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I'm sorry, I just don't agree that they are biased against Green Bay. They say what we think anyway. Crosy does appear to be shell shocked right now. The OL does suck pretty good right now. Our fourth guard is not a starting guard. we do miss Matthews.

Aikman for years has praised Mike McCarthy and Ted Thompson. I don't get the hate for those guys. They are not pom pom and cheering for Green Bay but I don't care for that either.

Cowboys fans think Aikman is bias against the Cowboys. For some reason all teams fans think those two are anti-whoever it is they they calling. I for one think they do a pretty good job. Certainly better than Gruden who thinks every player is the best ever.....
F'rob, the problem I have with Buck or Aikman is when they use terms or phrases like "Green Bay got a gift" when the Vikes got the personal foul penalty on the play they intercepted the ball.
It wasn't a bad or foolish decision by #97, they didn't 'scold' him for committing a cheap-shot penalty; rather, Green Bay got a gift. That's biased.
Aikman and Buck have never been Packer fans, but this year they seem to have racheted up their invective a notch or two. I groaned when I saw they were today's announcers.

According to them, all penalties against the Packers are justified, McCarthy was going nuts on the sideline today when calls went against his team, the Packer defense had no answer for Peterson, ad nauseum. I made it through the first half of their blather, then muted the sound.

I don't expect them to throw roses at the Pack's feet, but I don't think there is another team these two clowns heap their scorn on as regularly as they do when calling a Green Bay game. Ridiculous.
there were some calls that Green Bay did appear to get a gift. There were a couple of times that Minnesota got a gift.

Those guys might not be the best announcers but I prefer them over the Moose and Goose team, or the ESPN crew. I might like the SNF football crews the best but Collingworth gets rather annoying. Not because of a bias but because his rants get old. Of all tho, Gruden is the worse.
I really like Gus Johnson. He did the Badgers vs Nebraska game.

Unfortunately, Buck/Aikman are the #1 Fox team and they get the marquee games. IMHO they are better than alot of the other announcing teams. Nance and Simms suck. I don't know how many times Nance messes up stuff during his games, and I cannot stand Gruden. Frank Caliendo would do better doing Gruden then Gruden himself.
Originally posted by ShebPackFan:
I really like Gus Johnson. He did the Badgers vs Nebraska game.

Unfortunately, Buck/Aikman are the #1 Fox team and they get the marquee games. IMHO they are better than alot of the other announcing teams. Nance and Simms suck. I don't know how many times Nance messes up stuff during his games, and I cannot stand Gruden. Frank Caliendo would do better doing Gruden then Gruden himself.

Gruden is by far the worst IMO.
I don't really mind any of them, it's the general style they're "coached" to use I dislike. They don't need to fill every second of air time with words IMO but that's the way they all operate. I'd also rather see them concentrate on getting better announcers rather than recognized names for color commentators. I don't give a flying rat's backside if Troy Aikman or whomever is a HoF player and everyone knows who he is, I care of he's a good announcer, which, IMO he's okay which should not qualify him to be on the #1 team.
It is what it is. Aikman and Buck are probably as good as there is today. Michaels and Collinsworth are pretty good.

I can do without the "I'm Joe Buck and I'm smarter than most" matter of fact calls. The first one yesterday was on the opening drive when Buck announced "The crowd thinks there was a face mask on Cobb but there wasn't"...then we see Cobbs head getting unscrewed like a bottle of Miller Light on the replay.

Aikman get's over his ski tips when he editorializes things a little too far instead of just coloring in the action for Buck.

At the end of the game Buck asked Aikman where he sees the Packers with 4 games remaining. I'm paraphrasing, but it was along the lines of "Well, I still think this offense isn't clicking. And as bullet proof as the Chicago Bears defense is I'm not so sure I consider them the favorites to win their division"

At the exact time Seattle was putting together the first of two consecutive 12 play drives in the 4th and OT to win a game in Chicago.

Yep, Summerall and Madden, Gowdy and Brodie, and Enberg and Olsen are long gone.
The worst thing about the Packers success-is drawing Aikman and Buck so frequently. They are insufferable. Humorless, arrogant and a complete focus on penalties called and uncalled. You could pick just about any comment out of Aikman's mouth to demonstrate this, but my favorite is the Tramon Williams defense of the Steeler's last pass in Super Bowl XLV. Spectacular play----one of the biggest clutch plays in Packer History....Aikman, instead of extolling the extraordinary effort of Williams, whines and complains about pass interference. It was more than a buzz kill, it was completely inaccurate.

most of the St. Louis Cardinal fans that I know-who think of Jack Buck as a God---hate Joe. Historically I guess it's tough sledding for the son's of Gods.

I'm not fond of many announcers---Verne Lundquist is my traditional favorite at the college level and Billick and Brenamen aren't bad.

I've said this many times = the best TV gadgetry that could be invented is a way to mute the announcers while still getting the crowd noise---I watch the vast majority of games on a tape delay without sound----I miss some stuff but have found that less is more.
I like Michaels/Collinsworth just a little bit more than Aikman/Buck -- and these four seem, to me, the pick of a rather ordinary group.

Agree completely with others about Gruden; only way that he was worse was when he was teamed with Jaworski who does the same sort of gushing.

I think the poster who liked the UW/Nebraska announcers forgets the early part of that game around the time (and before) Martinez made the long run that was partly very good luck, and going on and on about how "that's what the great ones do" yada yada yada. And about how Nebraska was on a roll and UW wasn't, more yada. Wisconsin shut that gate-mouth up pretty good.

As to Aikman, I remember seeing him as a guest on Jay Leno's show in 1994 or 1995 and thought he was a real down-to-earth guy to go along with the fact that those who knew him said he was a real class act. I have never heard since that he wasn't a class act. Yes, he makes mistakes here and there, and probably does the announcing equivalent of blowing calls from time to time. But I have never seen anything to suggest he is biased against any team, although I would expect him to have a soft spot for the 'Boys.
For those that think Buck and Aikman (or any announcers for that matter) are biased against the Packers, explain their motivation.

Sure, Aikman played for the Cowboys when the Packers started to get good. But the Cowboys dominated the Packers most of those years, aand knocked them out of the playoffs a few times. And I think the Cowboys were more of a nemesis for the Packers than the other way around.

And why would Joe Buck dislike/root against the Packers?

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