It just occured to me that we have a lot, and I mean a lot of football experts on this board.
I've been disparaged from time to time for lacking knowledge of the game that others here have. Therefore, I'd be interested in learning what other's football "resumes" are with regard to having played the game.
I'll go first.
As many know, I was a life-long soccer "fag", That did not prevent me from playing freshman football at Milwaukee Boys Tech in 1974 (Soccer was only a varsity sport back then and freshman could not play on varsity teams at the time---I had to go out for something.)
First day of school, they make an announcement in the morning that those interested in trying out for the Frosh team needed to report to the cafeteria after school.
Overflow turn-out at the meeting----about 125 boys. Coaches had only brought about 100 physical forms. He went up and down the cafeteria giving the forms to the kids that looked the most promising as football players. I was among the 25 or so that he then told-----"If you're still interested in coming out for the team, come back tommorrow and I'll give you a physical card." Next day, maybe five of us undesireables showed up.
To speed things up, started out as a 7th string tight-end, all 5"7 and 130 pounds of me. I stayed seventh string until the one day Coach decided to see how his tight-ends could catch the football.
Let's just say that this soccer goalie showed them boys a thing or two about catching the ball. Became a starter, caught a lot of passes and even scored a couple of touch downs.
Retired after that season to a life of soccer.
So........I played the game bitches.
I'd love to hear the football backgrounds of some of my X4 brothers!
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