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The NFL really needs to capitulate on this. The players are taking advantage of this and there is nothing the NFL can do about it. Weak sauce fines like on Tate from last week are not going to deter.

Vikings played so well against the invincible 49'ers. The 49'ers played flawlessly too. That was probably the 2 best teams in the NFL. I agree with the caller on KFAN

Might as well just hand the Vikings the trophy right now. Why even play the games?
I just watched BB attempt to grab a ref while he was running off the field after the game. I understand the frustration that goes with the replacement refs, but they need to start suspending some of these coaches for their antics towards these guys. This isn't soccer for Christ's sake.
Originally posted by Ryan Grant:
Listening to KFAN. Some dumb bastard called in and said the queens may not lose another game this year and Harvin is the best receiver in the NFL....

....until he gets another headache.
Originally posted by Boris:

Vikings played so well against the invincible 49'ers. The 49'ers played flawlessly too. That was probably the 2 best teams in the NFL. I agree with the caller on KFAN

Might as well just hand the Vikings the trophy right now. Why even play the games?
That's why the Minnesota Vikings and their clueless fans were put on this planet, to bring the world joy and merriment with their never-ending failures. There probably are only 2-3 teams (teams with non-native, transplant, fairweather fanbases like the Buccaneers, Falcons and Chargers at the front of the group) that have a fanbase with less knowledge of the game than Minnesota's. Personally, I would have been devastated if they had moved to Los Angeles.
Originally posted by antiworst:
...Goodell, are you watching? This is going to turn into a South American soccer league pretty soon.

Or the WWE?
I'm going to cry out my first " it's time to deal with the refs" plea.
This weeks games show that the players certainly won't control themselves, and the head shots were plentiful. For a league that is ballyhooing it's concussion/brain injury "awareness", it's the ultimate hypocrisy.
And no matter how much anyone can bitch about PI's, holding, and such, some of these shots today were downright dangerous. The league can issue all the "don't bully the refs" memos they want, but until Goodell takes action, it won't be anything but window dressing. He has always been fairly quick to pull the trigger for off-field conduct; the same standard should apply to on-field. Just sayin', Rog...

It would behoove the Packers to protect themselves AT ALL TIMES tomorrow night.
I agree Timmy. Watching Red Zone, I could not believe how many big hits there were that left players looking woozy. And there was no consistency. Don't call a blow to the head one play, then call it on the next one where the ball carrier is low to the ground and the defender's shoulder pads hit the helmet--how on earth do players know what is a legal tackle these days?

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