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…because it’s (Schadenfreude) football

…because if Fedya and Bong’s  combined wit made a movie, it would be called Ishtar.

…because Tschmack is missing the game as he volunteers as a motivational speaker at the teen crisis center on Thursdays.

****Kiss my ass if you think this thread started too early, it’s double coupon night at the Golden Corral and the chocolate fountain sells out early****

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@Fedya posted:

You could have returned from your 4:30 dinner with hours to spare to start the game thread.

You focus on that and not your Ishtar insult? I don’t even know you anymore.

Last edited by Blair Kiel

So the NFLN just ripped Cousins for a good 5 minutes rattling on about how’s he’s an over thinker and it causes him to make too many mistakes as a QB. I’m sure that will ease his mind hearing that. 😂😂

Tony Gonzalez saying that the vikings should trade Kark to the Jets, as the Jets don't have a QB. He also alluded to the vikings saying they don't want Kark, in Minnesota, next season, so trading him now, may make sense. Never heard anything about the vikings not wanting Kark, before.

Last edited by mrtundra
@Fedya posted:

I wouldn't be working on a movie with Elko Bong.

I hear Charles Manson refused to work with Bong on his biopic… he felt that Bong’s obsession with Squeaky Fromme’s allure would overwhelm the film.

@Iowacheese posted:

Might be the worst thread title ever.  Lazy job again Keele

You had two words in that entire sentence with more than one syllable. I don’t feel as if you are much of a challenger.

It's a bit of damned if we do/don't.
I want the Eagles to catch a loss any time they play, but the pleasure is greater with a Vikes loss.
I think the Iggles would be a much tougher opponent in a playoff environment, so a Vikes victory wouldn't be the worst thing. But then, we'd never get out of earshot of their fans crowing.

So... I'm going for the tie. C'mon sister-kisser!

@packerboi posted:

Jalen Carter is going to be a serious pain in the ass so long as he stays focused on football.

PFF rated him as the DLman with the highest grade in Week 1.
I'd hate to see what was better than Wyatt's performance...

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