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Maybe it's just me, but I'm sure I've been noticing less and less of that over the last couple of months. As Rodgers keeps barreling full speed ahead down the road he's on, I don't think it will be long before announcers start forgetting that Green Bay ever even had a quarterback before Rodgers got off the plane. Favre will be mentioned about as often as Bart Starr.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
That family is headed for the illustrious and dignified land of reality TV. Of all of Brett's hardships this year, the most difficult must be watching Rodgers success...the price of hatin' is large.
Originally posted by atticus:
Brandi looks more like Big Irv than Bert does. That is not a good thing.

Apparently, she was a Teen Queen of something in 1992 for the state of Mississippi.

Teen Queen Brandi

What, and then she changed her name to Robin Beard just fior the contest?
Originally posted by YATittle:

I think since it doesn't involve him, the answer was no. He was mowing the lawn on his tractor.

I think he watched and I think it does involve him, at least in his mind. Brent desperately needs the Packers, TT and Rodgers to fail to make himself feel relevant.

If the Rodgers era team can manage to win a couple Super Bowls, I don't think Brent ever sets foot in Lambeau again. The Packers will take the high road and forgive....Brent won't.
First of all, I'd like to suggest we funnel any traffic to a more legitimate site. I don't like the idea of sending people to a**hole Florio's traffic counter.

Secondly, at Brent. A bitter, melodramatic narcissistic clown to the very end. The DAY after GB and CHI finish qualifying for the NFC title game, he pulls this. That's hilarious. I'm somewhat surprised he didn't do it the day before the Super Bowl, but I guess he couldn't risk missing out on a chance to 'stick it to TT' if GB were to lose this week.

Pretty much regardless of what happens Sunday, it's game/set/match to TT, although you'll never hear that from him.
Ask yourself, Why would Favre file the papers today? Everyone knows he's going to play QB for the Cardinals this year anyway. Big Grin

I turned on ESPN this morning (Mike & Mike) and they were talking to Herm Edwards. Greeny asks Herm if he expects to receive a call from Lovie asking Herm "what do I do with this Aaron Rodgers?"

Then later in the morning on First & 10, they are all over Rodgers with the lovefest

Maybe I'm way off base here, but my guess is as soon as Favre heard all the gushing this morning, he couldn't take it any longer.

Favre is a Packer, through & through. He loves us. He loves the Packers. He wants them flying under the radar. He doesn't want the Packers to get too much media exposure during Championship week. He wants the Packers to focus and win this game.

So he files the papers to take the "spotlight" off the team and back on him. Isn't he fantastic? Isn't he wonderful? What other player in the history of the NFL would have the ability to save the team like this?

Brett Favre. The ultimate team guy. The ultimate teammate. Simply fantastic. Bravo Brett, Bravo.
It figures Brent would do it today to get the spotlight on him again and try to take it away from ARod. He just couldn't take it that he was upstaged again.

Sadly, Brent reminds me of a part of the A.E. Housman poem, "To An Athlete Dying Young" in these lines:

Now you will not swell the rout
Of lads that wore their honours out,
Runners whom renown outran
And the name died before the man.

Brent just can't bear to see his honors being eclipsed or his name dying before he does. He has become a shell of a man, a guy who is trying too hard to be immortal. It's sad, but I can see Brent dialing Peppers, and maybe even Lovie, and begging them to beat us this week. toobad
Brett Favre is an attention whore the way that Jerry Jones is an attention whore.

I was floored when Jerry Jones came out and announced that Jason Garrett was the coach of the Boys (that the interim tag had been removed). I figured he would do it right before the Super Bowl, to steal some of the spotlight. I guess he felt having the game in Jerruh World was going to mean enough attention being paid to him...
I can't think of who it was right off the top (it may have been Brett)... but all this stuff about about "filing the papers" doesn't seem to mean all that much because SOMEONE with a big name a few years ago "filed the papers" but returned and played again that fall. I can't remember if Brett's done it. Maybe Reggie, who then showed up in Carolina?
Originally posted by Johnson:
That family is headed for the illustrious and dignified land of reality TV.

I've been saying / posting the same thing. Much of the so called "reality TV" appeals to a dumbed down, voyeuristic demographic. Combine that with the blind allegience that is a prerequisite to being a member of Brett Favre Nation. Now you have dumb people watching dumb TV starring their favorite subject. Its such an unbelievably natural fit. Take a psychologially disturbed, attention addicted high profile personality who already has proven drawing / selling power, not to mention various dysfunctional family substories, (and NY hussie lawsuit to boot), with a built in audience and poof.. instant hit TV show.
Here's the 2 cent question:

If the Packers make it to the Super Bowl, do the Packers invite TOG to attend along with the other legendary greats? ie., Bart Starr, LeRoy Butler, Henderson, Davis, Wood, Taylor, Dickey, Hornung, etc.

My guess is they would invite him. Would TOG attend?
I hope they don't invite him, GPB 1, and they surely shouldn't.
Until he's contrite, and he is the one that reaches out to make amends, he can stay in Mississippi, as far as I'm concerned.
Brett meant a great deal to the Packers, and will always be a part of our history, but he just doesn't belong in the same class as some of the other former greats you mentioned. Maybe one day, but not now.
Originally posted by GBP1:
Here's the 2 cent question:

If the Packers make it to the Super Bowl, do the Packers invite TOG to attend along with the other legendary greats? ie., Bart Starr, LeRoy Butler, Henderson, Davis, Wood, Taylor, Dickey, Hornung, etc.

My guess is they would invite him. Would TOG attend?

Umm. No. And no.

1000x no.

Originally posted by Timmy!:
I hope they don't invite him, GPB 1, and they surely shouldn't.
Until he's contrite, and he is the one that reaches out to make amends, he can stay in Mississippi, as far as I'm concerned.
Brett meant a great deal to the Packers, and will always be a part of our history, but he just doesn't belong in the same class as some of the other former greats you mentioned. Maybe one day, but not now.

I am not saying they should. But the Packers have always taking the high/honorable road in the whole sordid affair. My guess, is their admin guys may choose to do so for the sake of their past relationship.

Then again...if TOG was to show up, would he create too much of a distraction for the Packers players and would his presence in DallASS overshadow Aaron Rodgers? And would Rodgers in turn feel slighted?

I will bet this discussion is taking place up there in someone's office at 1265 Lombardi Ave.

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