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I don't think it's so much about next year. It's about what he can do in years 2-4 of the deal. It's probably in both his and the Packers' best financial interest to move along. Along with a Superbowl run comes every sloppy team wanting the players that helped get you there. TT will let the market set the value, someone (probably the Jets) is going to give him a big offer, and TT will take a pass.
Originally posted by fightphoe93:
I get the impression that Jenkins wants to go back to playing in a 4-3 defense. I'd love the Pack to keep him, but I suspect we will be watching him play for someone else in the future. The returns of Mike Neal and Johnny Jolly back would definitely take the sting out of his loss if they both can come back.

Why do get that impression? He really fits in either scheme so I doubt he cares. He's getting the same sack numbers in this D I think. He deserves a big deal, 4 or 5 years IMO. He's one of the best 34 Ends in the NFL and deserves to be paid like it.
From what they've said in recent weeks on the radio, it's not his ability that the Packers have questions about, it's his durability. Last year I don't think he missed any games but he missed quite a few this season and missed most of the 2008 season. Considering he's already 30 I can see why he may not stay in GB. He is one of the best 3-4 DEs in the league when healthy I hope that they can keep him.
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
I don't know how these guys can leave a winning team for a loser. I know it is all about money but, that has to suck to get you butt kicked all season while your old team makes a SB run.

But hey, you got 10% more money, right!!

Especially how it went down this year with the Pack having to claw it out and peaking at the end. You'd hope they'd see GB is THE PLACE to be next year. This team still has a TON of premium football in it.

Yeah, why collect Super Bowl rings right? Even if they lose this one, it is the top spot to be to try next year.
It would be a blow to the d-line, losing a proven guy. But at the same time, given the track record this year of plugging in players, I believe the front office would no doubt do their homework as to who would be a reliable replacement. Wilson has contributed down the stretch, Neal will hopefully be rid of the injuries. Not sure why people don't like Pickett, who's been solid and healthy and busted his tail even though his name doesn't get mentioned a ton. That is, after all the main job of the 3-4 DL, to be a magnet for blockers and let the Clay Matthews of the team do their thing.

Jenkins has been a very good player, and a playmaker, but in retrospect so was Jolly, and the defense lived and thrived without him all season.
Originally posted by JJSD:
Those are individual decisions. I don't think you'll find too many old-time guys crowing about their contract in the press after they're retired. Some guys won't care about an extra $15 million to have for their nest egg, others will.

I think that would be a great idea for a book or a magazine article.

Look at a sample of players that turned down contract offers from playoff teams and signed somewhere else via free agency. Compare the contracts and how the rest of the players' careers went and ask them if it was worth it.

Are some teams really offering 70% more than other teams for the same players?
Yeah, I would definitely give that a read if it was out there. IMHO JMO the perspectives would be defined by how they managed their money regardless of whether they left for a bigger contract or not. If they pissed it away, they'd probably say leaving wasn't worth it. If they didn't, they'd probably talk about how their families are set for generations. The guys who stayed for less money would probably be separated out by the same variable.
Darnell Dockett is 4 months younger than Jenkins and just signed a 6 year, 56 million deal back in September. I don't think age is that big of a factor, especially since Jenkins hasn't shown any signs of slowing down. If anything he's gotten better from last season to this season. Injuries are a concern as he's missed a lot of time the last couple years and I think that would drive down his price a little, but the D is clearly better with him in there. We got by with Pickett, Raji, Wilson, etc. and we're going to get Jolly and Neal back next year, but if there's a way to get Jenkins back I think we definitely should.
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
Look at a sample of players that turned down contract offers from playoff teams and signed somewhere else via free agency. Compare the contracts and how the rest of the players' careers went and ask them if it was worth it.

only one example, but it worked pretty well for Reggie
Originally posted by FreeSafety:

Are some teams really offering 70% more than other teams for the same players?

I guess when you can find and develop quality players like TT and the Packers coaching staff can, you end up with quality players at a reasonable price.

When you're the Redskins, you have no choice but to grossly over pay for quality talent, cuz you sure can't develop it on your own.

Still, I hope TT can find a way to keep Jenkins around.
Originally posted by Satori:
If Jenkins wants "very good money and a great team", GB will find a way

If Jenkins wants "great money" he will have other options

I agree with Satori. Jenkins will have to give a hometown discount in order to stay in GB. At the very least he will play for less money if he stays with GB than he could get on the open market.

Then again other teams may shy away from Cullen because of his injuries and maybe even because of his brother's injury history.

Big Good Olineman and Dlineman that take care of themselves can play at a high level till their mid thirties in fact some dont excell till they are older. The only way I see Jenkins staying is if he signs a 3 year deal so he may be able to get one more good contract
The Packers run a 3-4. I believe they kept 6 guys this past year.

Right now, they have Raji, Pickett, Neal, Harrell, and Wilson as those players signed I believe. Wynn is also in the mix. Harrell was hurt earlier enough that he "should" be healthy for camp. Maybe he's hungry and this super bowl run fires him up.

Green has no contract so who knows. Jenkins is an UFA.

We all know TT values draft picks so a big contract offer and he's going to probably get a 3rd round pick in return because we will not sign anyone.

There is also a good mix of DE and DT's who can play end in the 3-4 in the draft.

The Packers also possibly will have a void at LG come this next offseason with Spitz and Colledge unsigned. You would think with the success of the Packers some team"Raiders" would possibly sign Colledge to a decent deal.
It will be hard to give Jenkins a contract of low base dollars and with lots of insentives, because of the rotation the Packers use many probably would not be met. Let's face it, with all the guys TT has had to bring in and these guys have played well, some very good players who contributed well either this season or in the past will not be Packers next season. And there will be much debate amomng fans as to who should be kept and who should be let go.
Keep in mind that Cullen has seen his brother go out and make big bucks in free agency, with great timing: before his past two seasons ended with blown-out knees. Also saw Corey Williams, who couldn't carry his jock, con the Browns into a major payday.

I think Cullen is a great player and a great Packer (perfect for Dom's 3-4 with the current cast of players), but I can see him looking for the big bucks, especially if he gets his ring in two weeks.

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