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I know they are watching for blows to the head, but some times I am wondering just how defenders are supposed to tackle and NOT hit the head of a receiver when they are on or near the ground?
Originally posted by Timmy!:
Games for our divisional foes are starting quite nicely!
'Cept the Cards. C'mon Red Dawn!

We got this.

I could have went all day without seeing that video from the Monday Night Meltdown.
Queens just got hosed by these goofball refs. Probably a bit too late to affect the outcome of the game, but that was pretty terrible.

*edit* Never mind. Alex Smith tosses a horrible INT.
Shocker the Whiners benefitting from an absolute horse$hit series of bad calls.

Harbaugh calls his last time out, then decides to challenge, so they give him the challenge, he wins it, even though the whistle had clearly blown the play dead when Gerheart dropped the ball.

At least Alex Smith threw a pick on the drive.

Can't believe I'm pulling for the Vajeens.
Originally posted by PackFoo:
And Hard-bra challenges another play, with a challenge he shouldn't have.

Appropo of that:

@SeattleInAZ: San Fran has been charged their 6th and final timeout.
Originally posted by ChilliJon:
Have to rate this mornings games as a success. 49'ers and Lions lose. I'll take that.

I'd rather the Niners win. The obnoxious Queens homers are going to be unbearable tomorrow. Outside of the Lions going down this have been an utterly **** day.

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