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Where did you go Roland? You took time out of your work day no less to come here and post your drivel. Grow a sack and answer how you're going to weasel around the very obvious rule?

You must have a big Scumbag Pete graphic on your wall.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
No, there is no percent possession... but there is continuous possession, which Jennings has and Tate does not. And, that continuous possession must be maintained throughout the catch all the way to the ground.

Refer to the non-catch from Calvin Johnson last year vs CHI.

more effective way to say what I was trying to say, thanks H5

Where's Dr.Blood he struck me as a rational Seahawks fan?
Originally posted by RolandDeschain:
Originally posted by Dave in MN:
So Roland, since you are here let me ask you these questions. 1) do you believe the roughing the passer call was correct? Yes or no.

I can't answer this as a yes or a no. It's questionable. The football was out of Wilson's hands before he made contact, and he still proceeded to do it on the legs. Like it or not, touching legs on a QB after the ball has been released usually leads to a flag. Blame the golden boy QBs, one of which you have, for this officiating habit. If he had even tried to hold back, it wouldn't have been called.

See, it's not really questionable. The rule is its a penalty to hit a QB below the waist while he has both feet firmly planted on the ground. This would exclude a QB rolling away from pressure throwing on the run. And Walden left his feet before the ball left Wilsons hand.

No penalty. GB ball Seattle 26, 7 minutes remaining.
I've not seen the "other angle."

I'm curious how it shows anything different than all the other angles that show possession never occured for Tate (aside from possession of Jennings). I see lots of replays, it often looks like a catch, until you see all angles and it shows that the ball hit the ground, or there was a bobble, etc. Every angle I have seen shows Jennings caught the ball, and Tate tried to get in there.
Roland, you may have gained some points by showing up here a few days before the game and tried talking some football. Unfortunately, you came after your "victory" and seem to be trying to justify the win. I will wait for your reply to Henry's question.
Originally posted by RolandDeschain:
I can't answer this as a yes or a no. It's questionable. The football was out of Wilson's hands before he made contact, and he still proceeded to do it on the legs. Like it or not, touching legs on a QB after the ball has been released usually leads to a flag. Blame the golden boy QBs, one of which you have, for this officiating habit. If he had even tried to hold back, it wouldn't have been called.

Walden was in mid-air when Wilson released the ball & Wilson was out of the pocket. There's no flag for "diving at the knees" when the QB is out of the pocket.

Originally posted by RolandDeschain:
Originally posted by Dave in MN:
3) do you believe there should have been an off. PI call on the final play when Tate pushed Shields down? Yes or no. This would, of course ended the game and made the INT a non issue.

By the rules? Yes. That would have been bias against the Seahawks, though. NFL Network checked the last ~50 hail mary plays in the NFL, and no PI calls on any of them despite nearly all of them having flagrant PI happening. PI just doesn't get called on hail mary plays, you only want an exception to that because it'd have given you a win here.

PI would have been called on this play, as well as an interception. Which was the 2nd INT of the drive if you remember correctly.

Originally posted by RolandDeschain:
Originally posted by Dave in MN:
Thanks for showing up. I am almost certain you wont hang around.

Probably not, if quite a few people continue to be vicious to me.

What did you expect? Your argument is weak & you trying to force us to agree with the NFL is never going to happen, especially when 95% of the football world already agrees and KNOWS we are 2-1 and you are 1-2. I can't help what you guys in the PNW are smoking.

FYI....good luck the rest of the year, you're going to need it.

Originally posted by PackerBackerDPM:

Where's Dr.Blood he struck me as a rational Seahawks fan?

I'm guessing he's embarrassed right now. I know if the situation was reversed I wouldn't be happy about a "win" we didn't earn.'d'-jennings/

The essence of a spineless seachicken "truther".

Another thing you all should keep in mind, is that media outlets like ESPN love to stir and add to controversy whenever possible. More ratings. More money. Just because *insert your favorite talking head here* is shouting that the Packers were robbed by that lowly South-Alaskan expansion team the beloved Packers weren't supposed to lose to, doesn't necessarily make it true; unless you really believe everything you hear from the media.

My favorite quote by the twit. Yes, it's just the media. Not all the real refs, fans, sports writers (except Prisco who from the start has been backing the replacement refs), people with sight. So besides them, it's just a media fabrication.

Do you realize how absolutely ridiculous you sound? Of course not, you're gettin' all mavericky.
Not missing anything EKB, all it does is confirm what was already known.

@chili frankly as mad at the last call as I am that roughing the passer is almost just as bad. The defenders all say the Packers should have scored more points well that chance was taken away from them with the BS call.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by RolandDeschain:

Funny, I was thinking the same thing about Packers fans. Can't admit what you see in the new angle. Except the phrase "desperate for justification" is more appropriate, rather than relevance.

So you'll ignore the fact that I laid out the rule that shows possession before they were on the ground.

What's wrong fluffy? Can't soft shoe around that one?

Read the rule book. You're confusing "possession" with "control", fluffy.

From the NFL rule book:
A catch is made when a player inbounds secures possession of a pass, kick, or fumble in flight (See 8-1-3).
Note 1: It is a catch if in the process of attempting to catch the ball, a player secures control of the ball prior to the ball touching the ground and that control is maintained after the ball has touched the ground."

Also, I'm heading home now, catch you all later.
Which he had. Do you think the wrestling match on the ground changes the fact that Jennings had two arms around the ball and into his chest? Yet you continue to talk about simultaneous possession when you already admitted Tate took one hand off the ball. Is that control by Tate and if it is it destroys your "simulteneous possession" ruse.

So again, Jennings has the ball and control all the way to the ground, where Tate did not and then a wrestling match ensues on the ground. Please, go ahead and follow up on that limpdick.

Easy there....

I'm guessing he'll be back.

It's literally amazing to me how someone (even 1 person) on the planet actually believes Tate caught the ball and scored a TD. It's physically impossible yet they still believe it.

Enjoy the regular season win, I'm guessing you won't get too many more easy ones.

Oh, 1 more thing, you better pray you don't see the Packers in the playoffs, provided you can, you know, actually make it there.
Originally posted by RolandDeschain:
By the rules? Yes. That would have been bias against the Seahawks, though. NFL Network checked the last ~50 hail mary plays in the NFL, and no PI calls on any of them despite nearly all of them having flagrant PI happening. PI just doesn't get called on hail mary plays, you only want an exception to that because it'd have given you a win here.
Hey Roland, might want to check this out

Anybody who thinks Tate had any sort of "control" or "possession" of the ball is somebody who sniffs way too much glue. The only thing Tate had possession of was Jennings arm
saw this comment from another board thought it applied here..i did clean it up a bit but you get the point.

Honestly. If you guys keep this up, the Seahawks are going to become the most despised team in the league. All of Tate and Carroll’s grandstanding and boasting after the play didn’t do you guys any favors and this revisionist truther BS is only making you DH look even worse. You all had an opportunity to show some class and humility but you’ve gone in the complete other direction. It’s astonishing what a short memory you people have. I recall the Seahawks getting jobbed in the Superbowl. You’d think that you guys would have a little empathy. Maybe just a bit of dignity. Nope. Just remember, anything the Seahwaks accomplish this year will have a giant asterisk next to it. If/when your season crashes and burns under the buffoonish leadership of Pete Carroll, I will stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the league’s fans and we will laugh our asses off.

PS GREAT JOB on the uniforms. Nailed it
Originally posted by RolandDeschain:

3) Holding on your O-Line

You mean, like the holding your O-line got away with on practically every down in the second half on Monday? I realize it's the only way they could keep Rodgers from leaving Seattle in a body bag, but that got quite old after a while.

Dang....I had almost forgotten what it is like to argue with a 12 year old. Thanks for bringing that back into focus RD
Originally posted by PackerBackerDPM:
saw this comment from another board thought it applied here..i did clean it up a bit but you get the point.

Honestly. If you guys keep this up, the Seahawks are going to become the most despised team in the league. All of Tate and Carroll’s grandstanding and boasting after the play didn’t do you guys any favors and this revisionist truther BS is only making you DH look even worse. You all had an opportunity to show some class and humility but you’ve gone in the complete other direction. It’s astonishing what a short memory you people have. I recall the Seahawks getting jobbed in the Superbowl. You’d think that you guys would have a little empathy. Maybe just a bit of dignity. Nope. Just remember, anything the Seahwaks accomplish this year will have a giant asterisk next to it. If/when your season crashes and burns under the buffoonish leadership of Pete Carroll, I will stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the league’s fans and we will laugh our asses off.

PS GREAT JOB on the uniforms. Nailed it

Originally posted by RolandDeschain:
Also, the same Ed Hochuli that threw a game a couple years ago? Yeah...

I agree that simultaneous catches are very rare, though. It's pretty obvious why; outside of hail mary plays, where do you see players in the position to actually catch a ball at the same time where one can't easily rip it away from the other? Almost none.

Really what game did he throw? And was it proven? And if so why haven't you brought this evidence to the NFL so they fire him because to my knowledge he's still working. Nice reach though.

So you're saying that even though an NFL ref of almost 20 years has not ever seen a simultaneous catch, these scabs saw one just because it was a Hail Mary? Why hadn't Hochuli seen one on a Hail Mary? Oh I forgot he throws games so he probably has and is lying.
damn, its scary how that dudes attitude mimics the dumarse Queens fans once they get an ounce of winning going ...

both those sets are maybe the 2nd class of the NFL and they act like they have a trophy case full ...

imo, when the Horsepower kicks in, I really do not see Seattle or the queens getting in this year. I could be wrong but the odds are with me.
Guys, arguing with someone like RolandDeschain really isn't worth it. It's like trying to convince someone in the Flat Earth Society that the world is round. All evidence and 99.99% of the world believes the world is round, but it doesn't matter to these people.

From Monday, every angle we've seen, every analysis performed, and every analyst that covers the NFL knows that the play was an interception, and if someone still believes that it was a legit TD catch by Tate, then let them believe it. Nothing will convince them otherwise. And don't bother telling them that Earth is round.....
Originally posted by RolandDeschain:

3) Holding on your O-Line

You mean, like the holding your O-line got away with on practically every down in the second half on Monday? I realize it's the only way they could keep Rodgers from leaving Seattle in a body bag, but that got quite old after a while.

Or gee, smart guy, it could be that the Packers made half-time adjustments and one of those was using a lot of 3TE sets and hot throws.

Does this guy understand anything about football?
There is no question in my mind that defensive coaches instructed their players to grab, chuck, toss WRs well beyond the 5 yards because they knew the replacement refs weren't going to call it. Same thing with the traditional pass interference call. In lower levels of organized football they allow a lot more contact, but we all know the NFL isn't like that.

For a team like Seattle it's obvious to me that's part of their strategy. It's worked pretty well for them for 3 games, but I have feeling if they continue it they'll put Charles Woodson to shame.

Why a Seahawks fan would come onto a Packers site (just now) to debate this crap is beyond me. What I would ask is that he stick around the whole season because you know this isn't going to continue.
Originally posted by Tschmack:
There is no question in my mind that defensive coaches instructed their players to grab, chuck, toss WRs well beyond the 5 yards because they knew the replacement refs weren't going to call it.


Going to be a feeling-out period for officials, too?

"Can’t really concern myself with the performance of the officials. We had conversations about approaching the game differently, but we chose not to. We felt it was important to playing the game the right way with approach to rules. We’ll really focus on improving ourselves. I can’t really be concerned whee the officials are coming out of their training camp. We do have history with the referee crews, we’ll look at that but won’t change our approach to the game.”
Originally posted by PackerBackerDPM:
I was just thinking the same thing Henry, at what point does Jennings lose "control?"

He doesn't; but until someone is down with the ball, anybody is allowed to fight for it. How else do you get forced fumbles, for instance?

@PackerBackerDPM: Dignity? Read how Packers fans are treating Seahawks on Twitter, and Seahawks fans all over the web, then look in the mirror and ask yourself if you guys can claim dignity in any form.

Originally posted by Justanotherpackerfan:
Dang....I had almost forgotten what it is like to argue with a 12 year old. Thanks for bringing that back into focus RD

Clearly you haven't forgotten it, based on a bunch of the responses from long-time board members I've had to read in this thread.

Originally posted by Grave Digger:
Yes, it was proven. Read this:

Alright, since things can't even be debated in a cordial manner around here, I'm going to drop a bomb on all of you. Here it is. You owe your Super Bowl XLV trophy to crap officiating.

Now, all of you are like, "WHAT? YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR MIND, YOU MORON!" Oh, am I? You guys were GIFTED a win against the Vikings in the 2010 season. Everybody in the NFL agrees. Two TD errors that the LEAGUE admitted to, both in your favor, and you won by 4 points. http://profootballtalk.nbcspor...n-sunday-night-game/

With correct officiating in that game, you have a guaranteed loss, finish your season at 9-7 instead of 10-6, and you don't catch that final wild card spot because two other NFC teams had 10-6 records that missed the playoffs that year, the Giants and the Bucs. No playoffs, no Super Bowl trophy.

All of you are being hypocritical children. You like officiating mistakes when they're in your favor, but if any happen that are against you, talk about redefining "pissing and moaning". What a bunch of BS. If every single one of you in this thread that has attacked me admits you should hand your XLV trophy back, then I'll admit you should be 2-1. Any takers?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Get over it already, and grow up. The Vikings fan base didn't go nuts like this when they were more clearly screwed over than you, and you got into the playoffs which led to a Super Bowl trophy because of it.
Originally posted by RolandDeschain:
Alright, since things can't even be debated in a cordial manner around here, I'm going to drop a bomb on all of you. Here it is. You owe your Super Bowl XLV trophy to crap officiating.

Officiating (with the REAL refs) all evened out & always does over the course of a season.

With the Seahawk refs it was quite obvious Mr. Easley had a large sum of money on Seattle.

You coming here & trying to compare any previous officiating to the worst call in NFL history is beyond ludicrous.

We earned every bit of Super Bowl XLV. 4 straight games on the road. One against our oldest & bitter division rival. Yes, Your jealousy is seething through your fluorescent green shoes.

Tate never caught the ball. Just admit it & try to save any shred of credibility & dignity you have left.

You should stop while you're way behind. I know you'll never stick around all year. Hope you're enjoying your gift-wrapped regular season win.


12-Time World Champion Green Bay Packers & fans

P.S. "We want the ball & we're gonna score!"
Actually RD...the arguing with a 12 year old was in reference to when someone argues one point by bringing up a different unrelated point..."Everybody else gets to go"..."They cheated too"..."What about all the holding calls that weren't made"

That was the gist of my point.
Going back to a week 7 game in 2010 as to why we didn't deserve the Super Bowl?

You are priceless.

But while we're here, The week before the Minny game the officials jobbed GB on a bogus call on a guy lining up over center during a punt in OT. The week before that GB got jobbed on a blatant roughing call on Rodgers that wasn't called in OT.

So does that mean we actually finish 11-5 using your childhood "yeah but what if" BS?
the return of one thread Johnny. how delightful.

when I's grows up and finally gets over it I'ms gonna see if RD has any more great advice for me. please don't go away, Johnny, I needs you.
Originally posted by RolandDeschain:
Now, all of you are like, "WHAT? YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR MIND, YOU MORON!" Oh, am I? You guys were GIFTED a win against the Vikings in the 2010 season. Everybody in the NFL agrees. Two TD errors that the LEAGUE admitted to, both in your favor, and you won by 4 points. http://profootballtalk.nbcspor...n-sunday-night-game/

Neither TD decided the game.
Originally posted by RolandDeschain:
Originally posted by PackerBackerDPM:
I was just thinking the same thing Henry, at what point does Jennings lose "control?"

He doesn't; but until someone is down with the ball, anybody is allowed to fight for it. How else do you get forced fumbles, for instance?

Tell me how that works for "simultaneous possession" then? It doesn't. And Jennings had control of the ball the entire time all the way to the ground, Tate didn't. You still can't answer that question.

Here's the thing sweet cheeks. You didn't come here for a "rational conversation", you came here to spew your truther crap. A rational debate is a exchange of ideas were the competing ideas have merit and the debaters will recognize the merit of salient point. You decided to wander in here, a Packer football forum, to be a dick and we are treating you like a dick.

There's a saying here, x4, not for pussies. You open your suck, you own the statement. You can't defend it, don't cry when you get pummeled.

All of you are being hypocritical children. You like officiating mistakes when they're in your favor, but if any happen that are against you, talk about redefining "pissing and moaning". What a bunch of BS. If every single one of you in this thread that has attacked me admits you should hand your XLV trophy back, then I'll admit you should be 2-1. Any takers?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

I've got my ticket right here. See, the difference is that when there is a bad call that favors the Packers we have enough football savvy to own it. You may have some debate amongst fans but ultimately we see it for what it is. You're not even remotely in that realm. You have to create a fantasy to soothe your pathetic fandom.

But really the strawman argument about a game in week seven being responsible for the Packers Superbowl is seriously weak. Why you ask? Because we can shoulda, coulda, woulda about the other three losses the Packers had after week 7. Your argument is possibly one of the weakest stretches ever. What if I had wings and pooped ice cream? Dolt.
I invite you to hang around...once past this game I think you will find most everyone here very knowledgeable and there are many very interesting threads to read. We have several "regulars" from other teams that I know many on here enjoy their views and opinions...your problem is you came on board after the game and seemed to "light the fire". You start spewing crap you will get it right back. This is a Green Bay Packer board...don't forget that.

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