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Maybe we should rething the Lang to RT & EDS to LG feels like we got weaker at 2 positions with the shift.

How bad would things be if we moved Lang back to LG and played Barclay at RT. He looked good towards the end of the preseason & was very good at LT on a pass happy WVU team.

By having only one weak link you could help-out the RT and shift protection.

Thoughts or is Barclay a train wreck waiting to happen?
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The way Saturday has been pushed around is embarrassing. they can't continue with him at center, and we're losing Lang's presence in the middle, where he could help EDS with the calls if needed.
Originally posted by Krautkramer: feels like we got weaker at 2 positions with the shift.

This is the problem with Sherrod being out. Many posters yesterday were asking "what Sherrod has done" to prove he'd be a help. Well, he was a #1 pick for at least one reason - potential. And when Bulaga went out, it forced the Packers to make two moves on the O-line instead of one. So as you mentioned, they weakened an already suspect line by two more positions.

I love what TT has done to build this team. But I think he made a tactical mistake in not having better/more experienced players backing up some of the O-line starters. Gotta protect the franchise by any means necessary!
this offense is morphing into the Run N Shoot, except its just mostly Shoot now

Bensons power may be able to mask some of the OL issues when he returns. that and some damn screens if we actually called em
Plenty of time to worry about next year later. Personally, I think they can pull it together this year, enough to make a playoff run.

Packers' O-line is a work in progress. It pretty much always is.
The online flat out sucked in NY. But let's keep a little perspective here... The Giant defensive line isn't exactly a group of pussies. Those MFers are the real deal and they kicked the hell out of us.

"As of now no, I don't see that will happen," offensive coordinator Tom Clements said of shuffling personnel on a line that was a party to five sacks and two other quarterback hits in the offense's worst performance since scoring three points at Detroit in 2010.

Statements like this usually mean a change is coming.
Next year, we get Bulaga and Sherrod back, and I have to assume TT drafts an interior OL early (likely center). Combine that with Datko's improvement, EDS, and likely another interior OL drafted late, and you have solid group of 9 OL. If the team can't win with those guys, then it's not on the talent; it's on the coaching.

For this year, they need to alter the game plan since they can't change personnel. Play more max protect if you have to, but it's clear that sending 4 or 5 guys on routes is pointless if AR has less than 3 seconds in the pocket. You have to protect the QB at all costs. If they're playing the 49ers or Giants, they need to keep 7 guys in to block. I know it limits the offense by only have 3 guys run routes (with 7 to cover) but you know what limits an offense even more? Having your QB run for his life on every snap.

Figure it out MM. The season depends on it.
Barclay played OK, but he did get more help than any other OT during the Mike McCarthy era. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I am sure MM has plenty of plays he can call where help is available for the RT.

I am just saying it is not an apples to apples comparison, Barclay vs Lang at RT, because of all the help Barclay was given.
Packers-Vikings post-game notes & quotes

(on Don Barclay’s performance)
I thought Don did a good job. Actually, I thought the confidence in the play calling reflected that. When he first went into the game, I tried to take care of him and play it smart. Frankly, after halftime we just really played a basic, clean football game. I thought our players did a heck of a job. It was nothing unusual. We took a couple shot plays, but it just came down to being balanced with the run and pass, similar to the way they were playing us on defense. We saw a little bit more quarter coverage than we probably anticipated, but I thought Don gave us an opportunity to keep rolling by allowing us to play both run and pass. I was pleased from what I saw.”
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
Barclay played OK, but he did get more help than any other OT during the Mike McCarthy era. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I am sure MM has plenty of plays he can call where help is available for the RT.

I am just saying it is not an apples to apples comparison, Barclay vs Lang at RT, because of all the help Barclay was given.
Lang isn't a very good tackle, and EDS sucks at guard. Barclay held up against a pretty good defensive line today, so it wouldn't be a terrible idea to try Barclay at RT to get Lang back at his best position. Who knows, maybe Barclay will be the UDFA surprise this year. Maybe those moves combined with getting EDS at C would give this offensive line a chance of not being embarrassed again by an elite DL once the playoffs roll around.
Saturday is sad and worthless. Seriously. Supposedly he's great for line calls or the no-huddle offense. Not sure about that. Just watch him get manhandled time and time again. It's embarrassing...
I say let Barclay finish the year at RT, with Lang (if healthy) back at left guard, then if Barclay proves he can do it, move give him the RT slot and let Bulaga and Sherrod fight for the left tackle position. Newhouse can back up both positions can't he? We'd sure have a glut of OTs if everyone can get healthy. Or maybe Barclay is just meant to be a backup
The interesting thing is that it didn't seem to really slow down or limit the offense to give Barclay some help. The running game getting going helped a lot, but really having Kuhn stay in or having a TE chip the DE really didn't cause any problems that I saw.

I also noticed Barclay's effort. He seemed to really give a great effort in the run game and I think it helped a lot. He played like a hungry UDFA and the offense was better for it.

I'm not crowning the guy, but to me it seemed he's better at RT than EDS is at LG. That's why Lang should go back to his natural spot and the only position that will need help is RT.

Agree 100%.

The interesting thing is that it didn't seem to really slow down or limit the offense to give Barclay some help.

There was a 3rd down play where Kuhn chipped on Barclay's man then Kuhn leaked out and was wide open, AR throws him the short pass and Kuhn gets the 1st down and the chains moved.

Perfect game plan, play call and execution.
EDS at C

I keep hearing and reading this but what is it based on? EDS can't even remember the snap count and we want him calling protections? only slightly kidding.

but BRAVO to Barclay for saving the day whether he got help or not. And I agree, keep him at RT and put Lang back at guard.
Has there been any word as to Lang's injury? That is foremost in my mind. I imagine one could make a case for moving Lang back inside if healthy, but I suspect that is not how MM operates. I don't see him putting a guy like Barclat out there if he doesn't have to. As for Saturday. I agree with everyone else, he is awful, but I cannot fathom MM making a change there at this time of the year with a makeshift line as it is. I think we have what we have. I think we saw however how just a little bit of a running game can solve a ton of pass protection issues and I give a lot of credit to Starks, he looks weird out there with his running style,and scares the heck out of me with the way he carries the ball, but he has broken tackles and dragged guys forward, which Green has no ability to do.
Originally posted by Tdog:
Lang twisted an ankle. Didn't look terrible as he walked off the field but since he didn't return it's gotta be a fairly good one.

In other words, done for the season/career? Smiler

What drives me nuts about Starks is that as he is being tackled and he's trying to get an additional yard or two, he almost always turns so he's either sideways or he's back-first. When he does that, he is exposing the ball and is vulnerable to having somebody like a Tillman punch it out of his grasp. In my opinion, it's a bad habit that needs to be broken before it costs us.

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