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Hawk gets blamed for not making enough big plays, and that was a huge, spectacular play. In my mind, he saved the game with it.

Exactly, even though it was a bogus call, that was a touchdown if Hawk doesn't get a hand on it.
PI often is subjective as the contact portion leaves some subjectivity.

I will say this. If the teams were switched and I was gifted by that play and my team eventually won, I would have sour feelings, nevertheless.

In my opinion, what is recorded an INT, should go down as what could be one of the most spectacular defensive plays in the NFL for the entire season.

You just do not make that call. Pure horse-s(&t.
Originally posted by The GBP Rules:
I haven't gotten a chance to watch a replay of the game yet but there was a play on the final drive where the ball appeared to hit the ground and wobble a bit as the receiver caught it. I was at a bar so only saw the 1 replay and didn't hear the commentary really well but they said something to the effect of it seemed like he had control.

I think that was Colston and Collinsworth commented that the ball didn't move when it touched the ground, so it was a good reception.

And all this talk about whether Hawk touched Sproles and so forth misses the main problem I have with the whole thing - the ref behind the play cannot see what Hawk may or may not have touched and had no business making that call.
It was a bad call on what was a great defensive play by Hawk. Still, the Saints couldn't cash in on the gift. It was stupid for Payton to use Ingram for a run up the middle. Raji and Pickett were stuffing the middle all game long. Why run it at them on the last play? A Brees play-action pass or a bounce off the tackles by Thomas would have been better. Make the other players on the defense earn their check.
PI or no PI it was a great play by Hawk.
He gave the Packer defence a chance to win the game the next play.
We simply need to understand we can not count on the NFL Ref to make the correct call all the time.
Now is thier room for the NFL to improve thier ref's performance, you betcha there is. We also get to see all the ref's mistakes becouse of instant reply.
Go back and watch the 1961 NFL chaminship game on you tube.
It will give you a prospective of how much instant reply and high def TV has given us insight into the game.
after watching the replay again...I don't think Hawk touched him before the ball got there.....Sproles slipped and was falling down....

Exactly.. The players had been slipping in the endzones all night. This is what caused Sproles to appear like he was knocked down.

It's not a horrible call IMO because from the refs angle. Obviously the wrong call, but I'm not saying it was horrible. We will have some of these go our way this year, I'm just glad we are good enough to overcome it.
Two things:
1) Not sure if I get the PI rul ein that situation. Doesn't Hawk deserve a shot at the ball? You can't go through the defender,but Hawk plays the ball, not Sproles. At that point, doesn't incidental contact rule here?

2) Football gods clearly agreed that it was not PI, b/c the Saints didn't cash in on the next play.

3) For those wanting a pass there (instead of a run), remember the Saints were stuffed earlier in the red zone on a 4th and 1 when they tried passing. It's classic second guessing. If he passed and it was incomplete, everyone would say "you have to just pound it in there....." or "Payton got too cute....". I'm in the group that says if you can't run for 1 yard when the game is on the line, you don't deserve to win.
CU good points. Also throw in the fact the Saints ran their cute PA play player earlier at the GL when Graham had to use the belt celebration. Might have been why they didn't go pass then.

Wish someone had tossed their beer on the jag.
I agree, the sports talk shows here were saying the same thing. (Bad Call by Payton)

I bet they would be saying bad call if the Saints passed and failed to get in. The talk show hosts are such frauds.

If the play works it's a good call. If the play doesn't work it's a bad call. Hind sight is twenty twenty.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
3) For those wanting a pass there (instead of a run), remember the Saints were stuffed earlier in the red zone on a 4th and 1 when they tried passing. It's classic second guessing.

I mentioned this in another thread, so obviously I agree with you.

The bad news, however, is that on NFL Total Access, Michael Irvin took the same position you and I are taking. Eeker
I don't believe in putting the game in the hands of the ref. If they make a bad call you got to win it in spite of that. And as players you can't play scared.

That said, I thought Bush and Hawk both made great plays. And I thought that there were other closer plays they did not call. If the refs really wanted to stack the deck in favor of the Saints, they could have thrown Woodson out.

I'll chalk it up to inconsistency for now. But then, I've been complaining about that for a long time.
The tenor of the officiating during the game was to 'let them play'. I think there was one offensive holding call all night and only one defensive holding/pass interference call all night.. The non-call on the 20 yard Sproles punt return where Bush was pushed directly in his back in clear view of three officials was 'stunning'---collingsworth's explanation only showed how bad the non-call was...My point you have the most important play of the game, in a game where you have kept the flags in your pocket... you have an official with a poor angle throw a flag based on the movement of the receiver...movement that was caused due to a slip....terible, terrible terrible.
Yes they have a hard job and yes as fans, players and teams you have to take the good with the bad in a league that tolerates poor officiating--but a higher standard should be expected.....
What a lot of people didn't see is what Hawk did after the game was over. He corner the 3 referrees just before they entered the run way to the the locker room and pleaded his case. I think a player who was that animated after a close game, felt the call was definitely wrong.
The non-call on the 20 yard Sproles punt return where Bush was pushed directly in his back in clear view of three officials was 'stunning'

Notice beak boy said nothing about the hold on that play defending him saying he was going to shoulder? How about him holding his pads before the block. And yet Ain't fans are saying Chrissy was rooting for the Packers?
I watched the game again, there must have been 10 or 15 missed holds/PI/etc by the Packers. Its almost like it happens every game.

By way worse for the Pack, way worse. I'm outraged.

And the guys in the booth really favored the Saints all game. And ESPN showed more highlights of the Saints, again. And Friday morning talk radio ignored the Packers totally, except Colin Cowherd Mad Mad Mad

anything else I can do to sound like a viking fan?
Just rewatched the game and ran the AJ Hawk PI play in slow motion on the DVR.

Looked like a completely blown call by refs in slow mo. I'd have to say the guy that made the call took a guess at it because of the angle he was watching the play from. Sproles slipping before Hawk gets there probably influenced the call.

The good news, the Pack overcame the call and made the play they needed to make. The bad news, Hawk makes a fantastic play yet gets a penalty for it when he truly didn't deserve one.

I'm not going to be too hard on the ref because I could see where he might have thought Hawk influenced Sproles slipping from the angle he was watching the play from, but I think Sproles slipped all on his own and it made it look like there was contact when there really wasn't any.
I don't post here often. I don't complain much about the officals or the broadcasters before or after wins or loses. But---that was a bad call in a pivotal situation. It easily could have cost the Packers the game. If Troy Aikman is the back judge in Dallas---he flags Tramon Williams for the exceptional play to end the Steelers last drive---1st down....lot's of time left......In big situations---you dam well better be sure---I think it is okay to do some bitchin......
And Collingsworth---describing the block on Bush that he felt was not a block in the back---was truly laughable...he pointed out that Bush was held and clipped---but it was a good non-call....It was one of the funniest moments I've heard from the booth in years. I think it is okay to comment on that too.
It's bad for the game if the Packers repeat (In Goodell's eyes)

Expect more of this throughout the year. The Packers are too good, They'll be blowing good teams out making it all anti-climactic.
Hard not to go totally TD Homerboy on all the calls. Frustrating sometimes, but it seems there is such subjectivity in today's NFL refereeing that one doesn't know what will be called play to play. There's holding on every play, and plays like the one mentioned with Bush being blocked in the back are pretty borderline - I'd rather they "let em' play" like on Thursday night. If they call that, maybe thy call holding more frequently on the OLine. God forbid we have an over officious crew like you get with geezer Hoculi Mad

Maybe I just expect calls to go against you every once in a while, but certain calls are judgement calls by the officials. Holding, PI, etc... Where as the one on Bush downing the punt seemed like a easy, and correct, call to make. Player has to down the ball by coming under control and not let any body part come in contact with the end zone....touchback !!! been that way for a long long time.

The calls that bug me are the PI calls. Totally subjective.
I was ok with the officiating during the game. The PI call was the only one that stuck out in my mind. It's never going to perfect, so the fact that only 1 play really irked me isn't that bad. We've seen much worse.
Originally posted by Boris:
It's bad for the game if the Packers repeat (In Goodell's eyes)

Expect more of this throughout the year. The Packers are too good, They'll be blowing good teams out making it all anti-climactic.
You're joking, right?

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