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insert the heavy sarcasm

Music City, I dont like you avatar,it's degrading to other posters on here ever time you post. Please remove it ASAP.

CJS- Please change your avatar, it's going to scare someone on here and we cant have that.

LJames, please find an appropriate avatar from the list here. Quite frankly without one you look out of place and we want everyone to be very uniformed here.

That all sounds pretty freaking ridiculous didn't it? About as ridiculous you three actually worried about someone elses avatar on an internet football messageboard or anyone else for that matter. Honestly, dont yeah think there is bigger things in life to worry about? If it bothers you that much,then maybe its time to hit that little button on your computer called the on-off switch and go outside for awhile.
What a bunch of tools. When I come here, I come to read the threads, not dwell on what an avartar looks like.

Next thing we know, some of you will be whining about mine being a picture of a 'Baby Killer' or some such crap as that.

Music, your avatar is constantly calling the poster above you stupid', that's not quite right, especially when, in this case, it happens to be BORIS!!!, or is it pointing to your name?
I am one on the biggest prudes posting on X4. I really, really dislike avatars like Pakrz. I have the right to dislike them....I think I have the right to say that I don't like them. How can free speech only work one way?

I'm fine with everyone having the right to have whatever avatar they want...if that's what Boris wants. I also know that I can't or won't post at work when there is a chance of someone seeing that avatar. Sorry, that's just not appropriate where I work. I think its too bad that someone else can dictate my posting times and habits, but if that's what it must be...then that's what it must be.

I really wish people would have, what I consider, better taste...but I know that's just my opinion. I do know that unless Boris says its not OK, then I have to live with it and adjsut my posting because of that. I also know that the people with the bad avatars don't care about that....I guess I wish they did, but they don't.
Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:
I also know that I can't or won't post at work when there is a chance of someone seeing that avatar. Sorry, that's just not appropriate where I work. I think its too bad that someone else can dictate my posting times and habits, but if that's what it must be...then that's what it must be.

I wish everyone could post at work, but you're misplacing blame here for your situation. The 'someone else' who dictates whether or not you can post at work is your boss. Not anyone here. I think you'll agree that it's almost impossible to make everyone happy in this regard, as reactive standards always lead to less effective proactive policies. Basically, there is no solution that works for everyone.

Yet another reason that Booger is the best avatar out there.
Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:
I am one on the biggest prudes posting on X4. I really, really dislike avatars like Pakrz. I have the right to dislike them....I think I have the right to say that I don't like them. How can free speech only work one way?

I'm fine with everyone having the right to have whatever avatar they want...if that's what Boris wants. I also know that I can't or won't post at work when there is a chance of someone seeing that avatar. Sorry, that's just not appropriate where I work. I think its too bad that someone else can dictate my posting times and habits, but if that's what it must be...then that's what it must be.

I really wish people would have, what I consider, better taste...but I know that's just my opinion. I do know that unless Boris says its not OK, then I have to live with it and adjsut my posting because of that. I also know that the people with the bad avatars don't care about that....I guess I wish they did, but they don't.

I respect your opinion, but disagree with it. The obvious question I have is why are you posting on a football message board at work? I don't because it's not permitted where I work. Maybe I'm one of the rare stickler for the rules, but I'm only on this site when I'm on my own uncompensated time. Work is work and free time is free time. My guess is your boss wouldn't be too impressed with you screwing around on the internet regardless of what avatar is visible on your screen. I know, I know... you're only on the internet during your "breaks." Please.

Besides, the avatar depicts no nudity. Only your imagination, which is apparently on the filthy side, concludes that avatar to be crude. You'll be happy to know that I change my avatars frequently though. I'll try to display more "taste" in the future so your boss/co-workers won't be offended by a finger.
Last edited by Pakrz
Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:
I am one on the biggest prudes posting on X4. I really, really dislike avatars like Pakrz. I have the right to dislike them....I think I have the right to say that I don't like them. How can free speech only work one way?

I'm fine with everyone having the right to have whatever avatar they want...if that's what Boris wants. I also know that I can't or won't post at work when there is a chance of someone seeing that avatar. Sorry, that's just not appropriate where I work. I think its too bad that someone else can dictate my posting times and habits, but if that's what it must be...then that's what it must be.

I really wish people would have, what I consider, better taste...but I know that's just my opinion. I do know that unless Boris says its not OK, then I have to live with it and adjsut my posting because of that. I also know that the people with the bad avatars don't care about that....I guess I wish they did, but they don't.

If it's of any consolation, I'm with you on this. I don't even want my wife to see this at home. Best solution is just using the ignore feature.

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