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About 3 weeks ago, I became disoriented and fell in the dining room while cooking dinner. Knocked over some dining room chairs and cracked my head wide open falling on the hutch. Don't remember a thing about it, but somehow made it back to the kitchen. Lied on the kitchen floor bleeding profusely for over 5 hours, because I could not get to my phone for help. I could not get up. I thought I was a gonner after about 5 hours lying there in a massive pool of blood. Finally I was able to partially stand with the help of a kitchen chair and was able to grab my phone before flopping back down. Paramedics and law enforcement broke down my front door and got me to the ER. End result, multiple metal staples to to the back of my head and I'm recovering nicely per the Doctors. It was a real bloody mess to clean up. Doc said I lost over 3 liters of blood and my muscles and organs were beginning the process of final shutdown when I got to the ER. He said I am very lucky to still be alive. Anyway, I am happy to still be here, which I reflect on every day. Sorry this was so long. But I am very fortunate to still be a part of the X4 community.

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@DurangoDoug posted:

About 3 weeks ago, I became disoriented and fell in the dining room while cooking dinner. Knocked over some dining room chairs and cracked my head wide open falling on the hutch. Don't remember a thing about it, but somehow made it back to the kitchen. Lied on the kitchen floor bleeding profusely for over 5 hours, because I could not get to my phone for help. I could not get up. I thought I was a gonner after about 5 hours lying there in a massive pool of blood. Finally I was able to partially stand with the help of a kitchen chair and was able to grab my phone before flopping back down. Paramedics and law enforcement broke down my front door and got me to the ER. End result, multiple metal staples to to the back of my head and I'm recovering nicely per the Doctors. It was a real bloody mess to clean up. Doc said I lost over 3 liters of blood and my muscles and organs were beginning the process of final shutdown when I got to the ER. He said I am very lucky to still be alive. Anyway, I am happy to still be here, which I reflect on every day. Sorry this was so long. But I am very fortunate to still be a part of the X4 community.

@ammo posted:

Did they discover the cause of the blackout?   

And why were you cooking in the dining room????

But Iโ€™m glad you recovered.Scary stuff.

@DurangoDoug posted:

About 3 weeks ago, I became disoriented and fell in the dining room while cooking dinner. Knocked over some dining room chairs and cracked my head wide open falling on the hutch. Don't remember a thing about it, but somehow made it back to the kitchen. Lied on the kitchen floor bleeding profusely for over 5 hours, because I could not get to my phone for help. I could not get up. I thought I was a gonner after about 5 hours lying there in a massive pool of blood. Finally I was able to partially stand with the help of a kitchen chair and was able to grab my phone before flopping back down. Paramedics and law enforcement broke down my front door and got me to the ER. End result, multiple metal staples to to the back of my head and I'm recovering nicely per the Doctors. It was a real bloody mess to clean up. Doc said I lost over 3 liters of blood and my muscles and organs were beginning the process of final shutdown when I got to the ER. He said I am very lucky to still be alive. Anyway, I am happy to still be here, which I reflect on every day. Sorry this was so long. But I am very fortunate to still be a part of the X4 community.

Oh my, DD. Thank goodness you mustered up the strength to get help. This place would be a lot less fun without you.

Sorry to here about your fall and good luck on your recovery.

Getting old sucks. I had a pretty good run until I hit 50 this yearโ€ฆ.then all hell broke loose: Covid (again) followed by Shingles, knee surgery for a torn meniscus, and then some strange autoimmune disorder that I had never heard of but causes severe joint painโ€ฆ.nothing life threatening like you but it learned me not to take my health for granted.

@bdplant posted:

Sorry to here about your fall and good luck on your recovery.

Getting old sucks. I had a pretty good run until I hit 50 this yearโ€ฆ.then all hell broke loose: Covid (again) followed by Shingles, knee surgery for a torn meniscus, and then some strange autoimmune disorder that I had never heard of but causes severe joint painโ€ฆ.nothing life threatening like you but it learned me not to take my health for granted.

I am now 54 and lucky to be in good health, but my wife (also 54) has had open heart surgery, gallbladder surgery, surgery for hyperparathyrodism (basically parathyroid adenomas), and a breast biopsy (negative) the last 4 years. She started cardiac rehab and the arches in her foot caused problems when she ramped up so she know has to wear a brace.

As she says, she's lucky she didn't live 50 years ago, as several of these things would have probably killed her had she lived back then. Because of the times we live in, she gets to live a good life for a lot longer.

Another wise, older friend has a comment when people say "it sucks to get old." His response is that it usually beats the alternative.

Holy crap dude.  Thatโ€™s scary but glad to hear you made it through OK.  

Slips, trips and falls are no joke.  I wiped out on my deck a couple of winters ago while letting one of the dogs out.  I slipped on some ice, my feet flew out underneath me, and bonked my head and basically blacked out in the snow.  Thank God I eventually woke up and crawled back into the house but I wasnโ€™t right for weeks with bad concussion and whiplash.  

Also fell off a ladder in garage some years back but didnโ€™t hit my head but still got really banged up.  I stopped going up on roof or cleaning out gutters because me and ladders donโ€™t mix.

Be careful out there people!

Last edited by Tschmack

I am now 54 and lucky to be in good health, but my wife (also 54) has had open heart surgery, gallbladder surgery, surgery for hyperparathyrodism (basically parathyroid adenomas), and a breast biopsy (negative) the last 4 years. She started cardiac rehab and the arches in her foot caused problems when she ramped up so she know has to wear a brace.

As she says, she's lucky she didn't live 50 years ago, as several of these things would have probably killed her had she lived back then. Because of the times we live in, she gets to live a good life for a lot longer.

Another wise, older friend has a comment when people say "it sucks to get old." His response is that it usually beats the alternative.

54 seems to be a trigger point. I was 53 in 2013 and had shoulder surgery and got home to watch Rodgers get his same shoulder wrecked vs. the Bares. After turning 54 the following October I had a LAD blockage and 2 stents. Next year I tore meniscus in Rt. knee. Another surgery. Then I started having back issues on my rt. side. 2018 I had a spinal laminectomy. Made it back to work and my left knee popped. Another surgery in 2019. During all that doctors noted my calcium going high. Hyperparathyroidism and another surgery in 2020. It's been 3 years and the left side of my back is starting the same routine as the right did. I figure in 2 or 3 years I will be on the table again.

@bdplant posted:

Sorry to here about your fall and good luck on your recovery.

Getting old sucks. I had a pretty good run until I hit 50 this yearโ€ฆ.then all hell broke loose: Covid (again) followed by Shingles, knee surgery for a torn meniscus, and then some strange autoimmune disorder that I had never heard of but causes severe joint painโ€ฆ.nothing life threatening like you but it learned me not to take my health for granted.

It really is crazy how fast all that stuff can happen.  The one thing I got that you had was shingles at age 48.  

It lived up to the hype of misery.  During the day it didnโ€™t bother me too badly but absolutely could not sleep with shingles unless I went beyond the recommended dose of Ibuprofen to take the edge off the pain.  By the time I went to the doctor it was too late for them to give me anything to lessen the impact so had to just wait it out until my immune system fended it off.  Took a good month to get back to normal.

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