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(On if the Packers have approached him about retiring his number and if it's something he wants) "I don't know of any player who would not want that to happen. I'm honored just by the thought. Obviously there was, if you want to call it, 'bad blood' or whatever, I just think that people started picking sides. And really I'm over that and have been over it. Mark Murphy and I have talked on numerous occasions. I never expected them to do anything. I'm not one to sit here and say I think they need to do this and do that. They have a very good ball team and that's their primary focus and it should have always been, which it has.

"As time goes, it heals a lot of things. I know for me as I've gotten further and further removed from the game, I think of statistics and things of that nature, which I don't know any player where that didn't matter some. It matters a whole lot less now. So the things that transpired that led to us 'breaking up' if you will, to me, are over and done with. When will that happen? I don't think either side is trying to push the issue. I think Mark Murphy -- and Mark really came in the last few weeks of my career in Green Bay -- he kind of came into a hornet's nest if you will. He's been extremely great in trying to make this work. In our discussions, it will happen. I think both sides are genuine. I know they are. And that's the way it has to come across because that's the way it should be. We don't want to go out there waving to the crowd with our backs to each other. And I don't think that's going to happen. Aaron has said some very nice things. He and I have a good relationship. I had a chance to present an award with him at the Super Bowl and that was for real. It wasn't for show. And so I think everything will be fine."

(On if he has any regrets with how it went down, going to New York and Minnesota) "It's the way it is. ...It is what it is. It's over and done with. I was at fault. I feel that both sides had a part in it. If you could go back would I or them have done things differently? I'm sure both sides would. But you can't. I don't know for certain, but I think the situation with Peyton (Manning) and the Colts almost looked like our situation but then maybe they thought twice about it and maybe they learned from our situation and they handled it correctly.

"So I hate it, that it happened that way and I tried to go on and play my best football in spite of those things. And I had a great year my first year in Minnesota and up until my bicep was torn in New York I really felt we were having a great year. So I look back and have fond memories of all those years. In 20 years of football, really I don't hold any regrets. I know I gave it my all. Had 16 great, wonderful years in Green Bay. Had a lot of success, played with a lot of great teammates. I was part of some teams that had some great coaches who have all branched out, McCarthy being one of those.

"Again, it happened. It's over and done with. I think things will be fine in due time."
*Yawn*. IMO, its not important whether Aaron accepts him or Murphy is fondling him in the eyes of real fans of the Green Bay Packers.

It was never about Aaron or Murphy ... IMO, it was about the straight up, no holds barred Disrespect to THE storied franchise and its real fans.

Some of you dudes can forgive, but I'll never forget the long list. Wouldn't go out of my way to say hi to him ... IMO, that list has some real psychopath in it.
I was at fault. I feel that both sides had a part in it. If you could go back would I or them have done things differently? I'm sure both sides would. But you can't. I don't know for certain, but I think the situation with Peyton (Manning) and the Colts almost looked like our situation but then maybe they thought twice about it and maybe they learned from our situation and they handled it correctly.

"I was at fault. I feel that both sides had a part in it."

So he was at fault, but both sides were at fault. Got it.

"If you could go back would I or them have done things differently? I'm sure both sides would. But you can't."

Ummm...*BREAKING NEWS*...No the Packers wouldn't. What should they have done differently, hand the job back to him again after his eleventyeth retirement?

"I don't know for certain, but I think the situation with Peyton (Manning) and the Colts almost looked like our situation but then maybe they thought twice about it and maybe they learned from our situation and they handled it correctly."

If he's talking about the Manning not acting like a spoiled little bitch, then he has a point. The Colts did EXACTLY what the Packers did. The difference is how the player understood the situation and reacted to it. Seems to me I don't remember Manning calling up the Dolphins coaching staff (See Detroit) and trying to give them the Colts audible calls.

All in all, it sounds like typical Favre. "It was partly my fault, but disregard that part and let me blame the real villains in this matter."

Hey Brett...STFU.
Still waiting for "I'm sorry to all those fans that were so great to me for 16 years. I'm
Sorry for alienating portions of the fan base in Green Bay. I'm sorry that I said things publicly against a franchise that was so good to me. I'm sorry that i habe said things against Ted Thompson that were unprofessional and disparaging. I'm sorry I tried to indirectly undermine the success of the team. I'm sorry, and I want to be welcomed back to the family I love so dearly."

Until then, go F yourself...
This thread reads like a bunch of teenagers discussing their ex-girlfriends. Get over it. He was asked questions and gave honest answers. So he probably feels like the Packers treated him poorly at the end. So what? Hate to break it to ya, but he doesn't owe any of you an apology. Its a business. He won a Superbowl and started every game for your franchise for over 15 freakin' years, making stupid amounts of money for your team and your city. You retire his number whether he's an a**hole or not. The Ravens will retire #52. And he killed a guy. Move on people.
"True Packers fans would understand."

Favre references the Peyton / Colts situation - maybe they (Colts) looked at our (Favre/Packers) situation ... and they(Colts) did it correctly. Really? Peyton had a possible career ending injury and did not come in 11th hour wanting to be the QB and did not ask for his out-right release, ALL after retiring.

Favre did not mention Thompson once. He comments that Murphy came in in the last few weeks of his career in GB, yet Murphy is named as the one making it(reunion) happen.
Last edited by H5
Originally posted by Orlando Wolf:
Packers need a new President.

It's like Satori said in earlier threads. The league is putting pressure on Murphy to put some salve on the wounds before Brett gets into Canton.

The guy did a lot for our franchise no doubt, but he burnt the Golden Gate bridge down in my mind. I'm not kidding, I was going to go to Canton for his induction, now? No way in hell unless he pays me a large sum of money to go.

I appreciate the one trophy he did help us win & the many wins we enjoyed throughout his time in Green Bay, however, now I'm just ready to move along without him. Have a good life Brett. You were the one that said "Let me worry about my legacy..." Well? Are you worried about it now??
Originally posted by vitaflo:
They're gonna retire his number and he's getting into the HOF. It's going to happen regardless. Best thing for everyone is that they time these two events to be as close as possible to each other so we can just get it all over and done with at once an move on.

Yep, get it over with. Rip off the bandaid and throw it away.
Originally posted by Tinman:
This thread reads like a bunch of teenagers discussing their ex-girlfriends. Get over it.

IC already took care of this gem.

Originally posted by Tinman:
He was asked questions and gave honest answers.

He can't help but run on when he answers questions. Reporters know this and jump on it. He could say nothing, if he knew how to shut it.

Originally posted by Tinman:
So he probably feels like the Packers treated him poorly at the end. So what?

The Packers gave him a 10 yr $100mm deal. He retired. How could he feel he was treated poorly at the end? They did not bench him. They did not ask him to retire, quite the contrary - they asked him if he was sure he was done (more than once before the draft) and he said yes. They moved on. He opened his mouth to Gretchen.

Originally posted by Tinman:
Hate to break it to ya, but he doesn't owe any of you an apology.

In a way he does. He said true Packers fans would understand. Don't speak for me.

Originally posted by Tinman:
Its a business. He won a Superbowl and started every game for your franchise for over 15 freakin' years, making stupid amounts of money for your team and your city.

Very troll like comment.

Originally posted by Tinman:
You retire his number whether he's an a**hole or not. The Ravens will retire #52. And he killed a guy. Move on people.

No one would ever, ever, mistake the Ravens for the Packers. The fact that the Ravens kept Lewis around as long as they did speaks volumes.

I always thought it was the ScareCrow who didn't have a brain?

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