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I don't get what people have against him. He doesn't act like a dink, plays hard, doesn't spout off at the mouth... I don't think he worth the coin, but he has put up big numbers. He's a lot like Donovan McNabb- he has been successful, but always manages to make the play that loses the bigger game. Against the lower level teams, he makes his $$$.
Originally posted by Fedya:
I don't get what people have against him.

He's perpetually overrated because he plays for Dallas.

I like to watch sports, not certain celebrities who happen to play sports, and find the increasing tendency to ignore many of the competitors and only focus on a few famous people to be irritating and often a bad thing.

Whose press is Tony Romo stealing? Is there any NFL player who puts up numbers that Romo does that doesn't get publicity? It's not like the guy is say, Mark Sanchez. He has 7 years as the starting QB for the Cowboys, one of which he missed 11 games due to injury. So in 6+ years as a starter, he amasses 25,000 yards, 171 TDs to 91 ints, and suddenly the only reason he's talked about is because he's a celebrity?

That's total BS...
McNabb did a lot more to help his team win though than Romo.

Romo is Jay Cutler without the attitude. He'll make some great plays and throws and put up stats, but that's only part of being a great QB. Is he a leader? Does he play with confidence? Is he clutch? Those are factors where the jury is out on Romo.

Personally, I don't think he's a top 10 QB. I might even be able to rattle off a dozen guys that I'd take today over him to start for my NFL team.
Originally posted by TravisLL:
He is 5th all time in QB rating. His playoff record is 1-3. If you take away the 2010 season its the same record as Aaron Rodgers. Football is a team sport. Tony Romo gets a bad rep from Cowboys fans spoiled by years of success. He was probably over paid some, but not as bad as Flacco was over paid.

Interesting how the numbers tell a different story. There is no arguing the blunders in crucial times but there is so much talk about Jerry Jones being the GM and not being qualified to build a champion. Could that be the true reason the Pokes haven't had success and in reality Romo is the reason they are even contending?
Are you serious Travis? When's the last time Romo won a big game or MVP or anything that actually mattered? QB rating? Whats next? QBR rating to make him look better than he is ala Tim Tebow? Oh yeah been there done that.

Romo is perfect for the Cowboys. All flash but not as much substance. They are more concerned about looking good than the actual results or doing the little things to win.
Dallas enters salary cap hell. They overpay Romo so that he will sign a cap friendly deal. They use the cap money that save this year to sign a couple stop gap vets. Cause they are just a player or two away?

Cap friendly for this year, but it will burden them for the next 3-5. It gives Romo such a high number in the out years that they will have to renegotiate or dump him. Selling the future to buy today only works IF you win it all today, as the Ravens did. For the Boys, this is a bad call. For Romo - hey, good for him. He takes the Boys money and I'm sure he will do more good with it that Jerruh ever did.

Proof that having a lot of money is not related to being smart.
My only point is I don't hate on Romo as much as others tend to do, and I don't consider him a failure. He's an average QB who plays for a high profile franchise and a whacked out owner. He doesn't come across as the type of player and guy who brings the limelight he gets on himself, and rather I've seen him take the brunt of the responsibility when they lose. If Dallas wants to pay him mega cash then that's their problem, not a reflection on Romo or what he represents. I'll go so far to say he seems to carry himself a lot like Rodgers minus Rodger's talent.
Are you serious Travis? When's the last time Romo won a playoff game or MVP or anything that actually mattered? QB rating? Whats next? QBR rating to make him look better than he is ala Tim Tebow? Oh yeah been there done that.

Romo is perfect for the Cowboys. All flash but not as much substance. They are more concerned about looking good than the actual results or doing the little things to win.

Fact: He is 5th all time in QB rating.
Fact: His playoff record is 1-3. If you take away Aaron Rodgers 2010 season they have the same record.
Fact: Football is a team sport

My opinion: Tony Romo gets a bad rep from Cowboys fans spoiled by years of success. He was probably over paid some, but not as bad as Flacco was over paid.

Tony Romo is a good QB. I think people let their hatred for the Cowboys and Jerry Jones trickle down to Tony Romo. As michiganjoe said Tony Romo is a lot like Favre. Without Reggie White or Desmond Howard I'm not sure Favre is winning anything. Yet this is suppose to be the measure of a "good" QB.
Originally posted by TravisLL:
I'm just putting things in a different light. Aaron Rodgers is a much better QB, but without that 2010 run your looking at the same post season record. The Packers barely got in the playoffs that year.

That's not a "different light". It's selective horse**** and the epitome of the conspiracy mindset. Facts, they're there for a reason. Use them, all of them.

That's like saying if you leave out the fat girl from the Kwiky Mart you're a virgin.

As far as your "barely made the playoffs", go ask the Steelers and Giants Superbowl teams how they "barely made the playoffs". That's why making the playoffs in the first place is a big deal and what you do in the spotlight an even bigger deal. I could give two ****s about Tony Romo but since this is the discussion what has Rodgers done vs. Romo when it counted most? Use your head.
This is yet another example of tying an NFL player's football value to the size of their paycheck. And when it comes to Jerruh, that fits perfectly

But Romo signing a top deal doesn't mean he's now a top QB - what it more likely means is that Jerruh and his accountants figured out that they can still make enough cash to pay for the Palace and Romo ,so it all works out financially

Jones is a dork, but he is worth over $2 billion and he knows that if he sells X number of Romo jerseys a month to a fan base spread all over the world- that alone will cover this contract. And that's without tickets sales, beer sales and any other merchandise.

It truly is a business and from a business ( not football) point of view, Romo still fills enough seats and sells enough jerseys to make the math work out

That's why the deal makes no sense to us, because we're foolish enough to look at it from a football point of view. They look at it from a bottom line point of view and when the owners are printing cash...they can make these kind of deals even though Tony is at best the 16th ranked QB in the league... Average

The statement was made that the only reason Romo gets coverage is because he plays in Dallas. But the nNumbers tell a different story.

I think people do project dislike on Romo simply because of who he plays for. You'd think people from WI especially would be congratulating the guy, the same way people support Russell Wilson because of his WI ties. To me they're in the same category. I say good for him, glad we have #12.
Originally posted by RatPack:

When the game is on the line and some juiced up animal is about to introduce himself to your spleen can you hit the right color jersey?

Yep, and just as important is whether or not your teammates BELIEVE you can
When Montana stepped in the huddle, they knew he could. When Romo steps into the huddle, they know he hasn't

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