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Originally posted by TravisLL:
He is 5th all time in QB rating. His playoff record is 1-3. If you take away the 2010 season its the same record as Aaron Rodgers. Football is a team sport. Tony Romo gets a bad rep from Cowboys fans spoiled by years of success. He was probably over paid some, but not as bad as Flacco was over paid.

This is one of the dumbest arguments I've ever read!
Travis' twisting of stats reminds me of the quote, ( wish I remember who said it); "According to statistics, if you stand with one foot in a bucket of ice water and one foot in a camp fire you should be perfectly comfortable."

BTW... Whining to your girlfriend about Hank makes you one of the universes biggest pussy's.
Bunch of immature adults. Children in adult bodies.

First off, if someone believes the moon landing was staged or 9/11 was in inside job (FYI - millions believe this) they are apparently worthy to be treated like DIRT, at least according to this forums majority.

Secondly, since this thread is suppose to be about Tony Romo and not conspiracy theories, let's stick to that. The Packers were one game away from not making the playoffs in 2010. They were the 6th seed. They were lucky to make the playoffs. That is not five "ifs". That is not ten "ifs". That is one very likely "if" that almost happened. Matter a fact at one point they didn't even control their own destiny. If that "one" thing does happen then Aaron Rodgers and Tony Romo have the same playoff record. Very believable. That doesn't mean I think Aaron Rodgers and Tomo Romo are equals. That doesn't mean I think Tony Romo deserves his contract. Matter a fact I think Tony Romo is not clutch, but that doesn't mean he is not a good QB. Guarantee if he was cut tomorrow there would be 10-15 teams vying for his services. Doesn't really matter if you hate him. That's reality and reality says he's a good QB that has come up short in big games. Good luck finding a clutch QB because it's HARD to find. Dan Marino's 8-10 playoff record. Zero Super Bowl wins. Hall of Fame quarterback. Reality. Maybe if Tony Romo was a Packer this conversation would be different. Throws for 4900+ yards last year which is good enough for top ten all time, but he sucks. Yeah. Tell me some more lies.

Continue your hate feast and illogical reasoning.
Travis, there's not a lot, if anything, I can add, and I'm not gonna try to pile on, but I look at the 2010 season from a totally different viewpoint.
To me, it's not that the Packers "backed in" to the playoffs; rather, they rose to the occassion! It's just as likely they were 2,3,4 games better than 10-6 than not, but circumstances dictated otherwise.
However, the very things you mention in previous posts about football being a team sport are precisely what applies here. Overcoming the injuries that year was one of the most remarkable things I've seen in football, and for each individual component to come together that made that happen is a rarity. Some folks could say it was magical, divined, and/or destiny, and I wouldn't argue with them. It was amazing to say the least.
That the Packers went on to win the SB in a somewhat dominant fashion supports my theory, if I may say so myself. Big Grin

I think Romo is a good QB, but I've always lumped him into a self-created group of similar QBs; Flacco, Sanchez, Cutler, and Ryan as examples. They're good enough to compete for a playoff berth most years, but they just can't "lead" their respective teams to a SB, whatever the circumstances. The obvious exception is Flacco, but he just achieved his success this this past season after 5 years of trying. Romo and Cutler have a 2-year headstart on Flacco, and Ryan is same year, so I think it's safe to say Flacco has been ahead of the curve of this group. Is he really a better QB than all these other guys, or did he just get lucky, or do we need to 'take away' one of their years? Razzer
Also, Romo plays under the most difficult of conditions, IMHO. He's cursed by Jerruh's brilliant GM decisions, including the coaching staff, and likely will be the next couple of years considering their salary cap situation. Even if Romo plays at a Top-5 level, there may not be enough overall talent on the team to support that.
Tony Romo's mega contract that throws off what actually elite QBs should be making...just one more reason to HATE Jerry Jones. I think Jones is so panicked about potentially losing Romo and going through another series of has been/never was QBs like he went through after Aikman that he did whatever it took to keep him. Romo is in the top 10 of QBs in the NFL in terms of talent and he occasionally flashes elite playmaking ability, but he's so wildly inconsistent that it's hard to say he should be among the highest paid.
Originally posted by TravisLL:
Bunch of immature adults. Children in adult bodies.

First off, if someone believes the moon landing was staged or 9/11 was in inside job (FYI - millions believe this) they are apparently worthy to be treated like DIRT, at least according to this forums majority.

Secondly, since this thread is suppose to be about Tony Romo and not conspiracy theories, let's stick to that. The Packers were one game away from not making the playoffs in 2010. They were the 6th seed. They were lucky to make the playoffs. That is not five "ifs". That is not ten "ifs". That is one very likely "if" that almost happened. Matter a fact at one point they didn't even control their own destiny. If that "one" thing does happen then Aaron Rodgers and Tony Romo have the same playoff record. Very believable. That doesn't mean I think Aaron Rodgers and Tomo Romo are equals. That doesn't mean I think Tony Romo deserves his contract. Matter a fact I think Tony Romo is not clutch, but that doesn't mean he is not a good QB. Guarantee if he was cut tomorrow there would be 10-15 teams vying for his services. Doesn't really matter if you hate him. That's reality and reality says he's a good QB that has come up short in big games. Good luck finding a clutch QB because it's HARD to find. Dan Marino's 8-10 playoff record. Zero Super Bowl wins. Hall of Fame quarterback. Reality. Maybe if Tony Romo was a Packer this conversation would be different. Throws for 4900+ yards last year which is good enough for top ten all time, but he sucks. Yeah. Tell me some more lies.

Continue your hate feast and illogical reasoning.

Jesus dude, change your name to ButthurtLL.

You made a very dumb statement. At least be man enough to own that schit.

If Romo were a Packer I feel it would be safe to say the Pack would be 12 time champs, and we would have a QB that regularly disappoints in the playoffs.
I don't hate Romo at all. Seems like a decent enough guy who plays for a douchebag owner/franchise. Just not worth the money, or the praise that gets heaped on him by the Cowboy nut-huggers.
Originally posted by Mr.Yuck:

Jesus dude, change your name to ButthurtLL.

You made a very dumb statement. At least be man enough to own that schit.

If Romo were a Packer I feel it would be safe to say the Pack would be 12 time champs, and we would have a QB that regularly disappoints in the playoffs.
I don't hate Romo at all. Seems like a decent enough guy who plays for a douchebag owner/franchise. Just not worth the money, or the praise that gets heaped on him by the Cowboy nut-huggers.

Pretty much. Peronsally, I could give a flyin' rat fart about Romo one way or another. Just don't bring in weak arguments like an idiot. Somehow the Giants and Steelers championships must be tainted because they "backed into the playoffs". That's what the NFL is today so quit boo hooing.

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