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Originally posted by MN SnowBong:
Originally posted by Jaymo:
Al Harris did what he had to do in going after AP's knee.

That is not how the play went. Anybody who paid attention to it and knew that they were watching saw Peterson's knee buckle just before the contact.

Not that a greasy, trolling little f***weasel like you would know or care about facts like that.

Whatever you need to tell yourself, slick.
Originally posted by MN SnowBong:
Clean hit, Sally. Go look at your game tape. Maybe have an adult explain it to you.

Show me where I said it wasn't a clean hit. Al did what he had to do, because we saw what happens when he tries to take AP head on, like a man. BOOOOOOMMMM!

Now, go have a bowl of jonny's cereal. You've earned it.
Originally posted by Jaymo:
Show me where I said it wasn't a clean hit. Al did what he had to do, because we saw what happens when he tries to take AP head on, like a man. BOOOOOOMMMM!

Why not show where ChiliJohn said he was "thrilled", instead? He accurately stated how much time was left in the game, how many yards AP had at that point, what the score was (27-0) then, and that Peterson had fumbled earlier.

Basing your argument on a 4.1 YPC (which isn't earth-shattering) that day is about as selective as selective gets.

In one breath you concede it was a clean hit, but then in the very next you insinuate Harris was somehow acting less than "manly" by making a clean tackle on a player with a head of steam that outweighed him by at least thirty pounds.

It's a very impressive "body of work" you're accumlating.

I wasn't aware they stacked it that high.

Even Hersh is impressed.
Originally posted by Coach:
In one breath you concede it was a clean hit, but then in the very next you insinuate Harris was somehow acting less than "manly" by making a clean tackle on a player with a head of steam that outweighed him by at least thirty pounds.

Fortunately for Al, it's not illegal to dive at an opponents knee. That hardly makes it manly.
Actually, in some cases it is (illegal).

Tackling a running back isn't one of them.

Nor is it "unmanly", and you must be quite a mind-reader if you think for a second Harris was deliberately going for his knees.

In your own words, it was "clean" and now Al should be thankful that it's "not illegal"?

Or you're just pulling stinky stuff out of your hind end as per usual.
Originally posted by jaymo:
Words confuse me.

Of course he was going for his knee. We all saw what happens when he tries to tackle him like a man. There's a huge difference between tackling low, like Antoine Winfield, and simply diving at somebody's knee ala al harris.
Last edited by El-Ka-Bong
You just contradicted yourself again, as well as doubling down on your "unmanly" idiocy.

It was a clean tackle, not just a "not illegal" one.

The only difference between Harris and Winfield tackling "low" is which jersey they were wearing when it happened.

But then you can read minds, so at least you've got that going for you.
I wonder what Jaymo would think if he saw Packer Safety Willie Wood tackle. Or CB Herb Adderly tackle. Wood's shoe string tackles were his trademark. Would he be accused of always going after a guys ankles today? And while Adderly's head high tackles weren't his trademark, they were often enough so that he might be accused of always going after a guy's head. But of course, Herb's tackles are now illegal - so we would never have known that in today's NFL world.

My point is that different players have differnt ways of playing. Doesn't mean they intend harm, just trying to get the job done. If any one of these guys were running after Jaymo he wouldn't care how he escaped - the important thing would be that he did so. Same with these players just doing their job.

BTW, thanks Al Harris for being a part of the Packers and always doing your best. Have a great retirement.
Here is your sequence of events for that particular incident where Jay says Al Harris purposely injured Peterson:

Seriously, a simple Google search solved this argument. Harris doesn't take a nosedive at Peterson's knee (his head is pointed to the side), but rather "goes low" in an effort to trip Peterson. When contact is made Harris appears to be in a "bear crawl" and Harris' side is what makes contact with Peterson's knee, which in reality is textbook for tackling someone low. Actually it looks as if Peterson saw Harris going low and tried to cut left which is probably what caused his knee to buckle. It was a great tackle by Harris, who was never known as a dirty player, and it was just an accidental injury. And it's not "unmanly to go low, legally, on a player who has close to 30 lbs. on you...that's the way he's supposed to tackle. Get over it Jay.
Last edited by Grave Digger

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