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Originally posted by Finleyfor6:
One thing that nobody has brought up is the fact that if CJ moves on with a big new contract he risks the chance of injury and being cut.

I think it's also fair to say that the Packers are a pretty good risk if you're in that situation. TT is constantly looking to get younger unless he's unsure of a position. Al Harris is gone and they weren't waiting for Tausch to get better. Atari Bigby is as good as gone and Barnett might be too. Roster spots are so valuable you just can't sit on one for a broken down old guy.

Cullen Jenkins, imo, is looking for a big fat signing bonus and I can't blame him. This is his last chance in life to sign a seven figure deal. The love of the game is one thing but at the end of the day it's a business and you have to look out for your future. From his perspective he's going to be working his tail off wherever he goes, may as well get paid for it.
Well if Cullen is looking for a big fat signing bonus that could be paid up front then it's a no brainer, sign him ASAP. Front load a contract and make the deal extremely team friendly for every year except the first year. That's a win-win situation IMO, the team is strapped in the first year sure, but all remaining years the cap hit is extremely manageable if Jenkins declines or gets hurt or whatever. If Jenkins is looking for a big payday and some security, then a front loaded, multi-year deal makes sense for him.

It's the same thing with AJ Hawk in my opinion. If we cut Hawk, he would get a very nice deal somewhere else and would probably make close to 10 mil this year anyway...I say sign Hawk to a new deal that is front loaded so he makes that 10 mil this year and then the remainder of his contract is reasonable and manageable.

Some may not want to tie up so much money on the DLine, but Pickett's 2011 cap number is a very reasonable 2.7 and Raji's is just under 1. If we cut Justin Harrell (which is inevitable), then in reality we hardly have anything tied up on the line. And at ILB, Chillar's cap number is reasonable, and I don't know about Bishop's but it can't be over 5. Barnett's number is high at 5.5, but I don't believe he will be on the team after the draft (traded). So I say re-do Hawk's deal and pay him a bunch of money up front.
Here's the other thing; the owners are essentially asking the players to take a pay cut with the new CBA. Won't they have to adjust the salary cap accordingly? The salary cap has steadily increased to this point. That's coming to an end. No matter what there always seems to be one GM that will bust the market for a free agent they value. I think we may be re entering the days where teams are tight against the cap and I don't think Jenkins is the kind of guy you can afford in that situation. There is a ton of young talent that is going to need to be re-signed. I'll take whichever of that group proves to the people who decide is worth more than an aging DL with less future than value.

Mike McCarthy Press Conf. Transcript - Jan. 24
[b]You mentioned personnel evaluation and then getting guys to step in for players that have been injured. That obviously plays a role. How much of it is also cultural in terms of what you or the organization does in getting guys in the mentality to do that?
I think it's how you piece it all together. To me, when we talked about building a program, you know you have player acquisition. You have player instruction. You have player finance. Those three categories have to come together, and we have that in place. I think culture, everything you do has to be about your culture... And once again, Ted, he's the head of the football operations and he makes the tough key decisions, and he's a big reason why we're all standing here today.
I think TT protects himself by letting CJ go. He already has Pickett to set the tone for that position group. From what he's done in the past the only old guys TT keeps around are the leaders. CJ is a performer but he's not a leader. I think Jordy and Finley are FA next year. Still have to save money for them as well.

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