle who worked under the former (lousy) director of player personnel, Tom Braatz.

I have a late uncle who was a statistician for the Packers for a number of years.

Those are my ties to the Packers.  I'm new here, so some of you might find this interesting.  I bleed green and gold, always will, even though I've been living in the Denver metro area since 1996.  I was also born at St. Vincent's hospital.

  I can't believe how long some of you have been on this forum.  It's like you grew up here.

And those early 2000 registration dates aren't even accurate. If I remember correctly, the previous board crashed or was hacked or something.  And Scoop (original owner) had to restart the site from scratch.  That's why so many people have the same registration date in early 2000.  Pretty sure I was still on AOL dial-up using "Alta Vista" as my go to search engine.

Last edited by PackLandVA

My grandfather was a tailor for the only big and tall store at the time in DePere.  He naturally tailored for many of the Packers greats from back in the day.  He was able to get Vince Lombardi to sign "Run to Daylight" which my dad has stored in his library.  I don't want much to pass on to me from my dad, but I will fight tooth and nail for that autographed copy.  I want to give it to my son someday, it will not be for sale in my lifetime.

I had a great uncle who worked under the former (lousy) director of player personnel, Tom Braatz.

I have a late uncle who was a statistician for the Packers for a number of years.

Those are my ties to the Packers.  I'm new here, so some of you might find this interesting.  I bleed green and gold, always will, even though I've been living in the Denver metro area since 1996.  I was also born at St. Vincent's hospital.

You had me at DePere!  I grew up in Allouez through 6th grade, then West DePere.

Pretty sure your post is the first time I’ve seen DePere mentioned  up in here. Hot damn welcome sir, and yah dere hey Green Bay.

@Timmy! posted:

You are too cool, sschumer!
Not only get inducted in the Fan HoF, but get newspaper articles written about you, too! I'm envious.
Any idea if Dean ever went to T.J.'s in Atlanta (Alpharetta)? It was THE place to be for Packers fans in the 1990's.

No story like yours, though, but I've met many people over the years because of the Packers. Somebody will notice a hat or t-shirt and ask if they are a fan,  introductions are made, and great conversations and stories follow.

Thanks so much Timmy!  I asked Dean about T.J.'s.  Here's his response:  "Never went to T.Js.  Ashamed to say actually - since I lived in Alpharetta for 5 years!" 

@ilcuqui posted:

I think a more accurate term is that we all have gotten older here.

And welcome aboard.

My Peter Pan syndrome flairs up every time I post.  I'm pretty sure it's terminal.

As far as my story, what the hell else do you do on a tractor or in a barn besides listening to the Packers, Brewers, Badgers and Bucks on the WEVR?

Last edited by Henry

Just this past week on Halloween, a dad taking his kids trick or treating saw the "G" on my front license plate of my truck.  We struck up a conversation for about 5 minutes before I realized his kids were getting antsy, so we said good bye.  My wife, who's from Miami, thinks it's so weird that I talk to strangers about the Packers, but that's one thing I love about being a fan of the best team in the NFL!

@Pistol GB posted:

You had me at DePere!  I grew up in Allouez through 6th grade, then West DePere.

Pretty sure your post is the first time I’ve seen DePere mentioned  up in here. Hot damn welcome sir, and yah dere hey Green Bay.

Yah dere hey.  I love it!  I had a roommate in college at UW-Oshkosh say that once in front of a group of us and we all started laughing, he was so country.  From then on, we all called him Der Hey.

Funny story about Yah Dere Hey.  I heard it a lot more once I moved to Antigo after graduating.  Anyway, I had a group of friends in a FFL  back here in Denver.  They were all Broncos fans, but we were also football fans.  They had a tradition of going to an away Broncos game and that year they were playing the Packers.  We all decided to make the trip to Lambeau.

The morning of the game, I told my friend that I was rooming with that we should stop by the store and pick up our alcohol for tailgating.  I pulled into a Walgreens, and he asked, "You can get liquor here?"  I said yeah, they sell it everywhere out here (in Colorado, you can only buy in liquor stores or beer only at grocery stores).  I added, "you might even catch somebody saying Ya Dere Hey."  He laughed, and aked what the hell that means.  It's hard to explain, I told him, but it's an expression of sorts.

So we go into Walgreens, we're checking out and my friend asks the lady, "Do you need to see my ID?"  She responded, "No, you look like yer aboot 21 dere hey."  We both started laughing uncontrollably while the clerk had a look on her face like, what the hell's so funny?

Last edited by Harry Manback

Yah dere hey.  I love it!  I had a roommate in college at UW-Oshkosh say that once in front of a group of us and we all started laughing, he was so country.  From then on, we all called him Der Hey.

UW-Oshkosh??? Did a lot of college road trips there. Harry, did you ever toss β€˜em back at Stumpy’s on State Street? Good times!

I had been living in NYC for several years before I found out about Kettle O' Fish in the west village.  It's an honest to god Packers bar tended by a guy with a thick Cudahy accent.  I used to go there to watch non national tv games in the early 00's.  Lots of characters.  The place was always packed and it would seem like very fertile ground for these kind of connections accept for the fact that not a lot of people I knew from the tiny town I grew up near (graduating class of 50 people) ever made their way to NYC, much less decided to watch a game at KOF.

One time, I noticed a gal that I thought looked familiar but not enough for me to remember who she was or where I had seen her before.  She was with a group I didn't recognize and I decided not to just ask her out of the blue.  She came up to me and asked where I went to HS and I was floored to finally realize who she was.  She was a year ahead of me, sisters with one of my best friend's best friends and had grown into quite a lovely gal.  Turns out she was getting her Masters or Doctorate at Rutgers and was in the city that weekend with her fiancΓ©.  She and I talked the whole rest of the game while he shot daggers in our direction.

In my ten years there I don't think I had randomly run into anyone I knew in NYC who didn't live there, much less from my small HS in WI.  But if it was going to happen anywhere it was going to happen at that bar.

Last edited by DH13
@Blair Kiel posted:

UW-Oshkosh??? Did a lot of college road trips there. Harry, did you ever toss β€˜em back at Stumpy’s on State Street? Good times!

I wish I could remember, BK.  I tossed (drinks, Henry) quite a few back in those days in probably every bar there, and chances were I was high too.  So, I might have been there?  All I know was that I had a great time.  Class of 1992.

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