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I played football for two years. The second year I was a starting G, but I was replaced if we faced a quicker opponent. I had trouble with a certain level of physical quickness. I also had not grown since 7th grade and stopped at 5-10, 160. I was the smallest guy on the OL but I could handle bigger, slower guys in our scheme โ€“ at least to a point. I wasnโ€™t going to wow anyone throwing the ball, my foot speed wasn't all that great, so noticing my lack really good physical attributes, I quit. To my surprise both players and coaches talked to me about it. And to this day, I donโ€™t know what they were surprised about. I could see the hand writing on the wall plain enough. I wasnโ€™t going to any college on a scholarship, so I decided to earn some money for college.

However, I got to do some coaching later. I took college level football and basketball coaching classes because of interest only โ€“ and they let me. I coached an offense for an intramural football team that went undefeated (the defense was really good). And I got to coach girls basketball at both the HS and college intramural level. One of those college girls became my wife. Smiler I also coached some HS softball & chess. Back when chess was a competitive HS activity, we placed 13th in the state of Illinois the first year, and 2nd in the state the following year. I had some really, really good kids then too. One of them stays in touch to this day. He is now a cancer doctor in California. Without getting into the details, my employment as a HS teacher ended after the second year of coaching chess. That is when I started my engineering career.

But then I was in the process of getting my own kids to teach. I have 5 kids. One had interest, but no athletic ability. One had no interest in sports. Two girls played HS varsity basketball. And my only son was a very good HS football and baseball player. He led the conference in receiving as a TE his junior year, and led our metro-area in home runs as a senior. He played baseball at the D-IA level. Needless to say, at 6-4, 230 lbs, you couldnโ€™t look at me and envision him. I would attend my kidsโ€™ practices so that I could see what the coaches were teaching, and then at home help them understand it when they were having problems or wanted help. I also helped with a few of the drills for some of my kids non-HS teams when the coaches wanted me to. All that was years ago. All but one of my kids are gone and on their own. And the one that is left will be gone in 2012 โ€“ she is engaged - finally.

In my experience, good coaches may not be blessed with good players and when they are they should count their blessings. In football while the fundamentals generally are the same, the style and scheme can change a lot. I like keeping up with it to the extent I can. All of the above means I had some fun โ€“ it doesnโ€™t mean I know much about the fine details of what they are doing today at the pro level - other than what I read about and see on the field.
I played Jr. High and was a starting CB, although I didn't defend one pass outside of intrasquad games. I changed position in Sr. High and got all-state honors as a QB and LB for 4 straight years (played both ways). After that I went to college and blew out my knees, but still managed to win 4 Heisman trophies. After college, I decided to work in North Korea as a caddy for Kim Jong Il. I did the round with him where he got 11 hole in ones. Yeah, that's the ticket. After that I decided to be a scientist.
Actually, I was always a meat and potatoes guy. When I was a kid, I would dribble my basketball to the courts, dribble back for lunch, back to the courts, back for supper, back to the courts.

Football and basketball. I wasn't very good in baseball tho.

My older brother was different. Did all the solitary activities. Gymnastics, kayaking, as example. I never would have thought of doing gymnastics in a million years save for my brother.

It was classic sibling rivalry.

By the way, BK, funny you mention whiteys and such. I remember one time a bunch of us guys (all white) went to Algonquin Park to play football. Lo and behold, there is another group of guys there. Roughly same number as us, but all black.

They challenged us. All the white guys left, except for me. So, I played with all the black kids. Fared pretty well, actually. Our QB (still remember him) was razzing them cuz they couldn't cover me. But, some of those guys started getting mad and dropping some iron on me!

In retrospect, I feel so good that I stayed.

Great story...

Here's mine.

This one time me and my buddies (13-14 years-old) were playing football in Hubbard Park on the river in Milwaukee/Shorewood. There was a group of black kids accross the river and lets just say, words were exchanged.

Damn if one of them didn't have a car and 15 minutes later after they crossed the Locust Street bridge they showed up at Hubbard Park.

They only beat up Chip Taylor cause he was the mouthiest one.

Good times. Good times.
3 year starter in the Wis Valley Conference. TE and DE and every special team. Never came out of a game. Our team used to do nut cracker and circle drill at half time. Needless to say, after a game you were dead beat. After the season, if you stayed in one piece, you felt like you could leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Those years Antigo and DC Everest were the powerhouses in the state. Used to get our you know whats kicked. My claim to fame was Mike Webster was All State at RT at Rhinelander. I was RDE in our game with the Hodags and I was killing their QB. Hodags switched Webster on me late in the game. I ran around him twice to sack their QB last 2 plays of the game to preserve our 7-0 victory. (Maybe it was 6-0, dunno.)

Had enough pinched nerves and elbow injuries to make college football impossible. Of course, turning into a long haired hippie made football seem rather remote anyway. Much more interested in my cross, ah, of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia.

So I got that goin' for me, which is nice.

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