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I watch these other NFL teams, and they just feel different when watching them.....they’ve got more zip, more spunk, more enthusiasm, more energy.  And I really can’t say i’ve seen much of the Packers lately, but reading here it sounds like they have just quit.  That’s the kiss of death to ANY team.   Another week of no sports coverage, no radio sports shows, no tv sports shows, gawd I hate that.  How many weeks left??  

MichiganPacker2 posted:
skully posted:

+  Probably be a lot of  cheap tickets available next week against Atlanta.

Julio Jones 84 catches, 1305 yards, 3 TDs

Davate Adams 85 catches 1115 yards, 11 TDs

Matt Ryan 3683 yards, 24 TDs, 5 Ints

Aaron Rodgers 3504 yards, 21 TDs, 1 Ints

Those are some amazing numbers for teams with 30 million dollar QBs and Pro Bowl WRs to both have 4 wins at this stage of the season. 


Players just need to be better than coaching. 

lovepack posted:

50 pass attempts? 50?

Arizona shut down the run. Jones had 11 carries for 36 yards. Williams was 7 for 13. MM did actually become creative in the run game using MVS 2 carries for 29 yards. 

Someone should look back at the last time the Packers went an entire game without a 20 yard pass play. Adams had a 19 yard reception on the penultimate drive. MVS had a 21 yard run. 

ChilliJon posted:
MichiganPacker2 posted:
skully posted:

+  Probably be a lot of  cheap tickets available next week against Atlanta.

Julio Jones 84 catches, 1305 yards, 3 TDs

Davate Adams 85 catches 1115 yards, 11 TDs

Matt Ryan 3683 yards, 24 TDs, 5 Ints

Aaron Rodgers 3504 yards, 21 TDs, 1 Ints

Those are some amazing numbers for teams with 30 million dollar QBs and Pro Bowl WRs to both have 4 wins at this stage of the season. 


Players just need to be better than coaching. 

Or they need coaches not to hamstring them.

Maynard posted:

Rodgers missed on a lot of throws.  A LOT.  No one on this team looks like they give 2 shits about anything.

Lots of really bad drops. Agree that everyone has cashed out 2018. 

Mike should have been fired 3 weeks ago. 

Fedya posted:
Goldie posted:

Wait, I got a positive.....Joe Buck and what’s his name didn’t announce the Packer game.   

How would you know? You were busy watching HSN.

They’re announcing the queen/Pats no Packer game.  

Chongo posted:


Watch the post game presser and tell me #12 is a fukking Diva...

Dude is the consummate professional and leader. He's not the problem, McDumFukk is.

I know....Aaron is the professional...said he could have done a lot better, and his WR’s could have as well, but he did take blame, NOT like some other QB the Packers had.  I always feel better listening to him.......still my boyfriend.

Let’s be clear. The Packers just lost to a 2 win team that plays in the desert traveling to a city with winds and snow flurries and Green Bay was a 15 point favorite. 

There will never, ever be a greater example of systematical failure than today. And I’m not talking just Mike. It’s Murphy as well. 

Today was a confluence of stupidity thinking Rodgers was good enough. 

Brainwashed Boris posted:

Colts scored 0 today.....


Has nothing to do with this thread just posting a fact.

So are you saying we are 17 points better than the Colts?  And they have Luck on their side.  Better to have Arrant Rodgers than be Luck(y)?  

The Patriots are a lot like the Packers: Big name QB, good RB and a bunch of bit players. And they're just moving on the Vikings and playing with enthusiasm. They just ran a sweep that turned into a shovel pass. Creative, great scheme and interested players. Is that too much to ask from coaches and players making millions?

Last edited by NedFlanders
NedFlanders posted:

The Patriots are a lot like the Packers: Big name QB, good RB and a bunch of bit players. And they're just moving on the Vikings and playing with enthusiasm. They just ran a sweep that turned into a shovel pass. Creative, great scheme and interested players. Is that too much to ask from coaches and players making millions?

Stupid question

Goldie posted:

and playing with enthusiasm, ah thank you Ned.......I believe I’ve been saying that for weeks.  JMHO.   

Yep. I mean the Pats are manhandling the Queens with smiles on their faces. I know everyone is sick of BB and Brady, but it's a beautiful thing to watch.

Face it, coaching is mucho important but a miracle worker would not put this bunch in the playoffs much less the SB.  A lot of course is injuries and some of the guys playing to day should not be on the roster, much less playing major roles.

On O after 12, Adams,  Bak and 33, D, has Clark, Daniels, 23 and maybe Martinez.  The young receivers and d backs may get there but they are not there yet.  The rest are just guys.

I'm in the camp that the O lone is in need of players, starters and reserves. How can Spriggs still be here?  There must be a fat guy bagging groceries somewhere who can be better than him?  Have they looked?

MM has not helped and he needs to go but the new guy is not getting a great roster to work with.


NedFlanders posted:
Goldie posted:

and playing with enthusiasm, ah thank you Ned.......I believe I’ve been saying that for weeks.  JMHO.   

Yep. I mean the Pats are manhandling the Queens with smiles on their faces. I know everyone is sick of BB and Brady, but it's a beautiful thing to watch.

We saw the Vikings last week. We know they aren’t very good either. 

MichiganPacker2 posted:

It literally does no good to fire MM at this point.

Disagree. I want to send a clear message to every single coaching candidate NOW that you shouldn't take the shitty ass Carolina job or Cincy job, and you should wait for the opportunity to coach the best QB in the game.

Put Zook in charge the rest of the year, who cares. Winning games at this point is simply detrimental to the rebuild. 

pkr_north posted:
Henry posted:
pkr_north posted:

- wayyyy too much sandlot football going on

You mean all the short passes and handoffs?

no i mean all the running and improvising then the bomb to nowhere.

Because of the stellar oline play and the when McVince goes into "Aaron will handle it" offense?  Do you think McVince isn't calling some of those shots down the field?  

What's funny is how everyone talks about McVince being the pinnacle of WC playcalling when this isn't and never has been a WC offense.  When everything was firing were people bitching about "sandlot"?  It's all ugly right now.  

Last edited by Henry
Timmy! posted:

Who cares if it does any good to fire MM now?
It's not gonna make a nickle's worth of difference to the team or fan base. 
The season will play out the same regardless of who is HC.

Run all their asses off.
There's enough guys on this board to coach positions and STs for 4 more games.
And the team wouldn't be any worse for it.

Somehow I don’t think we would have required coordinated outfits. 

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