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It literally does no good to fire MM at this point. There is no clear in house candidate to take over. Unless, you just want to spare him the dead man walking month after what he's given GB and how he's carried himself. He's a good man how never made excuses and never threw anyone else under the bus. 

Normally, you'd start playing some rookies to see how they perform, but those guys are already playing. They don't even have a QB of the future they can give snaps to in the second halves of some of these games. I don't think Kizer is going to be that guy. 

Pikes Peak posted:

When you lose to the worst team in the league in a must win game at home there are no pluses....NONE

I respect that opinion, but anything that makes even more glaring the need to can MM can be seen as a plus.

I actually looked for the selfie I took with a glass of champagne to celebrate the Capers firing so I can reuse it to celebrate the MM firing.

MichiganPacker2 posted:

It literally does no good to fire MM at this point. There is no clear in house candidate to take over. Unless, you just want to spare him the dead man walking month after what he's given GB and how he's carried himself. He's a good man how never made excuses and never threw anyone else under the bus. 

Normally, you'd start playing some rookies to see how they perform, but those guys are already playing. They don't even have a QB of the future they can give snaps to in the second halves of some of these games. I don't think Kizer is going to be that guy. 

No reason not to.  Philbin, Pettine.  You can't dump the entire staff so let's see them run the same offense and see how much Rodgers has been ruining the team without McVince trying to save him.

skully posted:

+  Probably be a lot of  cheap tickets available next week against Atlanta.

Julio Jones 84 catches, 1305 yards, 3 TDs

Davate Adams 85 catches 1115 yards, 11 TDs

Matt Ryan 3683 yards, 24 TDs, 5 Ints

Aaron Rodgers 3504 yards, 21 TDs, 1 Ints

Those are some amazing numbers for teams with 30 million dollar QBs and Pro Bowl WRs to both have 4 wins at this stage of the season. 


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